Words for Woodro
From Mama and Papa

Wait for us, friend
At The Rainbow Bridge
We'll join you very soon

In the blink of an eye
You'll find us there
Somewhere beyond the moon

Run! Dear boy
Go run and play
Through fields of emerald green

Go chase the stars
And sniff the winds
And drink from crystal streams

Find your friends
Who've gone before
Tell them we still care

Let them know
We love you all
And soon we will be there

We'll take a stroll
`cross The Rainbow Bridge
Together we'll all be

In Paradise
We'll play all day
Once again, a family

Till then, our friend
Our special boy
You're with us everyday

We'll stay in touch
In heart and thought
and each night when we pray

And when it's time
To lay and rest
From a day of fun and play

Sweet dreams, Woodro
And know you'll SEA
Us cross that field one day

Loving and Missing you,
Mama and Papa

Now Playing the theme from the 1997 movie Titanic ~ "My Heart Will Go On"

LESSON from The Woodro to Mama and Papa

WORDS To The Woodro from The Papa

CLOSURE for The Woodro

The Rainbow Bridge

Pet Loss Grief Support