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George Beimers’s new book: GIFT FROM THE GODS as well as his second book ADDITIONAL GIFTS FROM THE GODS. and now the third book RUSSIA'S LITTLE AMERICA each $17. You can get them at about the same price from Amazon.com or from Barnes & Noble or even from their publishers at: today.

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Chatelain, Maurice: Our Ancestors Came From Outer Space. New York: Dell Books, 1975, 256pp, $3

All the answers are here, bigger than life and more powerful than fiction: the secret of Atlantis, the significance of the Pyramid, the lost treasures of ancient Egypt, the puzzle of the Mayan calendar, the truth about astrology, the world beneath the polar ice floes, Stonehenge, miracle of Celtic mathematics, the Rhodes Calculator, the mystery of the Maltese Cross, What the Apollo and Gemini astronauts really saw.

Childress, David Hatcher: Anti-Gravity & the World Grid. Stelle, Illinois:Adventures Unlimited Press, 1992, pp. 267, $6.
Is the earth surrounded by an intricate electromagnetic grid network offering free energy? Is this used by UFOs? This paperback gives unique, startling, and ground-breaking information. It covers: the geography, mathematics, and light harmonics of the earth grid, the purpose of ley lines and ancient megalithic power points sited on the grid, scientific grid explanations for noted worldwide gravity-magnetic anomalies, the secrets of the Philadelphia experiment, coral castle, and other mysteries, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, and unified field theory, secret government anti-gravity experiments and suppressed advanced technology, Tesla shields and scalar wave weaponry, anti-gravity patents, resources, and comix.

Childress, David Hatcher: Extra-terrestrial Archaeology. Stelle, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1994, pp. 299, $8.50.

Incredible proof we are not alone. This is a comprehensive book of photographs, drawings, and maps. You will be able to see for yourself the astonishing evidence that the many planets and moons of our Solar System were not only inhabited in the past, but continue to be inhabited today.

Childress, David Hatcher and Renato Vesco: Man-Made UFOs 1944-1994 (50 years of suppression), Stell, Ill.:AUP Publishers Network, 1994. pp. 396,$9.50.
Lots of pictures! This is an in-depth look at the early "flying saucer technology" of Nazi Germany and the genesis of early man =-made UFOs from the captured German scientists to escaped battalions of Germans to secret communities in South America and Antarctica to today's state-of-the-art "Dreamland" flying machines. This book certainly blows the lid off of the government conspiracy to hide all the facts. Examined in detail are secret underground airfields and factories. A great all-around book on UFOs.

Christopher, Paul: Alien Intervention (The Spiritual Mission of UFOs). Lafayette: Huntington House Publishers, 1998, pp. 200, $6. (signed by author) This work reveals a complex and ingenious scheme that is rapidly unfolding as the century ends. It unmasks the multidimensional activities associated with the UFO phenomenon. It includes the bizarre interrelationships with the realm of the Occult, and New Age Movement. Ever hear of the "New World Order"?

Clow, Barbara, The Pleiadian Agenda. Bear and Company Publishers, Santa Fe, N.M.,1996, pp.303, $8.
The author describes a huge cosmic drama that is functioning simultaneously in nine dimensions with Earth as the chosen theater. She speaks through Satya, a Pleiadian goddess as she reveals the timing of the critical leap in evolution at the end of the Mayan Calendar. This is a coming age of Light as we enter the Photon Band and the Age of Aquarius.

Clear, Constance: Reaching For Reality (Seven Incredible True Stories of Alien Abduction). San Antonio: Consciousness Now, Inc., 1999,229pp., $9. This book is "light years beyond any book about the strange and controversial subject of alien abduction. Her thoughtful commentary never demands belief, but rather informs a powerful and compelling case that these shocking, amazing, and deeply human stories may really be what they seem: commentaries from beyond the edge of the known." -Whitley Strieber

Conroy, Ed: Report On Communion. New York: Avon Books, 1990, $3

This journalist was a boyhood acquaintance of Strieber. When Strieber published Communion, Conroy decided to see if his story would hold up under an investigative journalist's scrutiny. Yes, it did. Conroy is a veteran journalist who looks objectively at the facts behind Strieber’s story. He concludes that the public should take seriously Strieber’s claim that alien entities are catalysts to a higher consciousness.

Cook, Patrick: The Greatest Deception- The Bible UFO Connection (The True Nature of the Gods of the Bible), Berkeley, CA:The Oracle Research Institute, 2002, pp.459,$8.

The Church ignores it. Hundreds of verses record flying vehicles and advanced technology but the church is silent. The government hides it. Thousands of sightings prove there have always been UFOs in our skies, but government denies it. Science avoids it. Evidence of an advanced technological culture once on the planet is dismissed by science. Education rejects it. Ancient writings bare abundant record of anomalous people and events but academia rejects it. The terrible truth. It's not what you always thought it was.

Cook, Thomas: TAKEN (Some secrets we keep. Some are kept from us.). New York: Dell Book-Random House Publishing, 2002, pp. 355, $4.

This novel is now a SCI FI Channel Television Event. In the last days of World War II, a strange phenomenton saves a doomed Air Force pilot named Randall Keys and plunges him into torment. In a place called Roswell, New Mexico, a man named Owen Jones is drawn to a bizarre crash site in the desert, and into a government cover-up. And in a remote Texas town, a lonely woman named Sally Marsh finds a stranger hiding in her barn, and reaches out to touch him.
This novel spans sixty years of American history as the lives of three people are changed in an instant... and the consequences are played out over three generations of harrowing encounters and unexplained events. While the government lies, and a nation doubts, three families know they have been touched, know that something has been taken from them...something that will change their lives forever...

Coomer, David: The UFO Investigator’s Guide. United Kingdom: Ward Lock, 1999, 223pp., $8.

This is a “user-friendly” manual for the UFO spotter and researcher. It is efficiently and cogently organized with both background and practical information. It covers the theory and actual methodology of UFO research and reporting. Equipment, checklists, research document usage, and recording procedures are included.

Cousineau, Phil: UFOs A Manual For The Millennium (Flying Saucers, Natural Deceptions, Phenomenal Abductions, and More Strange Mysteries). New York: HarperCollinsWest, 1995, 258pp., $3.

Is this UFO phenomenon thing merely strange visitors from outer space or the next evolutionary step? This spine-tingling guide includes: uncanny parallels between angel and aliens, U.S. Capitol buzzing by seven UFOs, accounts of thousands of alien abductions, UFO hot spots to watch from Florida to Washington state, stories from presidents, astronauts, and ordinary people, and a listing of UFO organizations, sighting hot lines, and internet newsgroups.

Cousineau, Phil: UFO Secrets Revealed (Flying saucers, natural deceptions, phenomenal abductions, and strange mysteries). New York: HarperCollinsWest, 1995, pp. 227, $5.50.

More mind-bending theories of flying saucers emerging from parallel universes including haunting tales of encounters. How about those covers!

Publisher's Weekly says: "It's all here: UFOs and chariots of fire, aliens and angels, channeling, Bigfoot and ley lines, crop circles, animal mutilations, the Philadelphia Experiement, the Halls of Atlantis, Alistair Crowley, dwarves and shamanism."

You can see it is an extraordinary collection of the strange, the impossible, and the incredible. Croft is a researcher and teacher who explores nearly every story, report, rumor, and conspiracy theory. He is a skeptical inquirer and a confirmed believer in the miracle of the mind. This book peels away the controversy and reveals a surprising and fascinating world that readers will want to understand.

Daniken, Erich von: The Eyes Of The Sphinx (evidence of extraterrestrial contact in ancient Egypt). New York: Berkley Books, 1996,, 278pp, $6

The author of the 7-million-copy bestseller Chariots of the Gods reveals startling evidence of extraterrestrial contact with Earth. From undiscovered passageways, to the world's first robot, to ancient flying ships, this amazing evidence will add new spark to the old debate and fascinate a new generation with von Daniken's explosive theories..... Was it 28 years ago von Daniken came up with his godly chariots? Now he’s got this book out on contact in ancient Egypt. What new research is being reported? There are 20 pages of pictures showing you.

Dannelley, Richard: Sedona UFO Connection and Planetary Ascension Guide. Sedona: Vortex Society, 1993, pp.125, $6.

This is a guide to understanding our connection to the stars. It traces human involvement with aliens from ancient times of Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations to the present. The guide helps with distinguishing between positive and negative alien life forms.

Dannelley, Richard: Sedona, Power Spot, Vortex, and Medicine Wheel Guide.Sedona:Vortex Society, 199l, pp. 112, $5.

The legends of the Human Race tell of many powerful mountains and spirit wells. These are places where humans have found healing, and the keys to inner knowledge. Many have discovered this in Sedona, Arizona. Read and see what this is all about.

Darlington, David: Area 51 The Dreamland Chronicles (The Legend Of America’s Most Secret Military Base). New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1998, 281pp., $5.

Area 51, Dreamland, Groom Lake, Paradise Ranch, Watertown Strip, the Box: all refer to the top secret research installation, located a hundred miles north of Las Vegas, which for many has come to stand for all that is shadowy and nefarious about the military-industrial-intelligence complex. Built under the direction of the CIA in the 1950s, the base served as the original test site for the U-2 spyplane and F-117 Stealth fighter. In more recent years, public interest in Area 51 has arisen from its role in the government’s $30 billion “Black Budget,” from legal claims of worker illness due to toxic burning, and from sensational charges about captured alien spacecraft. It has also give birth to a feisty guerrilla subculture bent on exploding the secrecy surrounding this mysterious spot. This author unfolds the history, legends and characters involved with Area 51, weaving a weird tale of intrigue and outrage that speaks volumes about popular culture and American democracy going into the new millennium.

Davies, Paul: Are We Alone? (Philosophical Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life). New York:HarperCollins, 1995, 160pp, $10 Hardcover.

If there is life out there, what would it do to our science, our religions, and our world view in general? Davies ponders the enormous implications for such major philosophical and religious issues as the mind-body problem, the nature of life and consciousness, and the place of mankind in the cosmos. He discusses quantum theory, mind and matter, consciousness, and time, and believes "they're out there"-and what that implies.

Dennett, Preston: UFOS Over Topanga Canyon. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1999, 300pp. $6

Eyewitness accounts of the California sightings. Apparently, June 14, 1992 was a night of terror in Topanga Canyon. This strange activity in the sky has been going on for five decades, but that night was different in one respect. It marked the beginning of a UFO wave of gigantic proportions. Dennett is a field investigator for the (MUFON) Mutual UFO Network. He reveals for the first time in print eyewitness accounts of that activity, including unexplained lights, metallic ships, face-to-face encounters, strange animal sightings, and missing time abductions.

Dennis, Caryl: The Millennium Children. Clearwater,FL:Rainbows Unlimited, 1997, 303pp., $7.

The author gives some amazing true stories of several conditions: The consciousness "shift", Extraterrestrial contact, Prodigies, Vanishing twins, Vaccine dangers, Causes of dyslexia, hyperactivity, and learning disabilities. She also thinks these are humanity's future leaders and gives how and why they are so exceptional.

Dennett, Preston: Extraterrestrial Visitations (True Accounts of Contact). St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 2001, 270pp $6.50.

On the cutting edge of UFO research, Dennett relates ten new close contacts with UFOs and aliens. Several of the stories present new information that is highly controversial and not commonly reported in the literature. These include healings and benevolent encounters as well as mantis-type aliens and even a military presence during an abduction.

Doherty, Robert: Area 51: The Mission. New York: Dell Publishing, 1999, 344pp., $4.50.

A UFO novel begins deep in the Amazon rain forest in a place shrouded in mystery. It is call The Mission. In nearby villages people are screaming in pain as they die from a virus more deadly than Ebola. They can't escape it and they can't cure it. It will explode into a worldwide epidemic poised to kill us all... One scientist along with a speical forces officer suspect this "Black Death" is actually a biological weapon being used by "them". "Them" meaning aliens who are part of a chilling conspiracy connected to ancient riddles, a government agency...and Area 51.

Doherty, Robert: Area 51: The Grail. New York: Dell Publishing, 2001, 328pp., $4.50.

Another UFO novel. The Great Wall of China, the immense carvings on Easter Island, Egypt's pyramids, UFOs. What is the chilling connection? The answer, unearthed by an elite band of soldiers and scientists based at Area 51, is rewriting human history--to include the aliens who shaped it. These are the characters who embark on a top secret search for the Holy Grail, a glittering artifact with the power to save the world...or lead to its destruction.

Doherty, Robert: Area 51: The Sphinx. New York: Dell Publishing, 2000, 379pp., $4.50.

This is a UFO novel. For thousands of years the Sphinx has harbored mankind's greatest secret. Now someone or something has found the key to the Sphinx. No place is safe from alien infiltration. Not even top secret Area 51. Scientist and Special Forces office know that better than anyone. Secrets have been revealed. Codes have been broken. A countdown has begun. Using alien technology, a group has gained control of a Star Wars satellite that could engulf the planet in a nuclear fire. With no room for error the scientist and officer must solve an ancient riddle and prevent a global catastrophe.

Dongo, Tom: The Alien Tide (UFO-ET and paranormal activity in Sedona, Arizona and across the country). (autographed) Sedona, AZ:Hummingbird Publishing, 1990, pp. 129, $4.
Chapters include UFO theories and the author's involvement. Men in black and black helicopters are covered along with a UFO military base in Boynton Canyon. Is it possible to channel extraterrestrials? Photographs are included.

Drake, Raymond W.: Gods and Spacemen in the Ancient West. New York: Signet Books, 1974, 230pp, $3

A critical look at the Book Of The Dead, Stanzas of Dzyan, The Troana Manuscript that might prove a race of supermen once ruled the world. Atlantis is also discussed. There once was a super-civilization that flourished on earth even though a cataclysm destroyed it. Are we descendants of these “supermen” and can we expect them to return when they deem us ready to receive them?

Drake, Raymond W.: Gods and Spacement in the Ancient East. New York: Signet Books, 1973, 247pp, $3

Was there once a civilization on earth that makes our present one seem like a kindergarten? What kind of cataclysm destroyed it? Did its survivors remain to teach men the beginnings of wisdom while being worshiped by our primitive ancestors as supernatural beings? Atomic warfare waged in India millennia ago by astronaut warriors from distant suns? Female “demons” of the Middle Ages seduced men, but were they actually real women from other planets?

Essene, Virginia and Sheldon Nidle: You Are Becoming A Galactic Human. Santa Clara: S.E.E. Publishing Co., 1994, 237pp., $6

Extraordinary revelations about Earth’s hidden million-year history, and secret truths of human relationships with spiritual masters and star beings. Why is time accelerating… what is causing it? How can you regain your full DNA 12-helix consciousness identity? What role are the Sirians playing in human revolution? Is physical death still necessary? These are some of the questions discussed by Virginia Essene. I always thought the Essenes were a group of “illuminated” individuals found during the time of Christ… Didn’t realize any Essenes were still about! She is a channeler and Sheldon Nidle has been given cosmic information since childhood. Lucky him…

Emmons, Charles F.: At The Threshold (UFOs, Science and the New Age). Mill Spring: Wild Flower Press, 1997, 268pp., $9.
Delving deeply into these serious issues such as:
How did the study of UFOs become labeled as "deviant" and unworthy?
Why is there no funding for researchers who seek to do valid, scientific study on the subject?
Why are the Sacred Halls of Science beginning to crumble? Who are the players, and why do they persist?
Emmons uses his extraordinary academic skills in providing us with credible and startling answers.

Evans, Hillary: From Other Worlds(Aliens, Abductions, and UFOs). Reader's Digest:Carlton Books Limited, 1998, pp. 191, $10 (Hardcover).
Throughout the centuries, many thousands of humans have claimed to have been visited by beings from other worlds, whether they be deities, spirits, or little green men. From Other Worlds explores the reality behind such experiences and other paranormal phenomena, such as ghosts, possessions by evil spirits, extrasensory perception and strange happenings in Earth's atmosphere.

Fawcett, Bill (editor): Making Contact (A Serious Handbook for Locating and Communicating with Extrterrestrials). New York: William Morrow and Company, 1997, 368pp., $12. (hardcover)

The crucial point in making contact is being organized beforehand. Stay calm during the event, and report it accurately afterward. This will turn the tide of public opinion and official skepticism to your advantage.

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