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Felber, Ron: Searchers (a true story of alien abduction). New York: St. Martins Paperbacks, 1994, 213pp, $3

While on a weekend outing two were held prisoner in the camper by hundreds of nonhuman creatures. Desperately hanging on through love and prayer, they endured intense psychological torment as their captors manipulated their minds with extraordinary telepathic power. For an entire day and night the Watchers hovered over the couple, stealing their thoughts and feelings, forcing them to relive their most painful and intimate memories, and bringing them to the brink of madness. When it was all over it still wasn’t over… the visits didn’t end. The author reveals details of a true-life close encounter of the third kind. We are not alone.

Flammonde, Paris: UFO Exist!. New York: Ballantine Books, 1977, 480pp, $3

Did Flying Saucers visit ancient Egypt? Why as there been a rash of unexplained sightings over the last half a century? What is the reason for the official Washington hush-up? Flammonde believes that beyond a shadow of doubt, Unidentified Flying Objects are real. He gives first hand accounts of sightings and the deceits that followed.

Frazier, Kendrick, Barry Karr, Joe Nickell: The UFO Invasion (Roswell incident, Alien Abductions, and Government Coverups). New York: Prometheus Books, 1997, 315pp., $12 hardcover

What strange phenomena are people witnessing in the skies? Is Earth being visited by alien spacecraft? Is our government holding the proof of alien encounters at a secret government facility? This book tells some of the truth about these mysteries. It will challenge, illuminate, anger, and amuse the reader. Both believers and skeptics will be fascinated by the many secrets it reveals.

Friedman, Stanton T. and Don Berliner: Crash At Corona (The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-up of a UFO). New York: Paragon House, 1992, 217pp., $10. Hardcover

The contains exclusive testimony on a second New Mexico crash site and new evidence of the Government's secret MJ-12 team. Something happened at Roswell that year, but also there was a crash at Corona, New Mexico as well. An order went out for American intelligence operatives throughout the world to get all potentially relevant information about flying saucers. The order was in a memo from a certain brigadier general. The commander of the Air Material Command gave a summary of flying-saucer characteristics that might have been the first known official mention of the possibility that some UFOs might be extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Frissell, Bob: Something In This Book Is True. Berkeley:North Atlantic Books, 1997, 235pp., $7.50.
This is as good and newer than his other book above. Once again Bob delves into some controversial issues, earth changes, pole shifts, the secret government, UFOs, extraterrestrials, ascended masters, and multi-dimensional happenings. He reports on the “walk-in” Drunvalo Melchizedek (I just finished Drunvalo’s Ancient Secret of the Power of Life Vol. 1 and 2,and I believe he has some answers since he has communicated with Thoth, one of my favorite characters in earth’s long history.) This guy is great reading!

Fowler, Raymond E: The Allagash Abductions (Undeniable evidence of alien intervention). Tigard, Oregon: Wild Flower Press,1993, 339 pp, $9. (we have two of these)

The book deals with the abduction experience of 4 men, 2 of whom are twin brothers, during a camping expedition in Allagash. Fowler made an extensive 10-year investigation into the case. The book is very detailed and has detailed transcripts of the hypnosis sessions.

Ginenthal, Charles: Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky. Tempe,AZ: New Falcon Publications, 1995, 447pp, $9.
Carl Segan of Cornell University had been a long time critic of Worlds In Collision and the unconventional ideas by Velikovsky. This work supports Velikovsky and takes apart the usually untouchable Sagan. Even the great Robert Anton Wilson calls it awe-inspiring. Aparently, Sagan used blatantly snide, dishonest and unprofessional arguments in his attacks on Velikovsky and they are highlighted by this work. Carl was a better entertainer than competent researcher.
Goldberg, Dr. Bruce: Time Travelers From Our Future (an explanation of alien abduction). St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1998, 225pp, $6. (we have two of these)

Could futuristic visitors be aiding our spiritual growth? Is it possible that some of the alien abductions reported each year are actually the results of our very own species visiting us from the future? Call them chrononauts or time travelers. Dr. Goldberg presents actual case histories from patients who through hypnotic regressions, report strikingly similar experiences of being abducted by beings who represent us…as well as extraterrestrial futuristic aliens… from 1000 to 3000 years in the future. Explore principles of quantum physics and discover solid support for the theories of hyperspace engineering and inter-dimensional travel.

Good, Timothy: Above Top Secret (The Worldwide UFO Cover-up). New York: William Morrow, 1988,592pp., $7.

The words in the title says it all. It is the hottest topic among UFO enthusiasts for it relates the Federal Government’s experience with aliens. His book proves with little doubt that our government is hiding much that they know and have learned from ETs. This author writes an excellent book. I’ve read the next two below from cover to cover and believe Timothy one of the best. I can’t say enough about what a convincing investigator this fellow is. Good IS GOOD!

Good, Timothy: Alien Contact (Top-secret UFO Files Revealed), New York: William Monroe and Company, Inc, 1993, 288pp., $6.50.

This work is done by the author of Above Top Secret. Looking over the 20 pages of appendixes gives one the idea that the author is not only professional in going to the heart of various records held by the government but one of the better researchers investigating the UFO phenomena. It is one of the better documented UFO books ever written.

Greenberg, Marian: An Extraterrestrial Conspiracy (A Case Study). Los Angeles: Falcon Press, 1988, 256pp., $5.

Extraterrestrials visiting for purposes of creating a genetic hybrid? That is what is explored in this book. This true story opens a “Pandora’s Box” while stretching realities or not.

Hall, Richard: Uninvited Guests (A Documented History of UFO Sightings, Alien Encounters & Cover-ups). Santa Fe: Aurora Press, 1988, 381pp., $7.50.

Bud Hopkins says: "Uninvited Guests is the most comprehensive book yet written on the subject of UFOs, by one of our most senior and most respected investigators." Information found within book includes: Close encounters/The vehicular kind, magic technology, the humanoids, bodies in the morgue, the big secret, extraterrestrial psychology, case book: a global cross section of the UFO mystery, sample government UFO documents, crashed saucers, abduction reports. What if UFOs are real? What might this mean for Humankind?

Hamilton, Jiles: UFOs Close Encounters of the Fourth and Fifth Kind. Arlo Publishing, 1991,256pp., $5

The author is among the first certified hypnotists in the country to work with abductee's and contactee's of UFOs. He has spent 15 years researching for this book. In a poll taken there are estimated to be over 3.7 million abductee's that can tell about their experiences in this area.

Haselhoff, Eltjo H.: The Deepening Complexity of Crop Circles(Scientific Research & Urban Legends). Berkeley:Frog Ltd., 2001, 157pp, $10.

Crop circles are not new to civilization, but during the past few decades new crop circles have been reported worldwide at the rate of about one per day. This has created much controversy over their origin and cause. Haselhoff is a theoretical and experimental physicist and presents a comprehensive overview of these beautiful and sometimes rather complex and mysterious formations. His investigation includes germination anomalies, the dead fly enigma, peculiar deposits, geometrical ratios, and balls of light. He also reports first-person accounts of people who have witnessed their appearance. His conclusions are facinating and deserves your attention.

Hemingway, H & Jeffry P. Lindsay: Dreamland, a novel of the UFO cover-up. New York: A Tor Book, 1996, 319pp, $3

This novel is a book by the niece of author Ernest Hemingway, Hilary and her husband who spent the past eight years and more researching the UFO enigma.. She makes it a UFO thriller. It is basically about the Air Force's secret installation Area 51 (Dreamland) and involves alien bases, abductions, secret weapons, MIBs, Roswell, and other mysteries. Their expose will make even the most skeptical readers question their assumptions about charges of a UFO cover-up.

Hessmann, Michael: The Cosmic Connection (Worldwide Crop Formations and ET Contacts). Bath, U.K.:Gateway Books, 1996, 168pp., $10.

One of the first books to bring together the most mysterious phenomena of our time – crop circles and UFOs. Those pesky crop circles just wont go away. More appear every year and they become more complicated with each passing year. They are reported in places such as Siberia, Argentina, Saskatchewan, and even in Queensland. Many governments deny any truth in UFOs, but finally some governments are actually cooperating with lay UFO study groups. This book shows some connections between UFOs and crop circles. Updated research shows crop circles have soil radioactivity and chemical changes in the stalks. Hesemann is editor of Magazin 2000 in Germany. This is one of the foremost UFO research magazines in the world.

Hoagland, Richard C.: The Monuments of Mars (A City on the edge of Forever). Berkeley: Frog Ltd, 1996, pp. 525, $11.50.

Either the Cydonial features merit closer attention with higher resolution because they are made by the living and are artifical or by nature. It is a question that needs answers. This is an excellent look at the facts of the matter.

Hopkins, Budd: Witnessed (The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions). New York: Pocket Books, 1996, 399pp., 8 (hardcover).

This is a rather sober case study of human beings abducted by aliens. Yes, something is out there watching. Hopkins believes that we are in for surprises by the year 2000. Yah, I’m still waiting for that surprise to happen around me! 2005 is soon upon us.

Holzer, Hans: ESP, Witches, & UFOs. St. Paul, Minn.: Llwwellyn Publications, 1991, 288pp, $3.

Exciting explorations of the supernatural and wonders of the human mind. In this book Dr. Hans Holzer examines many fascinating and ever-changing subjects. Presented are: the powers of extrasensory perception, telepathic messages sent and received from thousands of miles away, prophetic dreams, reincarnation dreams and UFOs and visitors from other worlds. Also he examines witchcraftr and paganism, healing and the occult sciences and survival after death. I have delt with this last one myself dying off the coast of the Baja Peninsula in the Sea of Cortez in fifty feet of water. I was scuba diving and had an asthma attack. Laying on the bottom for eight or nine minutes, I was pulled up by the dive master and came back from the other side.

Hopkins, Budd: Missing Time. New York: Ballantine Books, 1981, 255pp, $3

The book goes through 5 major abduction cases that the author studied including full hypnosis transcripts. An overview of each case is presented as well as some summary and theories relating to the particular case. It tells how the people who have experienced abductions retained no memory of them; yet under hypnosis recall many things in convincing detail. They report harrowing experiments that left mysterious scars on their bodies, the eerie interiors of UFOs where they were held captive, and the astonishing faces of their alien hosts.

Hopkins, Budd: Intruders. The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods, New York: Ballantine Books, 1987, 318pp, $2

Over many years there have been tens of thousands of fully verified craft sightings and actual landings. But, no aspect is as controversial or as dramatic as accounts of the temporary abduction of human beings onto UFOs.
The most important abduction event in this long bizarre history took place during a dark summer night in 1983, in an ordinary rural area outside Indianapolis. It began when Kathie Davis was floated out of her room as she slept, then subjected to a physical examination inside a UFO.

Hornecker, John: An Infusion of Light (A Gift from the Pleiades to Planet Earth). (author publisher), 1990, 138pp., $5.

Earth is approaching the culmination of a great Cosmic drama. It began long ago about the time humanity showed up. As we proceed through the final transformational phase of this great evolutionary cycle, assistance is being made available to us in many ways by our brothers and sisters from the stars. So believes the author. This is the story of an intergalactic project that is bringing an infusion of light from the Pleiades into Planet Earth. It is to balance and uplift the energy field of our planet and all of us who live upon it. The author is a telecommunication specialist who is President of the Life Sciences Foundation. He also wrote: Cosmic Insights into Human Expression and has faith in the Intergalactic Federation.

Hutin, Serge: Alien Races and Fantastic Civilizations. New York: Berkeley Books, 1975, 150pp, $3

Before the dawn of history starships screamed across the sky and brought fantastic civilizations to the virgin planet Earth. They colonized from pole to pole and even deep within the bowels of the earth. Hutin shows startling evidence of lost cultures in all parts of the earth predating even Atlantis. He writes of wondrous civilizations such as Hyperborea, Gonwanda, and Eldorado peopled by magnificent monarchs and Amazonian empresses, now lost to all but the most painstaking research. He does investigate Atlantis and the evidence that there was such a land.

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