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Pyramids - the camel keeper

Abdullah was very courteous and helped Mum on and off the camel at the beginning and end of our trip to the Pyramids.  Moses the guide made sure that he got a lot of money too. 

Mum with the camel-keeper Abdullah

 Abdullah keeps his camels in a district in Giza where there are lots of stables.  Many tourists are taken there for the ride out to see the Pyramids, but they keep well away from the main site.  The guides usually give the policeman on the path some money called baksheesh so that they can go out into the desert.  Mum wonders whether if they got paid more, they might not ask for baksheesh.


First view | My horse | Our guide | The camel-keeper | Burial chambers 
 View over Giza | Sphinx | Afterwards  


 Cyprus  Oman  Thailand  Mum