Nile Cruise - another way to do it

The cruise on the Nile was very peaceful.  Mum said she found it very relaxing.  When we weren't visiting temples, I had great fun playing with the other boys in the swimming pool on the sun deck.  

Ibis floating on the Nile

Mum took this picture of an ibis cadging a lift on a clump of water hyacinth (or was it a lily pad?) floating down the river.  It looks like a very useful alternative to taking a boat.

We think it was one of our best holidays ever. 

Aswan corniche | Oberoi Philae | High Dam | Hydro-electric plant | Quarry | Philae island 
 Philae temple | Scarab | Caleche | Horus | Ptolemy | Carvings | Valley of the Kings 
 Hatshepsut | An alternative mode  


 Cyprus  Oman  Thailand  Mum