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Hynek, J. Allen: The UFO Experience (A scientific enquiry). New York: Ballantine Books, 1972 (Fifth Printing-1977), 309pp, $2.

Wasn’t this the scientist who invented the terms: Close Encounters of the First, Second, and Third Kind? He does present the most bizarre and seemingly incredible aspect of the entire UFO phenomenon, in other words the presence of animated creatures are described.

Hynek, J. Allen& Philip J. Imbrogno, Bob Pratt: Night Siege. St. Paul, Minn: Llewellyn, Second Ed. Expanded & revised, 1998, 263pp, $5

Five thousand responsible people claim to have seen something.....Some say it is larger than a football field. The color seems to be dark metallic gray, with brilliant flashing colored lights that form a "V." One thing is clear: Something is in the air above the homes, the highways, the ponds, the very backyards of one of the most densely populated suburban areas in the U.S.A.....WHAT IS GOING ON?.....No one knows for sure. But thousands of ordinary people - from housewives to aviation engineers, from children to professional businesspeople - have reported seeing a UFO in New York state's magnificent Hudson Valley.

Now in Night Siege: The Hudson Valley UFO Sightings, expert UFO investigators reveal the amazing truth that cannot be dismissed...the eyewitness accounts that have not ceased in over five years!..... This was Dr. Hynek's last book. Unfortunately, he died while it was being prepared. (QUESTER’S OPINION is that these sightings are the strongest evidence yet for establishing that UFOs are real and appearing from another dimension parallel with ours.)

Jacobs, David M, Ph.D.: Secret Life (firsthand documented accounts of UFO abductions). New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992, 336pp, $6

In Secret Life, Professor David M. Jacobs of Temple University takes us into the private world of those abducted by aliens, letting them describe in their own words what it is like to be abducted. Based on interviews with sixty individuals and more than 300 independently corroborated accounts. Secret Life presents the most complete and accurate picture of alien abductions ever compiled. Dr. Jacobs takes the reader on a minute-by-minute journey through a typical abduction experience and describes in detail the bizarre physical, mental and reproductive procedures that abductees claim have been administered by small alien beings. Jacobs draws from these interviews a profoundly unsettling reason behind the abductions: aliens are conducting a complex reproductive experiment involving the conception, gestation. or incubation of human and alien hybrid beings.

Jacobs, David M, Ph.D.: The Threat (revealing the secret alien agenda). New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992, 287pp, $5

Based on more than 700 hypnotic-regression interviews with alien abductees and a Roper survey of 6,000 adults, The Threat reveals why the aliens are here and what they want, explains why their agenda has been kept secret, and exposes their frightening plans for earth and its inhabitants. In a direct, authoritative challenge to researchers who believe the abduction phenomenon is essentially benevolent and spiritually uplifting, Professor David M. Jacobs proves that there is a far more disturbing and potentially dangerous plan underway, with possible alien domination at its core.....In this remarkably well-researched and well-written book, Professor Jacob has added a new complexity and depth to our knowledge of the UFO and abduction phenomena. The secret alien agenda revealed here is ominous, but it must be confronted before it is too late.

Jastrow, Robert: Red Giants and White Dwarfs. New York: Warner Books., 1980, 275pp. $6.

Do UFOs exist? What are black holes? Is there life on Mars? Wernher von Braun calls this “a masterpiece of science”. This book gives some unexpected answers to some of the central problems of human existence. What am I? How did I get here? What is my relationship to the rest of the Universe? 23 pages of color plates.

Jordan, Debbie and Kathy Mitchell: Abducted! (The Story of the Intruders Continues…). New York: Dell Publishing, 1995, 307pp., $3.50.

Their encounters with aliens changed their lives. Now two sisters reveal the whole terrifying true story. Yes, visited by UFOs… stalked by aliens… violated and impregnated, these two women reveal their shocking story. The story was first told in Budd Hopkins best-selling book. Intruders. Now Debbie and Kathy write their riveting first-person account. If it doesn't scare you a little, you are not paying attention.

Kannenberg, Ida M.: The Alien Book Of Truth. Tigard, Ore: Wild Flower Press, 1993, 128pp, $5

This book was run by the alien visitors from another dimension by a channeler who claims they have not only approved all the insights and philosophy espoused by the writer, but marvel at how she could be so intelligent as to possess a mind that could handle such concepts. Kannenberg is great in the philosophy department, no doubt about that. She does have a knack for cutting through all the bull-pucky and getting to the heart of what we are all about at spiritual physical beings. Does God have a soul? No, God has spirit; man has both soul and spirit. Guess that puts us in God’s corner, yes? Looking for who you are and what you are all about? Kannenberg has a good explanation.

Kannenberg, Ida M.: Project Earth (From the ET Perspective). Newberg, Ore:Wild Flower Express, 213pp., $7.

The author was one of the first to be abducted by ETs back in the ‘40s. She has gained insight into some enlightening phenomena and proclaims that ETs have interacted with earth beings since the beginning of humanity. The ETs have a purpose in communicating with the author for they detail their mission to her and she tells all.

Keel, John A.: Our Haunted Planet. Lakeville, Minn: Galde Press, Inc, 1999, pp. 206, $7.50.

This work by Keel brings into focus some strange truths about the earth and its mysterious inhabitants. He reports advanced civilizations existing thousands of years before the cave man. Strange men in black are also discussed. People who vanish and reappear in another part of the world along with angels and demigods are discussed.

Kehoe, Maj. Donald E: Aliens From Space... The Real Story of UFOs. New York: Signet Books, 1974, 276pp, $20

Keyhoe says the US government has recovered crashed saucers and alien bodies. He's probably right. This was the last of Keyhoe's five books about UFOs. There is an authenticated eyewitness description of alien spacecraft and their crew within these pages. Keyhoe describes a vast project to lure the aliens into a trap to learn their technological secrets. Can you believe this book was written in defiance of both the U.S. Air Force and the C.I.A.? This poor guy was in the middle of the mother of all bruhahas since most of his cohorts and superiors wanted him to duck the issue of UFOs or at least blow a little smoke over the whole thing. (QUESTER’S OPINION) I graduated out of the University of Arizona back in the ‘60s and knew of James E. McDonald who was often quoted by Keyhoe. McDonald began as a skeptic and slowly changed his mind as evidence pointed another way. Both McDonald and Keyhoe suffered at the hands of both government and scoffers. Their lives may have been shortened by their stands on UFO issues.

Kenner, Corrine & Craig Miller: Strange But True. St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 1999, pp.250, $5.
A collection of true stories from the files of FATE magazine, including: paranormal people, miraculous healings, travels through time, guardian angels, amazing tales of life after death, ghosts, apparitions, and other creatures of the spirit realm including UFO contacts.

Kinder, Gary: Light Years (An investigation into the extraterrestrial experiences of Eduard Meier). New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1987, 266pp., $9.50. Hardcover

Many UFO investigators take very lightly references to Eduard "Billy" Meier and his great pictures of "beamships". He produced hundreds of bright detailed photos and even recorded the sounds of "beamships" and collected several metal samples. Many Swiss and Germans swear that Meier's experiences with UFOs are real. However, many believe Billy staged his pictures and he was perpetuating a hoax. Kinder investigates and comes to the conclusion that something very important was taking place in that Swiss forest and his book is worth the trouble of reading.

King, Jani (channeller): The P'Taah Tapes (Transmissions From The Pleiades) Transformation of the Species. Australia:Triad Publisher, 1991, 252pp, $6.

P'taah Tapes are transmissions from the Pleiades. Amidst the tropical setting of the coastal hills of North Queensland, Australia, a group of people gathered regularly for twenty-eight weeks to listen to the messages coming from the star-system of the Pleiades. According to the messages channelled by Jani King there will come changes for humanity and the planet Earth. It seems the universe is teeming with life. We are not alone. Listening to P'taah the crowd learned to go beyond the shackles of our present dogma and concepts. There are other ways of thinking about what our world is all about.

Klass, Philip J.: UFOs Explained. New York:VintageBooks, 1974, 438pp, $2.50.
A very scientific explanation of the mystery of Unidentified Flying Objects, including new disclosures on many famous, seemingly inexplicatble UFO cases. This fellow pins down slippery details and pries loose flimsy facts with some very good detective work. He explains alot.
Klass, Philip J.: UFOs – The Public Deceived. New York: Prometheus Books, 1983, 310pp., $12.

Do you know who the Sherlock Holmes of UFOlogy happens to be? Philip J. Klass according to some. He has invested two decades into their investigation and has found some famous abduction incidents good material for intentional deception and how a major UFO organization kept full facts from the public. He is a founding fellow of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal. He is also senior editor for Aviation Week & Space Technology. He did a book before on UFOs Explained.

Krapf, Phillip H.: The Contact Has Begun (true story). Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 1997,153pp, $5

.....According to the author, alien beings who have been observing the Earth for 1,000 years have decided that the time has come for mankind to be invited into the Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets. In this amazing yet completely true story, former "Los Angeles Times" copy editor Phillip H. Krapf tells the story of one person's recruitment as the official chronicler of this event.... That person was him and one morning he was gently abducted and whisked aboard an alien spaceship where he spent the next three days. He was peacefully indoctrinated into the fascinating new world by extraterrestrials called “Verdants”. These Verdant visitors have decided that the time is ripe. Humankind should now be invited into the Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets. After all, this is the 21st Century and it is about time. (QUESTER’S OPINION) First we have to survive the terrorist’s who seem to have a different agenda. This has been an eye-opener for me. I've got to find his next book written after 9/11. The Verdants may have given up on our planet as having too many beasts who think they are human. Verdants do belive in God. They may be in doubt about those stupid enough to kill innocents in the name of their God and terrorism.

Krapf, Phillip H.: The Challenge of Contact. Novato, CA:Origin Press, 2001, 186pp., $8. (Hardcover)

This fellow's first book was a surprise look at extraterrestrials who actually want to invite our world to join them in an Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets. This new book talks about how they got together a meeting of ambassadors from our earth to do just that. Unfortunately along came 9/11 and since then the Verdants have reconsidered whether they want to continue their dialogue with earth. They were going to help build a city in the Southwest called Genesis for their meeting place with earth's societies and cultures. Not the right time presently. They probably think we should become a little more civilized first. That's why it doesn't look good for this generation. Too many terrorists around trying to make their point whatever that is.

Lake, Gina: The Extraterrestrial Vision (Channeled Teachings from Theodore). Livermore, CA: Oughten House Publications, 1993, 185pp., $6.
Are you prepared for planetary changes, the likes of which have never been experienced in humanity's history? The earth has experienced polar shifts, ice ages, floods, and other climatic and cataclysmic occurences. What is coming is new to this planet. Information about extraterrestrial visitors is revealing itself to Gina Lake and she is open about telling us all.

Landsburg, Alan and Landsburg, Sally: The Outer Space Connection. New York: Bantam, 1975, 168pp, $2

This was very reminiscent of "Chariots of the Gods"; presenting a lot of seemingly-unconnected ideas woven together to come up with the idea that outer space aliens, Egyptian mummies cloning, and the possibility of immortality are all of a root cause. In Search Of TV series used some of Landsburg’s work and ideas. They report that visitors came to Earth in 3003 B.C. and even now continue to observe us and on December 24, 2011 they will return. They write of both astronauts James McDivitt and John Boorman sighting UFOs while piloting spacecraft in the Gemini missions.

Larkins, Lisette: Calling on Extraterrestrials (11 Steps To Inviting Your Own UFO Encounters). Charlottesville:Hampton Roads Publishing, 2003, 245pp, $7.50.
One of those mystical books that can transform your life. Reading it has already caused some to have encounters with ETs and also seeing UFOs. It also aids in developing psychic abilities. Seems as though millions of people are already being contacted by ETs and this book is very helpful along with the book that is below. She claims that according to a Gallup poll 34 million Americans have seen UFOs. Larkins teels us that the extraterrestrials are not doing the choosing of who to contact but that we are. How about that!

Larkins, Lisette: Talking to Extraterrestrials(communicating with enlightened beings). Charlottesville:Hampton Roads Publishing, 2004, 237pp, $8.

It may be surprising to know that millions of otherwise ordinary people around the world are currently having some sort of contact with extraterrestrials. They don't tell others for fear of ridicule (or worse!). Larkins is such an experiencer and she provides us with a brave new voice. She steps forward to share with us what she has learned from these fascinating beings. Here she offers us a rare and precious glimpse of one of the most closely held secrets of humanity: that many humans are already communicating with extraterrestrials. Read her book and meet our extrterrestrial neighbors who we once called "alien".

Larkins, Lisette: Listening to Extraterrestrials (Telepathic Coaching by Enlightened Beings). Charlottesville, VA:Hampton Roads Publishing, 2004, 225pp., $7.

UFO phenomena have been examined by experts. There is no shortage of theories about what the ETs are up to and why. The author believes we should definitely learn to communicate with ETs. “Metamorphs” are a new kind of spiritual ambassador who by their own example are introducing ETs to the planet. They may be a new type of pioneer and should recognize their uniqueness and the important role they are playing. Many are hard-pressed to explain why they have been contacted and what the goal or purpose is. This book explains how to initiate a telepathic connection with ETs and get answers and personal coaching directly from them.

Larson, Bob: UFOs And The Alien Agenda (Uncovering the Mystery Behind UFOs and the Paranormal).Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1997, 214pp., $6.50.

Larson is an expert on cults and the occult. He tackles the topic of aliens and the paranormal exploring such topics as: close encounters, history of UFOs, impact on Christian beliefs, UFOs and Satran’s end-times deception, Biblical references to contacts.

LaViolette, Paul: The Talk of the Galaxy (An ET message for us?). Alexandria: Starlane Publications, 2000, pp. 192, $8.

First time proof of the existence of interstellar radio signals of intelligent origin. Evidence that pulsars are part of a vast network of ETI communication beacons. This book is a remarkable open-minded exploration of cosmic proportions. The author proposes that since 1967 radio astronomers have been receiving and cataloging signals of extraterrestrial intelligence. It is a book well worth reading.

Lindemann, Michael: UFOs and the Alien Presence (Six Viewpoints). Mill Spring, NC:Wild Flower Press, 1998,239pp, $8.

The evidence for an alien presence on earth is enormous. Few people know the evidence better than the researchers who speak in the pages of this book. One in particular, Bob Lazar, actually worked on alien spacecraft at a secret government base in Nevada. This book is certainly worth your time.

Lorenzen, Coral E.: Flying Saucers, The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space. New York: Signet Book, 1962, 1966, 278pp, $2.

Since I was an educator in Tucson, Arizona during the time the author co-founded the world renowned Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), I knew of and respected the work done by this individual and her husband Jim. They were the forerunners of the movement to research what this whole UFO phenomenon was all about. Coral presents here authenticated reports on saucer sightings by reliable eyewitnesses across the world. She presents as fact that UFOs have visited every major military installation in the U.S. by 1966, and that UFOs tracked the Gemini flights and ran a parallel course to Sputnik I, and that the big blackout of ’65 was linked to a huge fireball of unknown origin.

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