I love jazz, but not everyone does. Click it off if it distracts you.


Everyone should be so lucky as I have been in my adventures while traveling around the world and half way around as many times as I have been able to do. Yes, one appreciates their own country even more after surviving time away while discovering other cultures and life-styles.

There was a time in the Sea Of Cortez when I died. Click on this picture to see me suit up for my death-defying dive. It happened while doing a scuba dive from a dive ship. Suddenly I had an asthma attack and quickly lost consciousness settling to the bottom in fifty feet of water. My dive buddy,
a university student, left my side and never even knew I was in trouble (she's in the picture). It was by fortunate luck that the dive master discovered my inert form some 7 to 9 minutes after I was out and gone. I was slapped back into the world after seeing the white light at the end of the tunnel.

Actually, the Sea of Cortez off of Baja Penisula is quite calm. I had always thought if I spent the rest of my life on the water I would die between the jaws of a shark. Didn't work out that way, knock on salt. Picture underneath shows a tall mast sailer that I painted for my den.

The years of crusing the West Coast was one of great adventure and exploring exciting cities. Behind this picture is one showing me in Arizona grass a far cry from those deep sea waters. When I wasn't on my boat I was back enjoying the southern deserts of Arizona. Thoses deserts don't change much with age. Wish I could say the same!

There must be a little "sailor" in all of us.Haven't you ever wondered about what it might be like to sail forth into the world? If not, what's your fantasy like?

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