French Creoles in relationship to the Acadians

There are many origins of the French people of Louisiana.
Many came directly from France before and after the French Revolution. These are referred to as Creoles. (Creole not to be confused with the popular useof the term today to denote African Americans in New Orleans and other parts of Louisiana

From French Canada.
These are referred to as French Canadians and also Creoles.

From other parts of the original French colony of Louisiana
These too are referred to as Creoles.

From Haiti.
These too are referred to as Creoles

From other French colonies.
These too are referred to as Creoles

Then there is the Acadians, who arrived in louisiana during the years 1765-1785. These and only these are to be referred to as "Acadians". To be an Acadian you have to be a descendant of an Acadian. In otherwords your ancestors have to have come from Acadia (Nova Scotia ca 1755-1765- 1785) (Don Landry)

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