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Baja Web Ring

     The Baja Web Ring was created to help visitors and members of Baja to explore each others pages. The Ring was created with the creation of the Baja Community Page, we created both to help Baja grow into a larger community, but also to help those members of Baja and Baja/Dunes to get any information or news in and around Baja. If you like 4x4's, but aren't sure how you want to design your web page, the Baja Web Ring has many sites for you to browse around on for some ideas! Alsoif you want to learn a little more about some of your neighbors at Baja, as well as them finding out more about you, this is where the Baja Web Ring also becomes useful! The ring is a good way to help get more visitors to your page, so come on and JOIN! 

     If you haven't been getting as many visitors to your page as you want, then the Baja Web Ring might be for you! If you like 4x4's or any type of off road adventure or sport, then the Baja Web Ring is for you, joining is simple, all you have to do is fill out a form, wait for the ringmaster to send you your ring ID and code, download this graphic to your own directory, and then email the ringmaster to let them know you have completed all of the above!   

To download this graphic, right click and save as sunset1.jpg to your own directory.

Baja Web
Ring Map


When you receive your ring code, remember to change the line that points to the location of the ring image source to the directory you have placed the image in. If you need assistance with this, e-mail alanonzander@yahoo.com

If you are a member of the Baja Web Ring, or you are becoming a member, but you forgot the Code, or can't find the e-mail with the code, Click Here.  If you are having problems joining the Baja Web Ring or have a question  about the Baja Web Ring, please feel free to e-mail honeyimhome@oocities.com   If you have any problems, questions or anything, please e-mail honeyimhome@oocities.com or alanonzander@yahoo.com and we will be happy to assist you.


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