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Randle, Kevin & Russ Estes, William P. Cone: The Abduction Enigma (The truth behind the mass alien abductions of the late twentieth century). New York: Tom Doherty Assoc., 2000, 416pp., $6.

Are alien abductions real, or are the snswers to this phenomenon buried in the human psyche? Do we now have the knowledge to understand the forces behind alien abduction, or are we still stumbling around in the dark? Finally the evidence has been uncovered.
Are aliens forcing humans into sexual contact against their wills? The pieces of the puzzle are finally falling into place. The full picture is more complex than anyone imagined.

Randle, Kevin and Russ Estes: Faces of the Visitors (An illustrated reference to alien contact). New York:Fireside, Rockefeller Center, 1997, pp. 309, $6.

Detailed drawings of visitors based on drawings made by people who saw them with their own eyes. Good narration of the encounter along with meticulous documentation of source material.

Randles, Jenny: Star Children (The true story of alien offspring among us). New York: Sterling Publishing Co., 1995, pp.220, $5.

Have you ever felt inexplicably drawn to a certain location? Are your dreams incredibly vivid? Have you ever "lost" a block of time, had an out-of-body experience, seen bizarre lights, or suddenly possessed detailed knowledge about the universe? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, you just might be a "star child."

Randles, Jenny: Alien Abductions - The Mystery Solved. New Brunswick: Inner Light, 1988, 240pp, $6

Randles gives an intriguing new hypothesis that explains a widespread new age phenomenon even in England and covering most of the globe. Here topics: Are abductions increasing in number? What characteristics do abductees have in common with each other? Is there an overall plan of domination by the UFOnauts or do they have peaceful intentions? Is Earth a cosmic laboratory and are the aliens genetically creating a new race of “super-beings”? Do they want us to know what they are truly up to? Thousands of individuals from all walks of life, from all over the globe, have seemingly been kidnapped from their homes and cars by unearthly forces.

Randles, Jenny: Alien Contact – The First Fifty Years (An up-to-the minute report by the world’s leading UFOogist). New York: Sterling Publishing, 1997, 144pp., $7.

In the 50 years since the Roswell “incident” interst in UFOs and aliens has grown by leaps and bounds. The author provides many new images of UFOs and aliens with photographs from NASA and other space research institutions. Jenny has been a professional UFO researcher for 20 years. She is known for her lectures and books on the subject. She’s published over 20 books and this is one of the better ones.

Randles, Jenny: UFO! Danger In The Air. New York:Sterling Publishing, 1999, 192pp., $6.

One of the world’s most respected investigators of UFOs presents accounts of mid-flight encounters between standard aircraft and something else in the air. Fascinating data is gleaned from official investigations by trained aviation experts over a span of fifty years. From every part of the world come hundreds of documented cases that Jenny presents. If you travel by air you should read this paperback.

Randles, Jenny: The UFO Conspiracy (From the official case files of the world’s leading nations). New York:Barnes&Noble, 1987, 224pp., $6 (hardcover).

Jenny maintains the public is being deceived on a colossal scale. Ordinary citizens are being labeled ‘fools’ for honestly describing what they saw. The media is being manipulated by force-fed information that directs it towards required goals. Science is being hoodwinked by the powers-that-be, who may well want to preserve the monopoly they hold for research within the secret services.

Regis Jr., Edward (editor): Extraterrestrials (Science and Alien Intelligence). London: Cambridge University Press, 1985, 278pp., $20 (hardcover).

Here is a collection of original and reprinted articles advancing the latest scientific ideas as to the possible existence and nature of extraterrestrial intelligent life. Finally, scientists and researchers have begun to consider in earnest whether extraterrestrials really exist, how they may have evolved from simpler forms of life, whether they have evolved intelligence, and if so whether their modes of understanding the world are comparable to and congruent with our own. Regis does a good job of selecting contributing scientists and investigators who speculate upon what might be our moral obligations to ETs.

Richie, David: UFO The Definitive Guide To Unidentified Flying Objects and Related Phenomena. New York: MJF Books, 1994, 264pp., $6 (hardcover)
Richie rejects the hypothesis that UFOs are interplanetary visitors. However, the author believes the phenomenon is real and something very much out of the ordinary. He does not dismiss the reports as imagination, hallucination, error or deceit. UFOs are paranormal phenomenon and could even be considered spiritual. In part Richie agrees with Jacques Vallee about UFOs appearing to constitute a control system for human belief and to redirect human belief systems.

Robinson, Raymond A.: The Alien Intent (A dire warning). London: Blandford Book, 1998, 256pp, $7.

Questions covered: Are there now up to nine alien races visiting Earth? Are the abductions, bizarre medical procedures and channeled messages real or are they staged by these visitors for other purposes? Do they carry for us all a portentous warning and frightening timetable as to our future? Are there secret treaties between some governments and the visitors? Does the U.S. intend to use alien technology to maintain its position as technological world leader in this twenty-first century? Are governments lying about their involvement with the visitors because the situation is now out of control? Hey, this may have been printed in Great Britain, but it is well done on what is really going on right now today.

Royal, Lyssa – Keith Priest: Visitors from Within. Scottsdale, AZ: Royal Priest Arizona Press, 1992, 171pp., $7.

The authors want to help all in overcoming their fear of the unknown such as interacting with various strange beings in either conscious or subconscious states. This book provides profound insights into our future. After reading this one will have a new way of thinking about the abduction experience. It does acknowledge the frustrating strangeness of the visitor phenomenon, yet leaves one with feeling somehow less estranged from the visitors.

Priest, Keith and Lyssa Royal: The Prism of Lyra (An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage). Phoenix,AZ:A Royal-Priest Research Book, 1994, 111pp., $6.

The book traces various developing off-planet races through their own evolution and ties them into the evolving Earth. Some call this book "far out" but others say it is exceptionally unique, intellectually thought-provoking, and a most necessary road map toward understanding our purpose on this planet.

Sachs, Margaret: Celestial Passengers, UFOs & Space Travel. New York: Penguin Books, 1977, 220pp., $2.

Celestial Passengers shows us, with evidence from scientists and through the firsthand experiences of policemen, pilots, and other reliable witnesses, that there are things in space which we don’t understand and can’t explain. This work also presents up-to-date reports on the Viking Mars mission as well as other aspects of Earth’s plans for space travel and living.

Sagan, Carl: The Cosmic Connection. New York: Dell, 1973, 274pp, $2

Sagan spent the last part of his life preparing the way for contact with intelligent beings on planets of other stars. He does a you-are-there description of landfalls on Venus and Mars. These are lucid exciting, inspiring, and always igniting the sense of wonder. This book was considered a milestone in popular science writing. An absolute must for anyone interested in life on other worlds. It was a winner of the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for the best science book of the year. It also won the Klumpke-Roberts Prize from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific for popularization of astronomy.

Saunders, David R. & R. Roger Harkins: UFOs? YES! (Where the Condon Committee went wrong). New York: Signet Books, 1968, 256pp, $2.

This is the inside story by an ex-member of the official study group.Here is the actual story of the controversial Condon Committee by key ex-member Dr. David R. Saunders. He blasts the project for its unscientific biased and preconcluded “findings.” He cites the evidence, the specific cases, that have led him –along with a majority of researching scientists- to conclude that Unidentified Flying Objects are likely to be vehicles from outer space.

Sellier, Charles E.: UFO. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1997, 290pp., $6

The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious... flying discs, metallic in appearance, soundless in all but a few cases, and remarkably maneuverable. New information is challenging our assumptions, and requiring us to ask new questions. Rare photographs are also included. Amazingly, 72 percent of Americans believe in the existence of UFOs shown by a recent poll. The author is a writer and film producer with over 77 TV movies to his credit including 30 feature films. He also did In Search of Noah's Ark and The Lincoln Conspiracy.

Shirley, John: Silicon Embrace. Calif:Mark V. Ziesing, 1996, 282pp., $10 (fiction-hardcover)

You have heard all about what is going on in Area 51 if you've read recent books in the area of UFO research. Here is an author who uses what he has found in the literature to tell a very ambitious story. It is fiction, but with a little imagination it could very well hold some true ideas.

Silva, Freddy: Secrets in the Fields (The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles). Charlottesville,VA:Hampton Roads, 2002, 332pp, $10.

They appear at night, complex designs mysteriously imprinted on fields of almost ripened grain. They exhibit mathematical precision and demonstrate principles of geometry. Since the 1980s over 10,000 crop circles have appeared. These were found in England and 25 other countries. This book tells how to distinguish a hoaxed circle from a genuine one and what the magnetic field disturbances might mean. He also tells how sound, light, and microwave energy may be involved. He also tells what the circle images mean.

Sitchin, Zecharia: The Stairway To Heaven [The Earth Chronicles Book 2]. New York: Avon Books, 1980 (in paperback 1983), 377pp, $5

After years of painstaking research--combining recent archaeological discoveries with ancient texts and artifacts--noted scholar Zecharia Sitchin has identified the legendary Land of the Gods, and provides astounding new revelations about the Great Pyramids, the Sphinx, and other mysterious monuments whose true meanings and purposes have been lost for eons.

Sitchin, Zecharia: Genesis Revisited (The Earth Chronicles Companion Volume). New York: Avon Books, 1990, 343pp, $5

Three thousand years before the birth of Christ our forefathers knew many things just being discovered again by our generation. Space travel, genetic engineering, computer science, all these and more had been achieved. Yes, Sitchin shows evidence that proves these ultramodern advances were known in a time long ago.

Smith, Susy: Ghost Writers In The Sky (More Communication From James). Tucson: Vision Press, 1990, 166pp., $5.

This author has done 29 books about the world of the unknown. Her psychic abilities are well known to those that know her. Her popular The Book Of James provided inspiration information about survival of the human soul after death. This book is her answer to requests for more James. It contains some of the original material plus much that has been newly received on such subjects as atomic dangers, UFOs, drugs, and AIDS, and also how to avoid evil spirits. Susy channels James…

Smith Ph.D., Angela Thompson: Diary Of An Abduction (A scientist Probes the Enigma of Her Alien Contact). Charlottesville, VA:Hampton Roads Publishing Co., 2001, 328pp., $8.

The author in 1986 began to suspect she was living a second life. This other life was strange, baffling, otherworldly, full of weird experiments, high-tech implants, extra-terrestrials, and dark conspiracies. She felt it parallel to the one she was living, as if on a separate time-track. Was she in a ‘crack’ between dimensions? She began keeping a journal of her fleeting memories, dreams, and suspicions. This book is the result.

SPACEAGE: UFO USA (A Traveler's Guide to UFO Sightings, Abduction Sites, Crop Circles, and Other Unexplained Phenomena). New York: Hyperion, 1999, 176pp., $2.
SPACEAGE stands for Society for the Preservation of Alien Contact Evidence and Geographic Exploration. This UFO USA is a truly unique travel guide. Searching for a UFO but you don't know where to look? Try this book. Find out who saw what, where, and when to look in the USA. This is a state-by-state guide that tells you much more than how to get there and where to stay. This is perfect for the armchair traveler in search of their own close encounter...

Spencer, John and Anne: Fifty Years of UFOs (From Distant Sightings To Close Encounters). London: Boxtree (Macmillan Publishers Ltd.), 1997, 192pp., $12 (hardcover-oversized book).

Everything you always wanted to know about UFOs and their history and were denied by your government. This book divides into decades highlighting the most significant cases.

Spencer, John: World Atlas of UFOs. New York: Smithmark Publishers, 1992, 192pp., $8 (hardcover-oversize book).

This illustrates the best of twentieth-century UFO sightings. This world atlas is unique in its approach and fascinating in its discoveries. Tackling the bizarre, the frightening, the mysterious and the absurd, it provides a compelling round-up of the phenomena from all over the world. Organized continent by continent, this comprehensive database allows the phenomena to unfold chronologically from Foo Fighters of WWII to present-day North American abduction cases. Contributions from highly respected researchers make this a good intelligent read. There are also some special effects model-makers and illustrators at work here along with some remarkable photographs taken by witnesses adding to the bank of disturbingly accurate and weighty evidence.

Spencer, John and Hilary Evans: Phenomenon- Forty Years of Flying Saucers (The Most Comprehensive Examination Ever). New York: Avon Books, 1988, 413pp., $2.50.

More world-renowned experts report on 40 years of UFO action. From British UFO Research Association, come these experts who try to nail down what is going on. Of course there are numerous documented sightings, contacts, explanations, and the usual government cover-ups reported. Lots of pictures….

Stacy, Dennis and Patrick Huyghe: The Field Guide to UFOs (A Classification of various unidentified aerial phenomena based on eyewitness accounts). New York: HarperCollins, 2000, 180pp., $7.

This is a comprehensive look at the physical structure of UFOs. The book is devoted to identifying and categorizing the dozens of different shapes the UFO phenomenon exhibits globally. From double-ringed to triangle-shaped UFOs, from saucers to cigar-shaped craft, this book documents each variant, describes often extraordinary encounters, and even takes the extra step of offering the skeptic's explanation for some of the sightings. What can such UFO shapes tell us? The shape may be a clue to its origin. This book indicates that there is no single solutions to the UFO mystery, there are most likely many answers, and some surprises too.

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