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In November 1952 I sat on the outskirts of El Paso in a place called Logan Heights. Being newly drafted into the Army, I was in basic training and was waiting next to a pay-telephone for a line to become open between Texas and my wife back in college in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It was between 8 and 9 PM and as I watched the sky I saw my first UFO. Calculating it's speed from a mountain range some 40 miles away to the time it went over my head it had to be traveling some 15,000 miles per hour. From that time on I have read most of the literature and the literature is plentiful.

I am convinced that we have other dimensions around us. The literature lately is leaning in that direction. We also have other realities going on around us and that too is being talked about in the more recent books.

What do you think?

Whenever one thinks of how to select books to read upon a subject, it is wise to consider the following points.
1. What are the author's qualifications for writing on this topic?
2. Does the book show political, cultural, or religious biases?
3. Is there a bibliography, footnotes, or lists of sources for further reading?
4. When was the book published? Is it a first edition, a revision, a reprint, or a rerun?
5. What audience was the book intended for?
6. Is the evidence presented clearly and objectively?
7. Is it suitable for your level of understanding, or is it too simple (or too difficult)?
8. Does it have graphs, charts, tables, glossaries, maps, or illustrations?
9. Does it have an index and table of contents?
10. What is the author's thesis or purpose?
11. What facts and opinions are presented?
12. Are various points of view represented?
13. Is this a report of primary research: surveys, experiments, observations?
14. Is it a compilation of information gathered from other books?
15. Are the conclusions justified by the evidence presented?
16. Is this information verified by other books or articles?

Bold print means it is a hardcover

Alschuler, William R.: The Science of UFOs - What If They're Real?. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2002, 211pp., $5.

The author sifts through thousands of reports and identifies commonalities: specific shapes of objects that have reportedly been observed around the world; odd maneovering in the atmosphere, impossible shifts of altitude and accelerations. Next investigated is how their technology may achieve what we observe and a look at alternative types of travel through 4th dimension, wormholes, teleportation, antigravity, and faster than light drives.

ALVA Press: The World's Greatest UFO & Alien Encounters (Conspiracies, abductions, and little green men). New Jersey: Alva Press, 2003, 576pp., $6, Hardcover. (BEST BUY ON THIS SITE!)

With thousands of witnesses and hundreds of photographs it is becoming more and more difficult for skeptics to discount encounters between humans and alien life forms. This book features first hand accounts of abductions and close encounters. One thing I found that put this book ahead of all others on UFOs was its account of Area 51. A fellow who is using technology taken from alien craft the government has stored there and is back-engineering their engines to make our own triangular craft deal with gravity usage. Even bigger surprise is the help that aliens are giving this fellow at that site! It brings together reports that can not be dismissed. Not only that but it is most recent.
This book is a must read for anyone who has a sense of curiosity as to how well our government is working towards making us rather unique and outstanding cooperating earth people actually working with other dimensional cosmic travelers. There is a lot of mystery out there waiting for us to solve. This book gives an opportunity to look over the shoulders of those trying their best to keep the big secrets. It does make one feel more confident that maybe we are more on top of the situation than we thought.
Achenbach, Joel: Captured By Aliens (The Search for Life and Truth in a very Large Universe). New York: Simon & Schuster, 1999, 4l5pp, $13. (hardcover)
First: This guy wasn’t really captured; only his imagination. The publishers say that this book is no small achievement being the last word on the question “Are we alone?” One could say this brilliant and funny writer is a cosmic wit on this topic. Joel is said to be a sane and entertaining guide to the galaxies. The guy is a staff writer for The Washington Post and they take his writing seriously so why shouldn’t we? Well, for one thing I personally could do without so much information on Carl Sagan and so little about aliens or UFOs.

Adams, Mia: The Excyles (True Experiences of a Woman Who is Loved by Extraterrestrials and Romanced by a U.S. Government Intelligence Agent). Fort Lauderdale, Florida:Excelta Publishing, Inc.,1995, 349pp., $8.50.
A 1988 conscious contact with alien intelligences catapulted Mia Adams on a search for answers to questions about herself. A personal spiritual journey unfolded many incredible miracles and synchronicities were manifested. An amazing romantic relationship with a government agent yielded shocking answers and mysterious results. The government agent outlined in detail the agendas of certain alien confederations on Earth in a secret report. It also contained word of special organized intelligence agencies’ networks created to deal with them. If you care about the future of the U.S. and the coming transformation of planet Earth you should treat yourself to this book.

Alnor, William M.: UFO Cults and the New Millennium. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1998, 203pp., $7.

An investigation is made of prominate cults holding close ideas of UFOs being very real. Heaven's Gate and their massive suicides is a big issue with the author. He also goes into the Solar Temple cult, Aum Shinri Kyo, the Raelian Movement and some others.

Most of the leaders of these cults believe they have received revelations and instructions from beings in outer space. Some of their beliefs even results in their belief that only they can save the world. They become fanatics. He does know his Bible and quotes it extensively.

Andreadis, Athena: To Seek Out New Life The Biology of Star Trek. New York:Crown Publishers, Inc., 1998, 273pp., $4.50.

The book asks and answers intriguing questions such as: What is the likeliest case of ESP on the series? How benign is the Prime Directive? What terrestrial life form do the Borg resemble most closely? Is the Vulcan suppression of emotion biologically viable? Could the transporter really split someone's personality? What life form is more likely to exist-- androids or shape-shifters? Can Clingons form a stable society? Where does consciousness go when a crew member of the Enterprise enters the transporter?

Andrews, Colin and Pat Delgado: Circular Evidence(A Detailed Investigation Of the Flattened Swirled Crops Phenomenon). Grand Rapids: Phanes Press, 1989, 191pp., $7.50

This is a compelling, first-hand account by England’s leading investigators of the crop circle enigma. Delgado brought the crop circle enigma to attention of public as early as 1981. It happened at Cheesefoot Head, Hampshire. The book is loaded with pictures.

Baird, John C.: The Inner Limits of Outer Space. Hanover:University Press of New England, 1987, 226pp., $6.

A psychologist critiques our efforts to communicate with extraterrestrial beings. The author has been a participant in NASA feasibility studies. He shows the assumptions behind the search for alien civilizations to be as much a function of human psychology as they are of engineering and physics. Ultimately the quest for extraterrestrials must involve an inner journey as well. This would be one in chich we plumb both the depths of human civilization and our own minds. An interesting idea: the first reception of alien messages will be equivalent to Rorschach inkblots from outer space. People who read them will interpret them according to their own personal hopes, needs, and expectations.

Barclay, David & Therese Marie Barclay: UFO, The Final Answer. (UFOLOGY for the 21st century). London: Blandford Press, 1993, 192pp, $5

The Barclays have gathered together a unique collection of contributions from experts to cover all sides of the UFO debate. Every chapter examines a particular aspect of ufology with each contributor presenting their own individual perspective and argument. (QUESTER’S OPINION) From my own reading I have come to the conclusion that we have inter-dimensional travelers who visit us and astound us with their peculiar technology and bizarre behavior. This collection of ideas and argument is a sincere in-depth discussion concerning this controversial subject. One of the better books I have collected about UFOs.

Barclay, David: Aliens, The Final Answer. (UFOLOGY cosmology for the 21st century). London: Blandford Press, 1995, 192pp, $5

Barclay suggests a fantastic theory relating to where humans came from.

Bates, Al: The Knowing. Blue Star Publications, 1996, 421pp, $7

Bates explains that all of Earth’s turmoil experienced today began with the creation of Homo sapiens some 250,000 years ago by the Nefilim beings from our Tenth Planet. Sounds a little like Zacharia Sitchin’s translations of ancient writings are becoming food for thought. In this book we meet the blond Nefilim god who created Adam and Eve; was the Serpent in the Garden of Eden; saved Noah and his family from the Flood; was the Burning Bush with the Ten Commandments; was Jesus, and channeled “A Course in Miracles.” To start with, The Knowing is about five members of a UFO Club who find an empty Nefilim spacecraft on a Texas ranch. They learn the key to making the spacecraft fly and they go on from there.

Baxter, John & Thomas Atkins: The Fire Came By (The Riddle of the Great Siberian Explosion). New York: Warner Books, 1976, 158pp., $2

Presented is a convincing argument that space probes have come to Earth from planets of other suns. On a clear cloudless morning in 1908, a dazzlingly bright cylindrical object blazed across the skies of Central Siberia and crashed to earth in the most devastating explosion mankind has ever known. Was this the first Atomic blast ever felt on Earth? Is this the terrifying evidence that alien explorers have already visited us from outer space? Included are 22 pages of pictures.

Beckley, Timothy Green: MJ-12 and the Riddle of Hangar 18. New Brunswick, N.J.: Inner Light Publications, 1989, 207pp, $6

Our last 8 presidents have been in on “The Ultimate Deception”. Presented are several illustrations of suppressed C.I.A. documents proving U.S. possesses remains of UFOs and alien beings. Moonwalker Gordon Cooper is one of the astronauts to be quoted in some depth about his positive public statements regarding UFOs. Majestic 12 is well covered as well as Area 51 and Hanger 18. A dozen good pictures concerning UFOs are also presented.

Beckley, Timothy Green: Psychic & UFO Revelations in the Last Days. New Brunswick: Inner Light Publications, 1989, 181pp, $6

The end times…. are they upon us? The Hopi and other American Indian revelations are investigated in this light. What do UFOs have planned for humanity? This too is investigated along with safe areas such as Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and northern Mexico. Outside U.S.? Center of Australia, middle of Arabia, S.W. Russia, and N.W. China.

Bergmark, Janet: In the Presence of Aliens. St Paul: Llewellyn, 1997, 209pp, $4

The alien abduction phenomenon is a mystery that begs for answers. Who are these aliens and why are they contacting and abducting human beings? Bergmark’s search for answers led her on a journey into her self and soul where she visited a dimensional realm where alien beings and spiritual beings have collaborated on a most unusual plan. That plan became the purpose for her human life: the creation of a dual alien-human consciousness. She shows us a multi-dimensional universe in which humans learn about becoming more spiritual as well as more human.

Berliner, Don: UFO Briefing Document. New York: Dell Book, 1995, 243pp, $4.

This is one of those Whitley Strieber’s Hidden Agendas books taken from government secret files. The report shocked congress and stunned the world’s top leaders; now it’s available to the public. Needless to say it has an introduction by Whitley Strieber. Compiled here are the most compelling and authenticated UFO cases ever recorded. It spans half a century of eyewitness testimony, documented sightings, and unexplained phenomena. Yes, there is evidence that UFOs are real even with a government cover-up that has long suppressed the truth. This briefing document along with transcripts, diagrams, and photos was actually funded by Laurance Rockefeller and presented to Congress. You have a right to see this too.

Blum, Howard: Out There - The Government's Secret Quest For Extraterrestrials. New York: Pocket Star, 1991, 336pp, $4

Blum use to be a New York Times reporter. He’s good at uncovering the deception and existence of a top secret UFO Working Group that is actually preparing for alien contact. Our government has played a more active role in the search for UFOs than they want us to believe. Blum takes a long side-trip into the SETI project (though if you're interested in that, it's worth it.) Details Bill Moore's shenanigans on behalf of AFOSI, and the story of how the MJ-12 documents came to light. Purports to have discovered a high-level UFO study group currently active inside the military. Why has our government kept us in the dark about what they have discovered? OUT THERE tells us a little piece of the puzzle.

Brennan, Herbie: Martian Genesis (The Extraterrestrial Origins of the Human Race), New York: Dell Publishing, 1998, 247 pp., $3.50.

Science writer Herbie Brennan provides answers to the questions that have confounded scientists for years -including a startling solution to the mystery surrounding the rock face found on Mars. His carefully researched, impeccably documented conclusions may change history forever. Find out when, where, and how the human race first came to be -millions of years earlier than previously believed! Discover the shocking archaeological evidence of Martian ancestors that has been ignored or suppressed in popular theories of evolution.
Encounter new revelations made in photos taken from space; eye opening evidence of hi-tech artifacts millennia old; fascinating discoveries from Antarctica, Siberia, the ocean floor as well as unexplained fossils! He reveals evidence that people actually walked with dinosaurs and wore shoes. Rather amazing to say the least along with also amazing ancient technology. Were the pyramids lit by electricity? How about a concrete block wall in Oklahoma built 312 million years ago? That would be as believable as life on Mars and what happened to it.

Brookesmith, Peter: Alien Abductions. London:Barnes & Noble Books, 1998, 176pp., $10 (hardcover-oversize book).

While the world argues over UFOs real or not, many who have undergone abductions are angry and bewildered. They have been shaken to the core by their experiences, and want explanations and reassurance. This book presents an overview of both sides of the abduction argument, but it goes much further than that. A number of researchers have now recognized that something truly strange lies at the heart of the abduction experience, even though it may not involve actual alien beings. Being oversized, the pictures in this book are fantastic. It has many previously unpublished artworks and photographs. Unforgettable is the best description of this work.

Brookesmith, Peter: UFO The Complete Sightings. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1995, 176pp., $8 (hardcover-oversized book).

This oversized book describes hundreds of UFO reports in chronological order, and focuses in eye opening detail on the major cases. Each chapter covers a specific era, beginning with a brief, lucid analysis of the most intriguing aspects of each period, and then detailing the cases in date order. This author is quite a compiler of “The Unexplained”. Published as “Mysteries Of The Mind, Space, And Time”. It was a 3000 page encyclopedia of the paranormal. Reader’s Digest took him on as a full-time consultant of its 12 vol. series on paranormal phenomena called “Quest For The Unknown”.

Brown, Courtney, Phd.: Cosmic Voyage (A scientific discovery of extraterrestrials visiting earth). New York: Dutton Books, 1996, 275pp, $12 (hardcover)

First part is a good overview of what "remote viewing" is (or may be), and research into it. The rest of the book is more directly connected with the author's view of extraterrestrials, where they are. This professor at Emory University has revealed a method of “contact” that even our government has known about and used for years. They used “remote viewing” to keep track of USSR nuclear submarines, but the tool was too good to not use for other purposes. His work with “remote viewing” reveals at least two alien civilizations that have been in continuous contact with us since ancient times. He writes of the Greys and another that use to populate Mars until that planet lost its breathable atmosphere.

Brown, Courtney, Phd: Cosmic Explorers (Scientific Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and A Message For Mankind) New York: Putman Books, 1999, 392 pp., $7.

Scientific Remote Viewing—a method of surveillance that combines hard science with the paranormal to achieve startlingly accurate results—has long been used as a spying tool by the U.S. military. A proven expert in this type of surveillance, Dr. Courtney Brown used it to verify the existence of two distinct alien races in his book above Cosmic Voyage.
Since then, Dr. Brown’s research has lead him to discover the existence of a third race of alien beings – a menacing and warlike race. Through detailed transcripts of actual SRV sessions, Dr. Brown provides a rare glimpse into the structure and culture of this newly discovered aggressive race, the Reptilians. He also takes us deeper into the secret worlds of the Greys and the Martians, the two alien cultures he already revealed to us.

Bryan, C.D.B.: Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind (Alien Abduction, UFOs, and the Conference at M.I.T.). New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1995, 476pp, $10. (hardcover)

....A fascinating and level-headed report on contact between distant cultures: UFO experts meeting with the scientific community--and possibly, aliens contacting humanity. Bryan successfully avoids the polarization which characterizes many such books, and juggles a healthy skepticism with an empathetic ability to detect likely truths. Filled with detailed accounts of all presentations given at the five-day M.I.T. Conference, and transcripts from hypnotherapy sessions with "abductees".....

Bryant, Alice – Linda Seebach: Healing Shattered Reality (Understanding Contactee Trauma). Tigard, Oregon:Wildflower Press. 1991, 283pp., $8.

Have you been contacted or abducted by aliens? Seems like a lot of that is going around. Has your reality been shattered by the unknown? This book may help. Have you suffered any disruptions lately causing losses of time, sleepless nights, and many groundless fears? Many others have and they need the help of what might be found by reading this book. Here you will find the information needed to understand what is going on. Here are some clear steps to follow and some proven techniques you can use to regain order and continuity in your present life activities. Alice and Linda seem to know what they are talking about as they work with those who have had contacts with ETs and are stressed.

Budden, Albert: Electric UFOs. London: Blandford Press, 286pp, $8

Electric UFOs, fireballs, electromagnetism, and abnormal states are all covered by Budden. This is a chilling exposure of electromagnetic pollution and its effect on the environment and our health. It links paranormal experience such as close encounters, hauntings, alien abductions, and other visitations with the idea that it is all part of the hallucinatory side effects of electromagnetic sensitivity. That is quite a stretch of linkage for the average reader, but should be considered before hardening one’s viewpoint about the mysteries connected with the whole UFO experience of mankind.

Carey, Ken: The Starseed Transmissions (An Extraterrestrial Report). New York:The Talman Co., 1982, 95pp., $3.50.

The author’s life was changed by eleven days at the end of ’78 and the beginning of ’79. Something happened in his office during that time and he describes it as well as he could when speaking from the conscious about the subconscious.

Carlsberg, Kim: Beyond My Wildest Dreams(diary of a UFO abductee). Santa Fe, New Mexico: Bear & Company, 1995, pp.286, $10.

A true story. Presented is the dilemma of an alien abductee in a way that could only be the truth. Would you like to know what these extraterrestrials are seeking? Kim shares this with you.

Cassirer, Manfred: Dimensions of Enchantment (The Mystery of UFO Abductions, Close Encounters and Aliens). London: Breeze Books, 1994, 208pp., $5.

The author is a Council Member of the Society For Psychical Research and in this amazing book he investigates whether space visitors exist and if they are really able to visit earth and communicate with us. Are normally reliable and respected witnesses such as policemen, teachers, and airline pilots to be believed when they recount their experiences with visitors from outer space?
This work is a significant and major contribution to the study of unexplained phenomena by a highly respected psychic investigator. Cassirer believes that there are many aspects of the UFO enigma, which cannot be satisfactorily explained by current scientific theory. A fascinating read for any reader who needs clear information on UFO investigations, abductions, and other alien activity.

Charroux, Robert: Masters Of The World. New York: Berkeley Publishing, 1974, 252pp, $3

Here we have a French pioneer in the field of primo history. Charroux has unearthed an astonishing body of new information about alien expeditions to Earth in ancient times. Are we all descended from extraterrestrial beings? Charroux gives proof of a Universal Deluge in ancient times with waves of six thousand feet. He also puts forth facts behind the Miracle at Fatima and the fascinating history of the Rosicrucian movement, a carefully guarded secret society. Newly translated Mayan manuscripts describing extraterrestrial visitors.

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