I love jazz, but not everyone does. Click it off if it distracts you.


From this to ruins.and these ruins from a different angleCould they be rebuilt to their original grandeur?

The life of a quester can be filled with little disappointments. For instance when I suggested such a project with original specs and plans showing how the Roman Coliseum could once again be a world wonder, it was met with such damp enthusiasm I gave up. By the way, this model may still be stored in a locked room up on the second floor of what is left of the structure.

Admitted, the project would have been harder reproducing all the statues with accurate names on their correct pedestles than doing the stone work again. But then, the ruins would no longer be such a tourist draw. What would be the attraction? Hard to find any cooperative Christians to throw to the lions and today's animal kingdom has become very diet conscious. Gotta watch those calories.

There was one quest carried through to completion I really enjoyed. A special friend and myself flew over to London and sought out the one and only shop that sold a reed picnic basket woven underwater by the blind. Research before the trip revealed it would just fit into the trunk of a Jaguar XKE.
and if you click on the Quester's yellow bomb you'll see whether or not he was successful. The picnic was so great, my guest and I decided to take our clothes off and join the horses in a friendly romp. Afterwards, when we looked around, there wasn't a horse around. Too much "horsing around" I would imagine.

With our new London purchase, we traveled over to southern France looking to see the wild horses of the Camarague swamps running free. Yes, they did splash water high over their heads as they galloped free across those swampy areas west of Marseille.

So many good places to paint in France. Click on picture and see the way the Isle of St. Michael actually came out on canvas.

Now you are ready to go to go onward to page 5. Here's hoping you have time to make it over there.

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