Hi. . .thanks for signing the guestbook. Hope you liked this site and will come back soon. Thanks. . . StaceyQ

11/29/98 19:44:37
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook

Cindy - 09/08/98 07:17:47
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Wil H. - 10/17/97 05:43:43
My Email:jah@elite.net
Favorite NRBQ song: yes,yes,yes
Favorite NRBQ disc: at yankee stadium
Favorite Venue to see the boys: Kimball's East (CA)
Other musical interests: Monk,Heads,Lefty...
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Dr. Zaius
Color of your toothbrush: purple
I first saw the Q on David Sandborne's(sp?) variety show in the late 80's. I was mesmerized. In fact, when forming groups myself, diggin' Uncle Q has practically been a prerequisite for new recruits! Seen 'em a bunch of times since, and they *never* fail o have my toes a-tappin' (to paraphrase Terry's comment to T.S.). Sad to see the departure of Al, but we've all told that story too many times. Sad again to see the "unofficial NRBQ page" gone! glad to make new friends here, though-- see all you NoCal Q-h ads at the shows.

- 09/29/97 02:38:39

Krazykat - 09/09/97 10:56:33
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/BourbonStreet/3973
Favorite NRBQ song: don't know
Favorite NRBQ disc: don't know
Favorite Venue to see the boys: have none
Other musical interests: Los Lobos, The Smithereen,s Joe Satriani, Gin Blossoms, Beatles, Tom Petty
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: neither one, I don't like doctors
Color of your toothbrush: purple
None really, I like music. That's enough.

Drew Jacobs - 09/09/97 05:24:21
My Email:Drewymo@aol.com
Favorite NRBQ song: Ridin' in my car
Favorite NRBQ disc: Yankee/Grooves/Uncle Q/Wild
Favorite Venue to see the boys: Park West
Other musical interests: Nick Lowe,Dave Edmunds, John Hiatt, Elvis C, ELO, Dead, Junior Brown, Asleep @the wheel
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: I don't know,& I don't care
Color of your toothbrush: I use the blue one
The boys were great in Albany Aug 20th, outdoors on the plaza. Personal favorites would be "11 bar Blues" When things Was cheap" Tommy doing Herb Alpert's "This Guys in love with your" complete with Johnny on trumpet solo. I work for PYX 106 here in Al any, and got to intro the band at Park West in October 96. Met them later, and got the pictures to prove it. Definitely one of the best experiences ever.

Gene Wolters - 09/08/97 01:39:33
My URL:http://www.,vtweb.com/wolters/geneboy/index.html
My Email:wolters@onenet
Favorite NRBQ song: "Wild Weekend"
Favorite NRBQ disc: numberous
Favorite Venue to see the boys: Southgate House, Newport, Kentucky
Other musical interests: Whatever Terry configures
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: a lose tie
Color of your toothbrush: off white
I've seen the "Q" at varied venues and what I like most about their music is the way they come accross as geniune greats in a field that has overlooked them. Their tunes set the mood. They don't fake it. Someday soon,someone in the biz, is going to hear t eir sound and question too others' "Hey have you heard "NRBQ." The person standing in the area of earshot shall finally, that a hear at "NRBQ" and realize how awesome an act, can sound. All too often I hear noise, and not often enough do I have the pleasure of hearing the "Q". If I'm right, someone along the way must have put a deaf ear too a really sweet sound. Geno ! Billy-G's 7th Hell-On-Wheels-Halloween-Tour on Friday October 31st, should head too the "Q"s gig in the Northeast. I'll suggest it!!

Fan In Florida - 09/04/97 03:31:43
My Email:QHeadMan@aol.com
Favorite NRBQ song: next one I hear
Favorite NRBQ disc: couldn't pick,unless you held a gun to my head
Favorite Venue to see the boys: anywhere the beverages are cold and the women warm
Other musical interests: Blues,Soul,the Dead,Van,&On&On...
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Sorry girls,but Kildare sucked
Color of your toothbrush: which part-the bristles or the plastic thing?
THANK YOU STACEY! An NRBQ fanatic/Deadhead?! ..What's yer ZIP code?? Have ya got any SISTERS? hehe...I've been a Q fan since they started.Why more folks don't know about their genius is a mystery to me...I am VERY happy to have found this site.

John LaPado - 09/03/97 20:42:55
My Email:lapj@shasta.csuchico.edu
Favorite NRBQ song: Electric train, Walking ,all of 'em.
Favorite NRBQ disc: Kick Me Hard
Favorite Venue to see the boys: Fillmore, Catalyst.
Other musical interests: Dylan, The Band, how about those Fowler Brothers?
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Dr. Robert
Color of your toothbrush: Gray.
I've been seeing them since 68. I got to open for 'em in 84. Just saw them at the Fillmore last Friday. Still the greatest.

Dano - 08/31/97 13:58:24
My Email:dianshaw@aeneas.net
Favorite NRBQ song: Everybody's Smoking
Favorite NRBQ disc: Message for the Mess Age
Favorite Venue to see the boys: Newbies, Memphis,TN
Other musical interests: I play bass in a local rock band, Flashback
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Dr. Phibes
Color of your toothbrush: red, I think
nice page...I know that joey spampinato lives in Nashville, and that Johnny lives in NYC. and I think Terry lives in Battleboro, VT. Tom probably lives across the street from me. You're right on about "a musician's band of musicians". I've had my bandmem ers at a Q concert...they all want to throw their instruments away after seeing the pros doing it so well and so effortlessly. Last concert tho, they spoke of breaking up and going their own ways...this true? I got Nice People U R..it's charming but I mi s the butt kick of their other works....Later. Keep the Q alive!

Kenny Coleman - 08/26/97 19:29:43 GMT
My Email:Kenny@bestfares.com
Favorite NRBQ song: "Just Ain't Fair", much like this question
Favorite NRBQ disc: Yankee Stadium
Favorite Venue to see the boys: My mind's eye, their visits to my former hometown (Portland OR) being all too infrequent
Other musical interests: Richard Thompson, Al Green, Beatles
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Kildare had better politics, though Casey had the all-time creepiest theme song
Color of your toothbrush: coffee stained
Having just recently relocated from Portland to Dallas, I'm appalled to find myself in another "Q"-free zone. Say it ain't so, boys.

Honey Lindgren - 08/19/97 20:55:06 GMT
My Email:hrl@awod.com
Favorite NRBQ song: I want you bad
Favorite NRBQ disc: Yankee Stadium
Favorite Venue to see the boys: anywhere
Other musical interests: Elvis Costello, other alternative bands, rock-a-billy
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Marcus Welby
Color of your toothbrush: pink
Why don't the boys come down South more often?

Phil Milstein - 08/17/97 04:11:57 GMT
My URL:http://www.channel1.com/users/fxxm
My Email:fxxm@channel1.com
Favorite NRBQ song: Ridin' In My Car
Favorite NRBQ disc: constant rotation between (in no particular order): Tapdancin' Bats, Wild Weekend, Grooves In Orbit, Skeeter/NRBQ, Scraps, All Hopped Up. Etc.
Favorite Venue to see the boys: Rusty Nail
Other musical interests: song-poem music
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: whichever one didn't have Richard Chamberlain
Color of your toothbrush: green ... oh, sorry, I thought it said "color of your teeth."
From the night in '77 or '78 I was introduced to the world of NRBQ at The Shaboo Inn in Willimantic, Connecticut, all the way until today, listening to NRBQ has been one of the most enjoyable things I do in my life.

- 08/14/97 10:36:48 GMT

Billy Preston - 08/13/97 01:05:05 GMT
My Email:notserp@provide.net
Favorite NRBQ song: Some kind of Blues
Favorite NRBQ disc: Diggin Uncle Q
Favorite Venue to see the boys: Magic Bag Theater
Other musical interests: Mostly all kinds
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Dr. Jekyl
Color of your toothbrush: Green
NRBQ is by far the best live performance band I've ever seen. I've been attending their shows for eleven years and even with the tremendous loss of Big Al, they are great entertainment! Johhny has done a great job of filling an incredible hole. Overall, his band kicks ass. It's that simple.

Charles Lane - 08/08/97 15:55:24 GMT
My Email:Charles.Lane@MCI.Com
Herman's Hideaway, tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mark Grissom - 08/06/97 16:49:45 GMT
My Email:spinyn@aol.com
Favorite NRBQ song: Little Floater
Favorite NRBQ disc: Yankee Stadium
Favorite Venue to see the boys: Slim's in SF
Other musical interests: GDead,VMorrison
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Dr. Kildare
Color of your toothbrush: clear with red/green stars
Great page...and you would be a Deadhead, as well. Still high from the Shoreline Furthur...Bonnie Raitt as a bonus. The Q at the Fillmore August 29!!!

Michael AKAMA - 08/06/97 14:56:16 GMT
My Email:michael@mxy.meshnet.or.jp
Favorite NRBQ song: crazy like a fox
Favorite NRBQ disc: tokyo(because I'm a Japanese and went these concerts!)
Favorite Venue to see the boys: sorry, but I can't understand this mean...
Other musical interests: Robyn Hitchcock, Patti Smith & GN'R
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: sorry again...
Color of your toothbrush: pink!
Yeah! What a beautiful page this is!! I'm a big fan of NRBQ, but they are not so popular in Japan. So I can cover their information on internet only, and your page is very fantastic. Especially, I was surprised by much photos. Hope you keep this page so long!

Alaine - 08/05/97 00:05:35 GMT
My Email:aprockoo@soleil.acomp.usf.edu
Favorite NRBQ song: You and I and George
Favorite NRBQ disc: still is "All Hopped Up"
Favorite Venue to see the boys: memories of Toads
Other musical interests: Jayhawks, Jonathan Richman, Golden Smog........
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: of course, Ben!
Color of your toothbrush: purple
the pics are great Stacey and just wish I had my youth to run around like that again!

Mark & Amy Bueide - 08/04/97 23:22:07 GMT
My URL:no web page. sorry.
My Email:bueide@exit109.com
Favorite NRBQ song: can't pick just one
Favorite NRBQ disc: can't figure it out
Favorite Venue to see the boys: not the bottom line
Other musical interests: all over the map
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Dr Howard, Dr Fine, Dr Howard
Color of your toothbrush: Mark- clear. Amy - red and white
We were at the Old Lantern Inn in Charlotte for the 7/23 show - a good spot to see NRBQ. Nice snapshots!

Larry Hernandez - 08/01/97 20:11:00 GMT
My URL:http://\\:ptth
My Email:alundra@flash.net
Favorite NRBQ song: Boys in the City or perhaps Roll Call. Sometimes Beverly :-)
Favorite NRBQ disc: Ha ha, yeah, right.
Favorite Venue to see the boys: Outside on the grass
Other musical interests: Kate - Jane - Happy
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Nurse Alicia
Color of your toothbrush: clear-less germs
Stacey, your site looks better every time I visit it. Keep up the great work. Still waiting for your promised chat with the boys! :-)

- 08/01/97 00:29:15 GMT

Cary Pollick - 07/25/97 05:34:14 GMT
My Email:cry.and.mchle.pllck@snet.net
Favorite NRBQ song: That's Neat, That's Nice - is up near the top of the list
Favorite NRBQ disc: Grooves in Orbit
Favorite Venue to see the boys: Toad's, New Haven
Other musical interests: The Replacements, Ben Folds Five, The Jayhawks, Adrian Belew, Phish, Wilco, The Who,The Beatles,Thelonious Monk...
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Doctor Howard , Doctor Howard and Doctor Fine
Color of your toothbrush: Blue and White with little grippies on the handle(I'm very proud of it)
Been following the Q since 82 or so. I have just about all the official releases on vinyl or CD. If anyone has cool live tapes, maybe we can trade. I LOVE THE Q!!!!!!! p.s. I think Johnny is fitting in better all the time. Last time I saw them (April) ,they ROCKED!

mark chadwick - 07/20/97 15:31:07 GMT
My Email:mchadw9979@aol.com
Favorite NRBQ song: Little Floater
Favorite NRBQ disc: At Yankee Stadium
Favorite Venue to see the boys: The Magic Bag/Sully's(defunct)
Other musical interests: Beatles/Beach Boys
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Ben Casey
Color of your toothbrush: White(with green accents)
Relative Q newcomer with 4 concerts under belt.

Dave Scott/Janet Abisch - 07/18/97 01:48:15 GMT
My Email:71544.174@compuserve.com
Favorite NRBQ song: neophytes
Favorite NRBQ disc: neophytes
Favorite Venue to see th boys: bottom line
Other musical interests: eclectic (incl. junior brown, mozart etc)
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Dr. Kildare
Color of your toothbrush: glo-in-the-dark dayglo orange
Comments:< r>"everybody poops ." most americans are overweight. organically grown winter squash and pumpkins.

Stanislav Zabic - 07/11/97 08:17:57 GMT
My URL:got no any
My Email:ypmf901@yubgss21.bg.ac.yu
Favorite NRBQ song: "Whistle While You Work" (by now) br>Favorite Venue to see the boys: I would like to see them in KST in Belgrade, or anywhere else
Other musical interests: Who, Clive Gregson and Christine Collinster, X, Steve Wynn and Dream Synicate, Husker Du, Beatles, Stones. Peter Ble vad held a concert here in Belgrade and it was beautyfull, check him out.
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Dr. John
Color of your toothbrush: Sorry, I'm colorblind.
Stacey, beautyfull site, I like y ur vases, and your students works are beautyfull too. Nice to see all this people like the same music as I. Stay cool. I forgot to write in my music interests Mike Watt and his bans. See ya soon.

td valign=top>Comments:
Great Page Stacey! Great idea Mary sending Rosie a YNPYA cd! Still waiting on tapes from Kimon @ G.Hobish! GOTTA see STEVE FERGUSON come to ATLANTA! Wanna know whereabouts of FRANK GADLER?!Need STALEY autographs! and MUST SEE NRBQ BACK IN ATLANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gregg"GRA"Boutilier - 07/09/97 23:12:44 GMT
My Email:richs-57a@webtv.net
Favorite NRBQ song: Ridin' in my car
Favorite NRBQ disc: Yankee Stadium/Message...
Favorite Venue o see the boys: ANY!!!
Other musical interests: Los Straightjackets,Southern culture on the skids,Pietasters @ Sooo MUCH MORE!!!
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Neither! Bugs Bunny
Color of your toothbrush: Which end?

Bruce Dumes - 07/09/97 20:26:15 GMT
My URL:http://www.ici.net/cust_pages/bad/bad.html
My Email:bad@ici.net
Favorite NRBQ song: R ding In My Car (today anyway...)
Favorite NRBQ disc: Yankee Stadium or All Hopped Up
Favorite Venue to see the boys: Jonathan Swifts back in the 70's....
Other musical interests: Beatles, Jazz, Pentangle, Fairport Convention, The Move, Roy Wood, The Idle Race, Bach, Vivaldi, Duke Ellington, Red Garland, John Coltrane, Miles Davis....
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard
Color of your toothbrush: toothbrush colour
Hey Stacey -- Great page! Bruce

Seth (from the list) - 07/09/97 19:01:18 GMT
My Email:sjatlas@morganfinnegan.com
Favorite NRBQ song: Hard to say, but one would be "Ain't No Free"
Favorite NRBQ disc: Pee aboo or Yankee Stadium
Favorite Venue to see the boys: Bottom Line or Toads's--Yale Commons was memorable, though
Other musical interests: Beatles, all kinds of rock, blues, reggae, 60's garage rock
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: Dr.Howard, Dr.Fine, Dr.Howard
Color of your toothbrush: green
Hi stacey- great job. Have you heard YNPYA yet? I've only seen it in one store so far, and only in the kids' section!

Dear Stacey ( and all of Q-heads), How do you do? I am a big fan of NRBQ and I am always enjoying your great page ( Also Mary's site is so wonderful, Thank you), Thank you very much. I am a Japanese and poor at English, so my English may not so good, but I will try to write my best. I have a plan to come to the U.S. to see NRBQ this Fall or someday, but I don't know about their live schedule of Fall. I am a little bit worring about my first trip. But I am looking forward to seeing the shows of Q. I have a video of NRBQ at Bottom Line, New York, Oct,8,1992.(about 30 minutes) This show was shown on TV of Japan (a broadcasting satellite called NHK). Have everyone ever seen the video? Did you see the show? Do you know that Al Anderson's solo album called AL ANDERSON just came out on *CD* for \2800 ( too expensive ! ) in Japan ? Well, I will close for now. I wish your happiness(Stacey-Q and everybody-Q!).
Yufu - 07/09/97 17:51:56 GMT
My Email:yf.rlj@din.or.jp
Favorite NRBQ song: Too Many! Today's....Want You To Feel Good Too, That's Neat That's Nice, Over Your Head, Designated Driver, Little loater, The One & Only, Magnet..........I CAN'T STOP TO WRITE....I love all of Q songs!
Favorite NRBQ disc: Tiddly Winks, At Yankee Stadium, Message For The Mess Age, Wild Weekend,and many more...All of NRBQ's albums(and solo albums of Q's membe s. I don't have their new album yet, I will able to get the album next week I guess.
Favorite Venue to see the boys: Tokyo, April/9&10/1996.... I have never seen other shows of Q.
Other musical interests: I love all kind of music (and Q is the best.).......Rickie Lee Jones, Chris Spedding, Rob Wasserman, Jaco Pastrius, Nick Drake, Lou Reed, Linda Lewis, Young Hold Unlimited, Otis Blackwell, Cole Porter and many many many more.
Color of your toothbrush: Green (Lights)

Mary Moretti - 07/09/97 04:18:54 GMT
My URL:http://users.loa.com/~ceol/nrbq.html
My Email:ceol@loa.com
Favorite NRBQ song: i'm mainly into the older stuff my all time fave songs are "hymn #5" and "accentuate the positive"
Favorite NRBQ disc: their first lp, the self titled "nrbq"
Favorite Venue to see the boys: the turning point in piermont, ny
Other musical in erests: i'm all over the place, i can range from monk to old punk faves like the buzzcocks and the stranglers. i also love steve ferguson, phil alvin, urge any and all to check out the music of danny gatton!
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: ben ca ey, definately!
Color of your toothbrush: red
as always, great page stacey. i'd love to see an interview w/the bros. spampinato! :) and more info like the great stuff you have about people like gary windo. also in case anyone's interested in learning more about steve ferguson, please check out the fan page i host for him. the url is: http://users.loa.com/~ceol/fergie.htm

Will Roland - 07/09/97 03:32:56 GMT
My Email:wroland@showme.missouri.edu
Favorite NRBQ song: Shake, Rattle & Roll
Favorite NRBQ disc: God Bless Us All
Favorite Ven e to see the boys: Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel
Other musical interests: Blotto, Mojo Nixon, Fabulous Thunderbirds, Who, Morells/Skeletons
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: 007 - Licensed To Kill
Color of your toothbrush: Blue
Love Your Site. Keep up the good work. See ya in Newport!

Stacey Sandler - 07/09/97 01:44:24 GMT
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/BourbonStreet/7935 & http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/9675
My Email:< b>staceyq@pipeline.com
Favorite NRBQ song: Today: Little Floater
Favorite NRBQ disc: Anything Live
Favorite Venue to see the boys: IronHorse/Turning Point
Other musical interest : Dead/Tuck&Patti/Rusted Root/Lots o'stuff
Ben Casey or Dr. Kildare?: would you trust a doctor named Kil-dare?
Color of your toothbrush: clear
I love my site and thought it would be totall cheesy to be the first one to sign my guestbook. . .hopefully, I won't be the last!! God bless us all and long live NRBQ!!!

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