The Silhouette
by Terri L. Onorato

The silhouette stands boldly
at the end of the hallway
ears erect, eyes like jewels
the tail, it softly sways.

This wouldn't be the first time
I've seen him stand nearby
his image clear as crystal
from the corner of my eye.

His visits I don't share with some
who think I've went over and beyond
the grieving time they deem I need,
they say I should move on.

I sometimes pity people who
have never felt just cause
to share the bond between two souls,
one with hands and one with paws.

The silhouette reminds me
what the others say is wrong
for as long as breath goes through me
there exists our mighty bond.

When the Keeper calls me home
and the Bridge gates open wide
our bond will deepen ten fold
as we walk through side by side.

You see, I am the lucky one
as I've been truly blessed
for someday we'll walk together
as eternal silhouettes.

Copyright © 1997,1998 by Terri Onorato. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this poem may be distributed or reproduced without expressed written consent of the author.

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