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Mack, John E. DR.:Passport To The Cosmos. London:Thorsons, 2000, 302pp., $6.

The author is one of my favorites and is exciting to read. In this new book of his he powerfully demonstrates how the alien abduction phenomenon calls for a revolutionary new way of examining the nature of reality and our place in the cosmos.
Mack brings a psychological analysis to these many encounters that broadens our definition of 'what is real' and allows us to explore a phenomenon that has deep and lasting implications for humanity. Likening alien encounters with other altered states of consciousness--spiritual awakening, vision quests, drug experiences, Mack questions how we explain the unezxplainable and looks at the differences between the material world and the spirit world and the indigennous cultures that see no distinction between them.

Mack, John E. MD: Abduction (Human Encounters With Aliens) revised edition. New York: Ballantine Books, 1995, 464pp, $4.

Pulitzer prize winner Mack has given us an extraordinarily rich, strange, and mind-expanding story. Mack is a respected Harvard psychiatrist and did four years of intensive research and investigation into alien abductions. He focuses on thirteen ordinary Americans who tell dramatic, inspiring, and remarkably similar stories about repeated visits from large-eyed beings for purposes of “alien research” among other things. This book is provocative and a challenge to any reader.

Matthews, Tim: UFO Revelation (The Secret Technology Exposed). London, U.K.:Wellington House, 1999, 256pp., $5.

The author shows how a covert agenda of secret test flights in both the USA and the UK is now clearly established. It reveals the evidence and the shocking truth behind so many sightings and even the stories of crash landings. This man has been dubbed ‘the most controversial man in ufology’. He seems to think that most sightings of UFOs are just ‘black projects’ that are air craft built by U.S. or U.K. scientists on secret air bases.

Terry Matheson: Alien Abductions. New York:Prometheus Books, 1998, 317pp., $10 hardcover
This fellow thinks that the abduction phenomenon being revealed to the public is a major myth in the process of being created. We who have witnessed UFO's are myth makers! Since I am one who has witnessed a UFO as early as 1952 I am not happy about being part of "myth-making"! Matheson focuses upon the work of Budd Hopkins, John Fuller, Whitley Strieber, David Jacobs, and John Mack.

Mezra - Joseph Madera, Athene Freeman and Ron Reddy: Morning Star (Chronicles of a Star Traveler). Sedona: Triad Communications, 1989, pp.130, $6.50.

Mezra channels through the triad above. Mezra comes from a distant star found in the second universe. Mezra resonates through sound and light. This book is Mezra's story.

Michaels, Susan: Sightings: UFOs. New York: Fireside, 1997, 255pp, $5

This book has an amazing 32 pages of pictures. Talk about a lot of sightings! It also contains an intriguing collection of accounts and anecdotes about unexplained phenomena, from the popular television series, encompasses stories of ghostly haunting, UFO abductions, psychic awareness, and many other mysterious events. Yes, it is packed with never-before-published photos and stories from the TV series, Sightings and explores the great American UFO flap of saucers over Washington, the UFO that intercepted a nuclear warhead and UFOs in the Holy Land as well as encounters at 39,000 feet with cockpit transmissions telling the eerie tale. How about intergenerational abductions: three generations share extra terrestrial contact.

Michaels, Peter: We Come As Friends. New York: Avon Books, 1999,New York: Avon Books, 1999, 271pp, $4

They come in peace, bearing gifts of love, hope, and miracles. These are incredible true stories from people whose lives were forever changed by alien encounters. Unlike many of the negative reports about visitors from outer space, these stories tell of meeting enlightened creatures of power and beauty who come to rescue us in time of need. The people in these stories have one thing in common. They were saved by extraterrestrial beings who appeared just when all hope was gone.

Milanovich, Norma J.: We, The Arcturians (A True Experience). Albuquerque:Athena Publishing, 1991, 319pp., $7.50 (autographed copy).

Dr. Norma Milanovich experiences extraordinary events. She finds herself rather psychic and has a computer that suddenly appears to have a direct link to other life-forms! These life forms call themselves The Arcturians and give gentle messages regarding their purpose for being in communication with Earth. We are entering a New Age of spirituality. They have things to say and Dr. Milanovich provides us with their messages.

Mishlove, Jeffrey: The PK Man (A True Story of Mind Over Matter). Charlottesville: Hampton Roads Publishing, 2000, 283pp, $7.50.
There was a psychic who wanted to warn the government to cancel the next space shuttle flight. The government didn't listen and a month later on January 28, 1986, the Challenger space shuttle exploded killing its seven crew members including Christa McAuliffe. The person giving the warning is the author's PK man. This is a story of Ted Owens who claims of powerful psychokinetic abilities were given to him by "Space Intelligences". Is this too bizarre and extreme for many to believe? Could he also use his powers to produce earthquakes, civil unrest, UFO sightings, strange weather events, and other powerful phenomena? Jeffrey Mishlove is a Ph. D. holder and respected enough by John E. Mack, well known writer on the UFO phenomena to write a forward for this work.

Mission Control – Zoev Jho: E.T. 101 (The Cosmic Instruction Manual for Planetary Evolution). New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1995,126pp., $7.

Supposedly this is an emergency remedial earth edition. This book is intended to be rather humorous. For instance: Everything you ever needed to know, you learned in another galaxy! Some have said that E.T. 101 is one of the wittiest books they had read in a long time. It is wonderfully weird, self-consciously humorous, directed at those aliens who incarnated on earth and are just beginning to wake up to their true origins. It is written in an accessible, easy-to-read style with piercing humor that somehow pats you on the head and kicks you in the butt at the same time. E.T. 101 offers essential reminders about who we are and where we are going.

Missler, Chuck & Mark Eastman: Alien Encounters. Coeur d’Alene: Koinonia House, 1997, 375pp, $7

Missler and Eastman give away the secret behind the UFO phenomenon. The book is the result of years of research into the history of UFO sightings, alien abduction, and the struggle between Good and Evil. Why do reports of alien abduction always seem to include experiments being performed on the human reproductive system? Are angels involved? What about demons? Is there a cosmic destiny for planet Earth unfolding before our eyes? The answers and implications are even more shocking than the events themselves. Behind the hype, the hoaxes, and the government disinformation lies a reality so astonishing that the original publisher was too shocked to follow through with this book. There is increasing evidence that what lies behind these strange events will shortly affect every living person on this planet.

Nagaitis, Carl and Philip Mantle: Without Consent (A Comprehensive Survey of Missing-Time and Abduction Phenomena). New York: Marlow & Company, 1998, 202pp., $7.

Thousands of abduction cases have been reported since 1947, the majority in the U.S. Without Consent focuses specifically on forty cases that have been reported in Britain over the last 40 years. This study includes a group experience. The author is a former director of Investigations for the British UFO Research Association. He also wrote Beyond Roswell. Budd Hopkins wrote the Forward.

Nidle, Sheldan: Your First Contact. Vancouver:Blue Lodge Press, 2000, 340pp., $9.50.

This book will take you on an amazing journey into Earth’s past, present, and future. It will give you a comprehensive overview of your off-world origins, your true purpose, and your spiritual destiny. The author tells how your first contact will actually occur, why your RNA/DNA is changing from 2 strands to 12, what role star beings play in your evolution, how earth and the solar system will evolve, why your ascension into a fifth-dimensional being is at hand. You will learn where we came from, why we’re here, and where we are going in the vast experiment in consciousness.

Noyes, Ralph: The Crop Circle Enigma. Lower Lakes,CA:Gateway Books, 1991, 192pp, $8.

A range of viewpoints from the Centre of Crop Circle Studies. This book traces the history of crop circles back 10 years and more bringing the whole question into focus. In England the circles have doubled in their appearances and seem to be the favorite place for carving these geometrical arrangements producing complex "pictograms". This book illustrates and discusses the evolution of the designs, the symbolism, the reports of unusual sounds and light effects, and the non-random and apparently "intelligent" nature of the phenomenon.

O’Brien, Christopher: The Mysterious Valley (San Luis Valley true stories of UFOs). New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996, 300pp, $4

Like other residents of the strange communities of Crestone and the Baca, O'Brien was drawn to the sacred valley of Native American myth. He was soon compelled to document the inexplicable events unfolding around him and the questions they raised. Including fascinating and sometimes frightening first-hand accounts by residents of the area, this book reveals the story of one of the most bizarre regions on the face of the earth and its chilling implications for the rest of humanity. Original.

Patton, Phil: Dreamland (Travels Inside the Secret World of Roswell and Area 51). New York: Villard, 1998, 336pp., $6.50.

How did Area 51 come to be? Dreamland zooms in on this nearly four million acres of Nevada airspace that has become a fount of UFO rumors and the alleged site of alien insurrection. The mystery is explored as the author tracks down and questions spies and counter-spies. The book was reviewed by the New York Times and declared “noteable” along with brilliant, fascinating, weird, wonderful, spooky, curiously epic, humorous, and entertaining.

Philbrick, Rodman & Lynn Harnett: Abduction. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1998, 312pp, $3.

Reads like a novel. Strange things are happening to Mandy Durgin. She cannot remember where she spends the night. Every morning, she wakes up with a total memory blackout. She is not alone in this mystery. Luke Ingram has also been disappearing. It had to happen, fiction from the Scholastic people at Scholastic Inc. Seems like I read Scholastic when I was in grade school! Hummmm.

Picknett, Lynn and Clive Prince: The Stargate Conspiracy (The Truth About Extraterrestrial Life and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt). New York: Berkley Books, 2001, 425pp., $7.50.

Alternative historians have gained remarkable insight into the mysteries of ancient Egypt. Their work has helped scholars better understand Egyptian culture, but these authors argue that their revolutionary discoveries tie in to a dangerous conspiracy nearly fifty years in the making. Could it be that the ancient Egyptian gods were really extraterrestrials who will soon return to Earth? The conspirators have intimate and exclusive knowledge of this momentous second coming…. There is evidence that the conspiracy to keep information from the public is real. Why not release the information? Good question.

Pickover, Clifford: The Science of Aliens. New York:Basic Books, 1998, 222pp, $12 Hardcover.

Dr. Pickover has chapters on what aliens look like and what senses they may pocess. He looks at life at the edge and weirder worlds than ours. He also investigates what the origin of alien life might be as well as what alien sex and their communication might consist of. Alien travel and alien abduction is also included in his look at the science of aliens.

Portals: Conclave: 5th Meeting. Portals Publishing, 1994, 138pp., $5

Tuieta is the channel for most info to the members of the conclave for their 5th and last meeting. Tuieta believes that what was chenneled and told within this book is the truth. For the conclave it is spelled in caps as TRUTH.

Pope, Nick: The Uninvited (An expose’ of the alien abduction phenomenon). New York: Dell Book, 1999, 332pp, $3.

According to the cover, Nick Pope is the real-life X-Files man. He also wrote Open Skies, Closed Minds. Non-human encounters, shocking abductions, and bizarre medical experiments; at last- an expose’ of the alien abduction phenomenon from a government expert. This real life X-Files agent gives eye-opening facts: Who was abducted and what happened to them, and finally speculation about why…

Prichard, Dean E.: The Alien Prophecy (Revelations of a Galaxy Goddess). Tucson, AZ: Stanton Publishing, 2004, 317pp, $11.

This is a metaphysical autobiography culminating with alien intervention in 2076 when survivors of Earth's religious wars live in great fortified biospheres, having sacrificed freedom for security. Prichard is a journalist who retired early to a mountaintop in southern Arizona to explore his relationship with reality.

Randle, Kevin D.: The October Scenario. New York: Berkley Books, 1989, 199pp., $2.

For the year printed this book gives new insights into UFO abductions. It was October, 1973 that all of these people shared an experience that changed their lives. That October hundreds of others also had an odd experience. The author served as a field investigator for the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization. He found actual eyewitness people who gave testimonies of abductions. What was the frightening solution to the mystery of those UFO abductions?
Randle, Kevin D. and Russ Estes: Spaceships of the Visitors (An Illustrated Guide To Alien Spacecraft). New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000, 327pp., $7.

This two authors also wrote Faces Of The Visitors.This is the first comprehensive field guide to alien spacecraft, complete with illustrations of more than one hundred spaceships. These past ten years have found UFO reports skyrocketing. Each of the more than one hundred entries is based on actual eyewitness accounts. This book is a fascinating and essential reference for anyone curious about alien visitation. It presents meticulous documentation of source material.

Randle, Kevin D.: The UFO Casebook. New York: Warner, 1989, 256pp, $2

This is written by the fellow who was the former intelligence officer who worked on the government’s top-secret Project Blue Book study on UFOs. Exhaustively researched and thoroughly documented--with information buried for years in U.S. government files--The UFO Casebook is the only source tracing UFO history from the first modern sighting to the present day. It contains newly revealed information buried for years in official U.S. government files. Has the U.S. had the answer to the UFO riddle since July 2, 1947. Are there aliens among us? Info straight from Blue Book files, documented reports of mental contact with aliens and abductions aboard UFOs. What’s the CIA trying to hide? Pilots who’ve died chasing UFOs.

Randle, Kevin D.: Conspiracy Of Silence. New York: Avon Books, 1997, 320pp, $5

A former U.S. Air Force intelligence officer investigates the many, varied aspects of the American government's cover-up of UFO activity, revealing their top-secret programs, research efforts, and attempts to hide the evidence of UFO existence. Here are the secret facts about UFOs the government doesn’t want you to know. Despite hundreds of well-documented reports of sightings, the government has steadfastly maintained its position of denial. At the same time, it has covertly collected UFO crash data, questioned eye-witnesses, and lied to the public about what its agents were doing. Why have witnesses, silent for years, have now come forward to tell their shocking stories. The Freedom of Information Act provides the proof that the U.S. government engaged in a fifty-year conspiracy of silence.

Randle, Kevin D.: Project Moondust. New York: Avon Books, 1998, 313pp, $6

In 1953, a classified government was proposed that would deal with the recovery of "returning space debris" launched from other nations. But why did the Air Force consider such a program necessary when Sputnik--the first Soviet satellite--would not be launched until four years later? Since the initiation of the top secret Project Moon Dust, the government--and specifically the USAF--has engaged in continuous covert yet highly documented official investigations into UFO phenomena, which have included often dangerous interfaces with extraterrestrial crafts in the skies above our nation, and supersonic pursuits that have put pilots'' lives at risk; pursuits that were observed by many reliable eyewitnesses.

Rael- Claude Vorihon: The Message Given To Me by Extra-terrestrials. Tokyo:AOM Corporation, 1992, 295pp, $4.50.

According to the author, "They took me to their planet." In our Bible the Elohim said, "Let us make humans in our image." Genesis 1:1/26 So life on earth is not the result of random evolution, it is a deliberate creation, using DNA, by an advanced race of peple who made human beings literally "in their image". "ELOHIM" in Genesis is a plural word which does not mean "God" in the singular but "those who came from the sky". "Rael" was a French journalist who was contacted by the Elohim who asked him to make their final message known world wide and to prepare an EMBASSY where they can officially land among us. Rael (Claude Vorihon) writes about all his messages from the ELOHIM.

Randle, Kevin D.: Scientific Ufology (Roswell and Beyond--How Scientific Methodoogy Can Prove the Reality of UFOs). New York: Harper-Torch, 1999, 241pp., $4.
For the last 50 years there has been a consistent attempt to withhold solid information about alien visitation from the general public. Newly released letters reveal how time and again the U.S. government and its military forces have lied about their involvement in UFO research. This is a hard-hitting investigative report using scientific methodology to study the UFO "situation".

Randle, Kevin D.: Case MJ-12 (The True Story Behind the Government's UFO Conspiracies). New York:HarperCollins, 2002, 311pp, $3.75.

This book holds recently declassified information revealed for the first time. Was there a top secret "Majestic Twelve" project? Yes. The "MJ-12" papers contained shocking revelations about the existence of UFOs, including a briefing paper prepared in Novembver 1952 for then-President-elect Dwight D. Eisenhower detailing the crash of an extraterrestrial spacecraft. You know it as the Roswell, New Mexico crash. Kevin Randle set out to discover the truth behind the most remarkable controversy of Roswell. The secrets his in-depth investigation revealed will shock and astonish you and perhaps change everything you have ever bvelieved about extraterrestrial life.

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