Ok, I know I have too much time on my hands, but here's 10 questions that form a questionnaire/poll. Test your BTE devotion, and help out ezralite research at the same time. Please email me your answers, at the bottom of the bottom of the page. Ok, the results are in!!! For the sake of fairness, each person was given only one vote, and often, I took the first answer you wrote. It's never too late to add your input; I'll be updating as results come in. As of March 19th, 1997, the results are....CrashDaddy, if you will do the honors.....:)
Question #1
Who's your favorite BTE member? (past or present, including Kevin, Joel, Cary, Travis, Tom, Jim, and even Ivy)
50% Kevin Griffin
25% Tom Drummond
12.5% Tie between Travis McNabb and Ivy :)
Question #2
What's your favorite song? (either live, recorded, or other song)
25% for both Porcelian & Time of Year
12.5% for False River, R3wind, Teenager, & Summerhouse
Question #3
What's your favorite line, from which song?
Each line got one vote, so 12.5%
"I wish I could kill you and savor the sight. Get into my car, drive into the night. Then Lie as I scream to the heaven's above, that I was the last one you ever loved." ~Porcelain
"Hope brings you luck, doors open up. And if you should fall, I'll catch you dear. It must be!" ~ Scared Are You?
"Kind words are scarce at best when you need them most." ~ Scared Are You?
"Stanton, Harry Dean." ~ Return of the Post Modern
"Damn the fire to feed the flame." ~ Heaven
"For everyone, there's a person, place, or time that takes you back and makes you feel alive." ~ Cry in the Sun
"If it feels go do it." ~ Teenager
"Right there a song became a soundtrack for this space in time." ~ R3wind
Question #4
What's your favorite BTE album? (Surprise, Deluxe, or Friction, Baby)
50% Deluxe
37.5% All of them (some of us are just indesicive)
12.5% Friction, Baby
Question #5
How many times have you seen BTE in concert?
25% of you have seen BTE 4, 3, 2, &1 times.
Question #6
How many times have you meet them? and who have you met?
33.3% - none
11.1% - all of them, 4 times
22.2% - all of them, once
11.2% - all of them, twice
22.2% - Kevin, once
Question #7
If you could ask any of the band members ONE question, what would it be?
"How would you describe yourself as a kid?"
"Were you forced to play NH?"
"Can I be your interpretor & travel with you to all of your shows when you finally do your South American tour?"
"Will you marry me? (whoever answers yes first ;)"
"What do you love most about your careers?"
"Do you want to go to Rendon Inn with me this Saturday night for $10 All you can Drink?
"What's the most extreme thing you've ever done to win a girl's affections?"
Question #8
Where do YOU think "Better than Ezra" came from?
57% "Movable Feast" by Ernest Hammingway
14% Ezra Pound
29% Other (please tell me)
0% The Bible
Question #9
To see BTE in concert would you:
43% drive across the country?
29% fly to another country?
14% pay more than $50? $500?
0% drive across the state?
0% resort to illegal activities? (not that I'd suggest this!)
0% Other (like what?)
Question #10
What about to get the chance to talk with them, one on one?
50% drive across the country?
17% fly to another country?
33% Other (like what?) ~ all the choices
0% pay more than $50 $500? $1000?
0% leave your significant other? (i.e. boy/girlfriend, husband, wife, etc.)
0% drive across the state?
Bonus: (OK, so I lied, it's 11 questions) How many year's have you listened to BTE? and how many years have you been and Ezralite?
Listened to BTE:
62.5% 2 years
12.5% 4, 3, and 1 year
Been an Ezralite:
50% 2 months
25% 1 year & 3 years
Please email me with your answers: Summit