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Romantic & Kinky Stuff
(A must in all relationships)

Key to our favorites . . .
Carrie: *
Katy: @
Lisa: #
Nikki: &
Karen: $

Edibles (Don't worry you'll burn this stuff off!)

1. Strawberries [* #]
2. Chocolate (Solid or Syrup) [* # $]
3. Ice Cubes [* $]
4. Cherries [& $]
5. Frozen M & M's [# $]
6. Marshmallow Cream [* $]
7. Whipped Cream [@ * #]
8. Bananas [* $]
9. Ice Cream (the more sinful the better) [* @ # $]
10. Chinese food [@ * $]
11. Plums, apricots and peaches (and any fruits that where not listed specifically above) [* $]
12. Caramel (prefurbly Caramel apple dip) [$ *]
13. Popcorn (With BUTTER lots and lots of BUTTER!) [* @ # $]
14. Duck Sauce [@ $]

Places and Times . . .

1. A Grand Piano (no music just a piano and in this case bigger is better.) [@ *]
2. A deserted beach [* # &]
3. A Jacuzzi [# * &]
4. Back of a Convertible (or any car that is avalible. Limos however are the most luxurious. I guess! Not that I would know.) [@ #]
5. Field of Flowers (If you have hay fever take an antihistamine and inhaler!) [* #]
6. Nice Comfy Rug in Front of a Fireplace (Make sure you have that fire guard closed otherwise it will get too hot!) [* #]
7. A pool (filled with chanpane, Optional) [&]
8. At Sunset or Sunrise in each others arms[* & @ #]
9. A Bed (maybe if you are feeling traditional) [* #]

Toys . . .

1. Incense [*]
2. Blindfolds [* #]
3. Handcuffs [#]
4. Chains
5. Rope [@]
6. Whips
7. Leather bodysuits [*]
8. Books of Romantic Poetry and Shakespeare's Sonnets [* #]
8. Personal Massager
9. Rose petals [* #]
10. Silk Sheets (Preferbly Black) [* @ #]
11. Old movies (ex: Casablanca and An Affair to Remember) [@ * #]

Ah but lets not forget Foreplay . . .

Come on guys and gals just look at the list above and use your imagination but, don't forget to be safe!

Have fun and remember . . .
Make love not war . . .
Hit the bed not the floor.

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