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Vallee, Jacques: UFO’s In Space: Anatomy of a Phenomenon (A compelling document for the believer.. A scientific scrutiny for the skeptic…A compendium of data no once can afford to ignore!). New York: Ballantine Books, 1965, 284pp., $2.

Jacques has been in the forefront of UFO research for more years than most can remember. In this book he evaluates a massive body of myth and legend from the penetrating perspective of modern science. He brings together the most reputable evidence of the U.S. Air Force, many European files, and from a world-wide community of dedicated scientists.

Vallee, Jacques and Janine: Challenge To Science: The UFO Enigma. New York: Ballantine Books, 1974, 328pp., $2.

With a forward by J. Allen Hynek, the author presents a frighteningly factual explanation of world-wide sightings. Yes, UFOs are a challenge to science and scientists as well. A must-read for those who are looking for the truth, and there are also 8 pages of pictures that are noteworthy. This is one of the first books that isolates hoax and hallucination from actual happening and applies the cold light of scientific reason to a global phenomenon that could well determine the future of this planet.

Vallee, Jacques: UFO’s In Space: Anatomy of a Phenomenon. New York: Ballantine Books, 1965 (fifth printing 1987), 284pp, $2.

A compelling document for the believer since this is a scientific scrutiny for the skeptic, a real compendium of data no one can afford to ignore. Vallee is an old hand in this UFO business of investigation. This is a book that evaluates the massive body of myth and legend from the penetrating perspective of modern science, and brings together the most reputable evidence of The U.S. Air Force, voluminous European files, and a worldwide community of dedicated scientists.

Van Dyk, Gregory: /The Alien Files (The Secrets of Extraterrestrial Encounters and Abductions). Victoria,Australia: Element Books, 1997, 177pp., $13. (Hardcover)
An original and simulating approach to the phenomena of extraterrestrial visitors. Exhaustrively researched and full of profound observations, this is a detailed and highly original conclusion about the true nature of UFOs and alien activities.

von Daniken, Erich: In Search of Ancient Gods (My Pictorial Evidence For the Impossible). New York: G.P.Putnam’s Sons, 1973, 224pp., $6 (hardcover).

The author gives 57 full color pictures and they are impressive. He gives new meaning to an “Era of the Gods” on earth. This is a remarkable work giving graphic credence to his belief that the earth was visited eons ago by extraterrestrial “astronauts”, who conveyed information enabling man to develop from primitive into a civilized being.

Walden, James L. Ed.D: The Ultimate Alien Agenda. St. Paul, MN:Llewellyn Publications,1998, 220pp. $5
Do we know who we really are? A red-eyed alien creature at the foot of his bed startled one night, teacher, counselor, and public servant Jim Walden. He was abducted and subjected to humiliating and painful scientific procedures in a mysterious underground lab. Frightened and on the brink of suicide, he sought help of a renowned abduction researcher.
Under hypnotic regression, Jim learned that he was an alien human “hybrid”. In The Ultimate Alien Agenda, Jim shares his experiences, discoveries, and his astounding conclusion: aliens may not be gruesome creatures bent on destroying the human race. Rather, they may be our own ancestors, once revered by ancient human civilizations as reptilian gods.

Walters, Ed & Frances: The Gulf Breeze Sightings. New York: Avon Books, 1990, 368pp, $3.

It does contain 20 pages of pictures with an intro by Budd Hopkins. Ed Walters worked as a builder-contractor in Gulf Breeze, Florida that day in November, 1987 when he saw something very unusual. It was a glow behind a 30-foot pine tree in his yard. He ran for his camera and got pictures. He was also zapped with a blue light beam and was lifted from the ground. In the weeks to follow he wasn’t the only one to have additional sightings of the unusual.

Walters, Edward & Bruce Maccabee: UFOs Are Real – Here’s The Proof. New York: Avon Books, 1997, 255pp, $3.

Sixteen pages of remarkable pictures prove we are not alone. Ed Walters was connected to the UFO sighting in Gulf Breeze, Florida. Dr. Bruce Maccabee has analyzed mountains of accumulated evidence on UFOs and alien encounters to determine which sightings are false and which fact. He shows UFOs to be real.

Walters, Ed & Frances: UFO Abductions In Gulf Breeze (The amazing true story of UFOs and the real visitors from outer space). New York: Avon Books, 1994, 293pp, $3.

There are 14 clear, detailed authenticated photos presented in the book. Now the truth is confirmed. The details of Ed’s incredible experiences have been revealed through hypnosis and confirmed by eminent psychologist Dr. Dan C. Overlade. Alien beings entered his bedroom late at night, stripped him naked and performed painful experiments upon him. According to Walters, we are all at the mercy of these strange beings.

Walker, Ann: The Stone of the Plough. Rockport,MA:Element Books, 1997, 322pp., $8.

The author goes to Egypt where she is guided to many new and interesting findings along with miraculous events that lead to even further disclosures (such as the real purpose of the pyramids. This is another of those "message" books that some find rather facinating. Ann is a bit on the psychic side and does channel through her spiritual messenger White Arrow.

Watts, Alan: UFO Quest (In search of the mystery machines). London: Blandford Book, 1994 (reprinted 1996), 192pp, $7.

I thought Alan Watts was a poet! Well, he did a UFO book with 10 pages of pictures and provides a detailed and scientifically based survey of UFOs. With his close look at the technology, physics and chemistry involved, Watts examines all aspects of the UFO phenomena including the Crop Circles.

Williamson, George Hunt: Secret Places of the Lion. Roclhester,VT: Destiny Books, 1983, 230pp., $6.

Revealed at last: The role of reincarnation in the world's hidden history and the multi-lived wise men who engineered it! Certain souls, not belonging to the planet Earth in the first place, arrived here to assist mankind in its struggle up from beasthood to godhood; these souls incarnated time and time again to accomplish this purpose. They are the "Goodly Company". the "Wanderers," who have assisted mankind for thousands of years. These Great Ones have hidden - in tombs, secret chambers, caverns, temple ruins, and catacombs - priceless accounts of the struggles and intrigues of this planet.

Wilson, Katharina: The Alien Jigsaw. Portland: Puzzle Publishing, 1993, 314pp., $13. Hardcover

This book is a chronicle of the first 32 years of the author's life. She's the average American woman and an alien abductee. It is also a woman's search for answers, of adjusting to changing realities, and ultimately succeeding over an overwhelming phenomenon. The book contains information pertaining to abductions never before published. Experiences involving teaching dreams, screen memories, theatrics, camouflage techniques, visions, spontaneous memories, and experiences involving the military and the government are covered.

Wright, Susan: UFO Headquarters (investigations on current extraterrestrial activity). New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1998, 271pp, $6
.....The book is not about what UFOs are up to these days but about the state of our knowledge concerning UFOs and related phenomena.....Do UFOs exist, are extraterrestrial visitations real?....She offers detailed reports on individuals and organizations involved in investigating UFOS. Her method is not to dismiss out of hand such activity, but to carefully debunk wild and unsubstantiated claims while reserving judgment on other, more plausible efforts. Central to all she writes is the role of the US government in the study of UFOs.....On the one hand, for instance, it has denied the existence of UFOs; on the other hand, it refuses to release documents on government investigations of UFOs on the grounds of national security.....The government denies investigating UFOs at all, yet Freedom of Information Act documents show it has done so for years.....

Zarkon: The Zarkon Principle (We have been guided by extraterrestrial beings, but are they leading us into light or darkness?). New York: Signet Books, 1975, pp.239, $2.
Zarkon tells of the duality of good and evil in the universe which wages a constant struggle for supremacy. Man reflects this duality in his own nature. Throughout our history we have been visited by extraterrestrial forces, some good, some evil, all of whom are using us for their own ends. It is our ultimate destiny to master the secret of transcending matter. Then and only then, we will become one with the gods from space, able to survive the destruction of our univese and attain immortality.
For the young reader:

Coville, Bruce: Book of Aliens II (by the author of My Teacher Is An Alien). New York: Scholastic Inc. (an Apple paperback), 1996, 184pp., $2.

This is Coville's second collection of out-of-this-world tales. It is illustrated by John Pierard.

Other special books for your attention:
Bell, Art and Whitley Strieber: The Coming Global Superstorm. New York: Pocket Books, 2000, 256pp., $12. Hardcover

Art Bell is a top-rated radio talk-show host and Whitley Strieber is an authority on UFOs and other topics. So here we have two of America's leading investigators of unexplained phenomena reveal what powerful interests re trying to keep hidden. Would you believe that the U.S. could lose 3/5s of its population to coming global storms? 1998 was the world's hottest year on record and was the most violent year in the history of weather. 1999 saw worldwide temperatures rising much faster than expected. What will trigger a global superstorm? The North Atlantic current is a key. What is happening to it? Well, read on and find out. What happens when blizzards have sustained winds in excess of 100 miles an hour? Will there be massive snowfall? Will massive flooding occur? What can we do to stave it off? These questions will be answered.

Bell, Art: The Quickening (Today's Trends, Tomorrow's World). New Orleans, LA: Paper Chase Press, 1997, 333pp., $6. Hardcover

Look around you and you can see that every facet of human existence is accelerating, changing the way we live, work, play, and relate to each other dramatically. Technology is empowering the individual and diminishing the strength of national ties, and yet globalism is inevitable. Of course this was written before 9/11 and that changes things a bit. Will we have a global economy and global government? More likely we face global nuclear terrorism along with more volcanic eruptions and earthquakes along with hurricanes and deadly storms! That will be more than exciting. Sounds desolate and deadly to me.

Bischoff, David: Abduction The UFO Conspiracy. New York: Warner Books, 1990, 327pp., $3.

This is an explosive UFO novel by the author of Wargames and The Selkie. He does write an interesting story about what is out there and could be happening.

Clow, Barbara Hand: Heart of the Christos (Starseeding from the Pleiades). Santa Fe: Bear & Company, 1989, 242pp., $5.

This is vol 2 of a trilogy called: "The Mind Chronicles". It is a spellbinding tour de force of ancient mysteries and archaic consciousness drawn into present time and space. It speaks to the reader at different levels of their consciousness and being. As the Mysteries and the God/Goddess Forms re-emerge in our time, so there is beginning to appear a new literature which does not just speak of the Sacred and the Numinous, but brings them living into the body/mind and soul dimensions of the human. Zecharia Sitchin says that this work continues what he wrote in The 12th Planet.
Dong, Paul and Thomas E. Raffill: China's Super Psychics . New York: Marlowe & company, 1997, 248pp., (Out of stock right now)

Paul Dong is one of the senior editors of China's magazine The Journal of UFO Research and does feel there may be a connection between psychic energy and UFOs. He is also a practicing chi gong utilizer and author of Chi-Gong: An Ancient Chinese Way to Health
. It is estimated that China now has five thousand psychic children, three to five-hundred psychic adults, and more than thirty super psychics who can be categorized thusly: Healing psychics (including cancer and HIV), predictive psychics (envisioning past and future), regular psychics (who can stop running cars, walk through walls, change colors and molecular structures...use telekinesis, and unobservable flight). Unobservable flight? Sounds like what certain UFOs are capable of doing, right? Are you aware of "the empty force"? If you knew and practiced chi gong you would use it to your advantage against any force that might want to "bully" you.

Hancock, Graham: Fingerprints Of The Gods. New York:Crown Trade Paperbacks, 1995, 578pp., $9.

Using archaeo-astronomy, geology, and computer analysis of ancient myths, the author presents convincing evidence that mankind is far older than we have previously believed. Ancient monuments from the Great Pyramid and Sphinx to the strange Andean ruins of Tiahuanaco and even Mexico's Temples of the Sun and Moon reveals an as-yet-unidentified civilization of remote antiquity with vast sophistication and technological advancement that had evolved a scientific knowledge superior even to our own present day advances.

Wilson, Colin: From Atlantis To The Sphinx (Recovering The Lost Wisdom of the Ancient World). New York: Fromm International Publishing, 1999, 370pp., $5.

This is another book that doesn’t quite fit the profile of a UFO book, but since I’ve spent several years researching Atlantis for my own books, you might find this one by Colin Wilson as interesting as I did. Wilson lives in Cornwall, England and his latest book is titled Alian Dawn.

Joseph, Frank: The Destruction of Atlantis (Compelling Evidence of the Sudden Fall of the Legendary Civilization). Rochester, VT:Bear & Company, 2002, 262pp., $10 (hardcover).

A valuable study of a lost civilization, and if you are a tracker of ancient mysteries, this is a good read. Could be a good high school text on ancient history. It is well researched.

Hesemann, Michael: The Fatima Secret. New York: Dell Book, 2000, 262pp, $4.

It was the Vatican’s greatest secret, locked away for nearly a century. What were they trying to hide? Three young shepherds in 1917 witness a vision of the Virgin Mary and hear the Holy Mother reveal three prophecies. Two were revealed. One was not revealed until the year 2000. Find out what it was. Whitley Strieber edited and wrote the introduction to the book. Could this have something to do with ETs?


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