Hola seņores! Buenos Dias! Welcome to
the Baja Oasis.
Hi there! I'm Honeyimhome,
the Innkeeper here at the Oasis. Come on in and make yourself
at home! Don't mind what you see cause we all hit this place
after hours when we need to kick off our shoes and have a bit
of fun! When that happens, things occasionally get out of hand
here! Seems Pvduck
and the town's Mayor Tynan
caught me and my main squeeze, Amamachu
behind the Oasis with a jug of margaritas, munching on a bowl
of cashews and M&M's. Now, they didn't mind the Margaritas..or
the cashews for that matter..but the M&M's are CHOCOLATE
and we both almost got thrown in the slammer for eating the
'Hood Tax'!! Thank goodness I'm the Sheriff
and convinced them both that they were really just W&W's!! Being
a blonde does have some advantages!
serve food here too at the oasis. Our menu isn't very big,
but that's because our cook, Fordlover49 hasn't learned
how yet however our purty waitress Checkhike2
makes up for our lack of food by singing and dancing her way
to your table (hey don't knock it it's our only entertainment!
So we're limited to the following items (please note prices
are subject to change depending on what was broken the night
before or if road kill pickin's were slimmer than usual.)
Rattlesnake eggs with toasted Sagebrush $1.99
Tumbleweed salad with Skinktoes $2.50 (Skinktoes raises the
Buffalobutt steaks with Tiretread Taters (House Special $1.50 a
Kookoobird eggs with a side order of toast smothered with pink spam. (Our latest delicacy $1.98 a
(road)Creamed Rabbit and gopher guts on the side (freshly
scraped from the parking lot outside.) $1.99 (no charge for the liquid exhaust fumes)
Mutilated Monkey with stewed Rutabagas (if you can eat the
whole plate we pay you!)
Maybe you'd
like to apply for our Best Of Baja Award? Go here to read all about how you might qualify!
Our interior decorator and
town gossip Mickey911 likes to
decorate our town for the holidays but careful what you say he might take what you say and
spread it thru our town via the Baja
Chat Room.
Our purty Baja Oasis bird watcher, Kookoomom4 also doubles
as the town's Welcoming Committee. If you feel the need for
a special visit from her "Welcome Wagon" drop us an email at:
Our Welcome Address
A coupla months back
a feller all dressed in black, studded leather dragged himself over the town line.
Well at first we didn't know what to make of him and to tell the truth we still don't, but
we call him the "RoadWarrior"
he's pretty harmless but he does have the peculiar way of fighting with the road out here.
Seems every now and then he throws himself down and thumb wrestles the asphalt and
then declares himself the winner. Since he wanted a job we put him to work in the
Town's Coffee Shop called Bajas Oasis This is the place to go if you need help, have something to say to the staff here, or just want to introduce yourself!
Now we ain't all a bunch
of desert rats here! We got ourselves a bonafide huntress
who sees to the eatin habits of those
snowbirds who visit here. She goes off into the woods and poaches
us some mighty fine game to add to the menu! We don't list it
cause we save that stuff for them rich city folks!
Maybe you'd
like to visit the convicts in jail? Well go
right ahead, while you're there you can put in a pardon request for one or two or maybe
even put one in jail yourself?
Don't forget be on the lookout for the Baja
Witches! They are a notorious coven of women living in the California Desert. Recently, this band of witches has planned, schemed and taken over an entire town, renaming it The Baja Witch Headquarters! The head witch, Honeyimhome has it all written out in their new town description.
town's zoo keeper, BikeBaja
found a really rare find this week in the Baja desert. It's
the elusive Kookoomom4. This
bird is known to only a few and is rarely scene outside it's
desert habitat. Although there have been reports of it having
been seen in the Petsburgh neighborhood most residents of Baja
discount this as just another urban legend. The truth of the
matter is the only KooKooBird in existance lives quite contentedly
in our zoo. Feel free to visit the KooKoo but please don't
feed it!
Baja isn't just some little hick town
either, we have our own camping director! Amamachu
He's put some helpful tips at: on how to
light a fire without matches, and for those who need written
instructions, the alternative method! Of course, there is a full instruction book at
Cookin Tips center! If you have any other camping tips,
stop on by the office,
and give us your suggestions!
Or, if you want to, just email
us about something you'd like to have the the director explain
to you.
Some Cool Things to do in the Oasis!
Read some jokes play a game, send a virtual card,
send a virtual gift, send a virtual flower(see links below), eat a gourmet meal (see menu
above) kick back and relax, read the newspaper, put someone in jail, get someone out of
jail in general just have some fun!