Havana cityscapes/buildings

Havana viewed from Jose Marti Monument tower, our Penthouse apartment (casa particular) and Castillo de San Salvador de la Punta.

Jose Marti Memorial (Left). You can take the elevator of the mirador to the top for a bird's eye view of Havana.

Part of the city wall that once ringed Havana (Right).
Examples of the crumbling buildings due to Fidel Castro's selfishness.
On a clear day . . . you can see forever . . .

While standing on a roof top in Old Havana, I noticed this girl on her balcony, accompanied by two dogs and one cat. I tried to capture the three animals as they stuck their noses through the railing. But alas - I am slow. I gained interest in the girl. She stood there, looking down into the street, waiting for over 45 minutes. Soon she dropped a rope into the street. On the end of the rope was a blue bucket. Down below, a young Cuban boy loaded bread into the bucket and she hoisted it up.

Hummm . . . WHERE was it we saw these? . . .

1999 Cuba trip Continued
Havana's famous bars

The Old Man and The Sea ~ Havana's old cars ~ Havana Cityscapes
Havana's Famous Bars ~ Cuban citizens ~ Tropicana ~ TO DO in Cuba
Aliens in Havana ~ Cuba Info/Getting there/Links


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