"The Old Parrot(t) Head" MYSTERY SONG
Round #2

June 1998 - June 1999

ALBUMS: One Particular Harbour - 1983
Feeding Frenzy - 1990

Round #2 WINNER is
Charlie Hughes
His winning guess wuz . . .
"Went to bed at 2 with a 10 . . .
Woke up at 10 with a 2 . . ."

The winner is now the LOUD owner of GREAT ParrotHead phun thingy
A Corona candle!

June '98 - June '99 Mystery Song Entries:

June 1998 - June 1999

"Why don't we get drunk so I can talk to you!!"
The Buccaneer of Buddina, (7/26/99)

"Why don't we get drunk and scroooo
I'm half way there
and I ain't waitin' for you to ketsup either." - Greg, (5/23/99)

"Why don't we get drunk and scroooo
so we may later get married
then you can divorce me for everything I got!
I'll sink the boat before you get it though." - Greg, (5/23/99)

"Why don't we get drunk and screw so I can show you my tatoo.
It's just a parrothead, but I will show it to you." - RWCJ7, (3/12/99)

"Why don't we get drunk and procreate" - jcmorris, (3/2/99)

"Why don't we get drunk and do the dew" - jcmorris, (3/2/99)

"There's just no sense believin Without You" - Annonymous, (2/21/99)

"leo copaneela" - TMMSON, (2/20/99)

"My husband just left, and I'm looking at you, sooooo why don't we get drunk and screw" - TMMSON, (2/18/99)

"Why don't we have lunch at school? I just got ya a new lunch box it's filled up with boat drinks too!! Honey, why don't we get drunk and screw?" - Norma, (1/29/99)

"We'll put on JB's latest CD for the grand-kids, pretend you have big breasts and my hair won't remove, then act like we're both really drunk and still more than able to SCREW!!!" - Laisland, (1/22/99)

Why dont we get drunk & screw! So, Toodaloo . . . To You! - RobinFromCT, (1/20/99)

The song is "Pencil Thin Mustache" - billmid15, (1/7/99)

Hmm, It isn't "The Great Filling Station Holdup"...its the song on the other side of that single....Hmmm, something about drinking into excess and participating in those carnal pleasures the Jesuits taught us were SO evil...Oh, I KNOW! Its "We Are The People Our Parents Warned Us About!" (God knows we are!) - Steve Miller, (12/31/98)

I just bought a WaterBed, It's filled up with SUPER-GLUE, . . . Soooooo, Why DON'T we just get Drunk and SCREW, SCREW, SCREW - El Rayo X, (10/20/98)

soooo, soooo, why don't we just get drunk and screw up the media . . .
it's parrotriaotic!!!!! - Terry F, (8/20/98)

"Why Don't we get Stoned and Screw!!!" - MP Clarke, (8/18/98)


Wake me in the morning, I cant see you now - davedude, (7/19/98)

A white sports coat & a pink crustacson - gardipee, (7/17/98)

peanut butter conspiracy - Patricia, (7/7/98)

Went to bed at 2 with a 10 . . .
Woke up at 10 with a 2 . . . - Charlie Hughes, (6/30/98)

I just filled up my water bed with elmer's glue, so WHY DON'T WE GET DRUNK AND SCREW???? - Howie, The Sumter Resident Parrothead, (7/3/98)


Your "nice" guess here

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