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Strieber, Whitley and Anne Strieber: The Communion Letters (the truth is here-for those who dare to read it). New York: HarperCollins, 1997,288pp., $6. (2 copies)

Authentic, vivid, first-person testimony selected from the hundreds of thousands of letters reporting actual encounters, abductions, and visitations received and recorded by the two authors. It seems that hundreds of thousands have experienced the Communion phenomena: childhood visitations, the "nine knocks" mysterious scars and implants, abductions, sexual encounters, and "black sedans." From these letters we come closest to the truth about who They are and what They want with us.

Steiger, Brad and Art Bell: The Source (journey through the unexplained). New Orleans, LA: Paper Chase Press, 1999, $11. (Hardcover)
The book reveals what these two journalists really think about the arcane and sometimes bizarre subjects they have explored and examined for so many years. They do disclose their conclusions and theories about:
Origins of the human species, Pyramids and other unusual artificial structures of Egypt, Peru, Japan, etc. and even UFO abductions, conspiracies, government cover-ups, animal mutilations, crop circles, and much much more.

Steiger, Brad: The UFO Abductions, New York: Berkley Books, 1988, pp.214. $2/

Here is presented startling proof, yes UFOs exist and yes, they do have a job to do that requires encounters and abductions. Alien experimentation? Yes, there is evidence. Surgical implants? Again-yes. Encounters that are sexual? Oh yes, and more.

Steiger, Brad and Sherry H. Steiger: UFO Odyssey (An intriguing investigation of the UFO phenomenon for the new millennium). New York:Ballentine Books, 1999, pp. 294, $3.25.

This is a cutting-edge, scientifically grounded account of this eternally fascinating subject for the informed, the curious, and discerning readers everywhere. The info is based on eyewitness accounts, evidence, and a probing examination of the data.

Steiger, Brad: Other Worlds, Other Lives (Discover Your True Cosmic Origins). New Brunswick: Inner Light Publications, 1996, 159pp., $7.

The author believes that all over the world thousands of men and women are responding to some remarkable internal stimulus and remembering past lives on other worlds. Do yhou have an incredible time-release capsules are going off inside your psyches?

Steiger, Brad: Revelation The Divine Fire. New Brunswick: Inner Ligh Press, 1973-1988, 197pp, $4

Is Earth entering a new “vibration?” Will UFOs save humankind from doom and destruction? What great changes will take place in the immediate future as predicted by Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus? Out of the 108 books that Brad Steiger has published, his publisher considers this book his most important. Seth came through his channeler saying that communicating with higher intelligence sources would soon spread around the globe. Steiger is now revealing that thousands are receiving messages if not from God than from the Space Brothers or angels, spirit guides, master teachers and other superhuman beings. The cosmic consciousness game is in full swing and you are soon coming up to bat. We all have a bit of the Divine Fire within our soul and verbal communication between this Higher Intelligence and us is possible under most circumstances.

Steiger, Sherry Hansen: Face to Face with the Unknown (true stories about young people's encounters with the unexplained). New York: Tom Doherty Book, 2000, pp.244, $3.
Young people's stories are related here. Mysterious sightings and encounters are related.
Steinhauser, Gerhard R.: Jesus Christ: Heir To The Astronauts. New York:Pocketbooks, 1976, 176pp, $2
This extraordinary book begins where Chariots of the Gods left off. It presents startling documented evidence that gods have visited Earth from outer space!

Story, Ronald: The Space Gods Revealed. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1976, 139pp, $2

Among its other virtues, this book provides a very pleasant excursion among some of the more interesting monuments and artifacts of ancient human civilizations. Carl Sagan even wrote the forward. Isaac Asimov says this work is a clear, dispassionate look at the von Daniken mythology.

Stevens, Wendelle & William J. Herrmann: UFO… Contact From Reticulum . Tucson: Report of the Investigation (privately published in hardcover), 1981, 398pp, $20. (hardcover)
Dozens of sightings in this case. Good pictures of the UFO (3 sets of actual photos of the UFO craft) and a comprehensive report of the investigation. Two abductions aboard the alien space vessel, a physical examination by the alien beings, and a description of a trip as guest aboard the alien spacecraft. Also presented is a guided tour of the Reticulian spaceship. What happens when aliens come into the witness’s home along with the Reticulian spacecraft sounds recorded. Conversations with the alien beings, line drawings of the spacecraft types along with many sketches by the witness. Several police were also involved along with other witnesses.

Strieber, Whitley: Aliens, New York:Pocket Star Books, 1999, pp.459, $3.50.
Tales of abduction, revelation, and terror from the Horror Writers Association gives us an interstellar ride across the boundaries of our imaginations.

Strieber, Whitley: Communion - A True Story. New York: Avon, 1987, 306pp, $3

Communion is a 25-week New York Times bestseller--one man's riveting account of his experience with visitors from "elsewhere": how they found him, where they took him, what they did to him. The story is gripping and will move you like no other. It will fascinate and terrify you, and also alter the way you experience your world.

Strieber, Whitley: Majestic (the government lied). New York: Berkley,1989 306pp, $3

It is a 'fictional' account of what of happened at Roswell and the events and subsequent cover-up afterwards. The story goes from the initial crash and discovery, the Press Release and the subsequent Weather balloon retraction, through to crash retrieval and cover-up.

Strieber, Whitley: The Breakthrough- The Next Step. New York: Harper, 1995, 310pp, $4

The book Communion was just the beginning of Strieber’s incredible true-life odyssey. Since then Strieber has been led by these visitors on an astounding journey of revelation, and with their inspiration, has discovered a passageway to profound personal insight. He has seen them enter the lives of others and witnessed the extraordinary effects of their presence. Surprisingly, he has received their vast wisdom about the wonder of life and the rich, almost totally unexplored experience we call death. This book is a look at life’s mysteries and shows the visitors as prescient, agents of change and reveals their inspiring message of hope for our chaotic and troubled world.

Strieber, Whitley: Confirmation. New York: St. Martin's Paperbacks, 1998, 324 pp., $3.
The possible existence of extraterrestrial life is a phenomenon that has sparked more debate, controversy, fascination, and passion than any in recent history. Strieber boldly explores the vast territory of alien encounters, uncovering the most conclusive evidence of all: physical evidence that aliens may really be here. He has a website called Unknown Country at which I go to at least once a day to get the latest on the news of not only UFOs but all the strange things that are happening to our world including the changing climate. This man and his wife are truly great at bringing the truth to all who are really interested in our real world.

Sullivan, Walter: We Are Not Alone. New York:McGraw Hill, 1964,325pp., $9

Sullivan was a writer for the New York Times. This was quite a book for its age. Written in 1964 Walter explored many possibilities. He does give quite a history of man's thinking about what is out there.

Sutherly, Curt: Strange Encounters. St. Paul: Llewellyn, 1996, 244pp, $3

The unknown is always with us lurking at the edge of our understanding. This book confronts the unknown head-on, probing some of the inexplicable mysteries that intrigue us, haunt us, and even frighten us. There are 15 gripping stories that run the gamut of the bizarre, from monster sightings to UFO cover-ups. What emerges is a striking pattern of strange occurrences no intelligent person will be able to dismiss or ever forget.

Sturrock, Peter A.:The UFO Enigma (A New Review of the Physical Evidence). New York:Warner Books, 1999, 404pp., $8 (hardcover).

This was a book commissioned by Laurance S. Rockefeller and implemented by the Society for Scientific Exploration and sells for $24 U.S. or $32 in Canada. Rockefeller was a little sick of the UFO controversy and wanted once and for all to clear it up. Here we have the world’s foremost scientists debating the physical evidence. It gently overrides the Condon Report and concludes there is much for us to learn from the physical evidence.

Sutherly, Curt: UFO Mysteries (A Reporter Seeks The Truth). St. Paul: Llewellyn Publications, 2001, 228pp., $7.

This one I just finished reading and it is a great read. Sutherly is a professional reporter respected by other rather well-known UFO investigators. He combines a journalistic style with first-person recollection to give the reader a fresh and remarkable view of the UFO phenomenon. Included are 15 rare photographs from a private collection, among them a previously unpublished UFO photo mailed anonymously to radio station KYW in Cleveland, Ohio.

Temple, Robert K. G.: The Sirius Mystery (Was Earth visited by intelligent beings from a planet in the system of the star Sirius?). New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1976, 290pp, $5.
This is a scholarly look at the Dogon belief system, which mystifies educated people from around the world in as much as they have known things for thousands of years that science has discovered only recently. In 1976 the book shook up the world. For more read the blurb following about the up-dated version.

Temple, Robert K. G.: The Sirius Mystery (New scientific evidence of alien contact 5,000 years ago). Rochester: Destiny Books, 1998, 440pp, $10.
Good evidence is presented of the likelihood that superior beings from Sirius visited earth between 7,000 and 10,000 years ago. When Temple published his first book concerning his research on the Sirius mystery (see book blurb above) he set the world abuzz with talk of an extraterrestrial origin to human civilization. Certain intelligence agencies began a 15-year persecution campaign against this author. How dare he prove such things! This new book presents 140 pages of new scientific evidence that make his hypothesis more compelling than ever. In a scholarly fashion, Temple connects the African Dogon’s belief that they were visited by beings from Sirius to similar beliefs held by the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians, indicating that these cultures’ great knowledge of physics and astrophysics most likely was imparted to them by extraterrestrials. His conclusion is that the alien civilization of Sirius and our own civilization are parts of the same harmonic system destined to function and resonate together.

Thompson, Keith: Angels and Aliens. New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1991, 283pp., $6.

Thompson explores the UFO against the timeless backdrop of visionary experience: angelic visions, near-death experiences, shamanic journeys, religious miracles, and folkloric encounters with fairies. Readers enter a fascinating world with profound implications for our understanding of the human spirit.

Tomas, Andrew: We Are Not The First. New York: Bantam Books, 1971, 180pp, $2

Penicillin in Egypt thousands of years ago? Blood transfusions among primitive Australian aborigines? Mysterious and startlingly accurate maps of the globe long before Columbus? Atomic theory among the ancients? Mind-boggling revelations on the walk of prehistoric caves? Another book asking: Did super beings once walk the earth?

Trench, Brinsley LePoer: The Sky People. New York: Award, 1960, 189pp, $2

More proof that extra-terrestrial beings have visited the earth for millions of years, and that they are among us now.

Trench, Brinsley Le Poer: Temple Of The Stars. New York: Ballantine Books, 1962, 223pp, $2

What is it that links the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge, Atlantis, and the Somerset Zodiac? Is it possible that in the distant past our earth was visited by men from Outer Space and that these visitors are the answer? The clues build up and never before has man shown such interest in what they have to tell us. The author concludes that between mankind on earth and another breed of man believed to live among the stars, there is an ancient and traditional link, which survives in modern times as an unquenchable belief in astrological influences.

Tripician, Joe: The Official Alien Abductee's Handbook.(How to recover from alien abductions without hypnotherapy, crystals, or CIA surveillance) Kansas City:Andrews and McMeel,1997, pp.123, $4.

The truth exposed, secrets revealed, the government ridiculed, and aliens slandered! You will learn how to dis an alien and what to tell your doctor. You will also be told how to speak with plain-clithes government investigators and even how to appear on talk shows and tell you significant others.

Turner, Karla: Into the Fringe: A True Story of Abductions in Oklahoma. New York: Berkley, 1992, 292pp, (considered a rare book) $3

For the author and her husband, and her child, there would be sudden, shocking discoveries of long-buried memories as well as actual physical evidence of ongoing intrusion. The marks on their bodies, the sightings, the missing time episodes all point to one thing—a story of alien abduction. Dr. Turner provides a courageous and uncensored journal of the intimate and disturbing intrusions into her family’s lives. She and her family didn’t believe in UFOs until the day they no longer had a choice. It began in the spring of 1988, but it had, in reality, begun much earlier.

Turner, Karla: Masquerade of Angels. Roland, Arkansas: Kelt Works, 1994, 257pp., $8.

This is a story of the mysterious forces that shaped the life of a cotton-patch kid from backwoods Alabama and transformed him into a “Light Worker”… only to plunge him into a maze of alien deception. The story told reveals much about illusion and reality, good and evil, and the nature of humanity. Ted Rice’s story challenges everything we think we know about the universe.

Ulrich, Ann Carol & Shirle Klein-Carsh: Permutation- (A True UFO Story). Colorado: Earth Star Publication. 1993, 184pp, $6
For Two years Shirle Klein was in contact with her alien friend. Before Frank left he gave her physical proof – something few contactees can claim. This is the unusual and intriguing true story of Shirle Klein-Carsh, Canadian surrealist artist and ufologist, whose internationally recognized paintings have been shown through the world. Unlike many others who claim contact with extraterrestrials, Shirle deeply cares about humanity, and her love for the Creator is so great that the aliens entrusted her with an important assignment to be fulfilled in the coming of the new millennium.

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