Elisha Trevethan family

Submitted by Sheila Belanger email: darrenb@gte.net

Elisha Trevethan immigrated from Cornwall to the Americas in 1865 and was naturalized in 1872, according to census records. My Grandmother tells me that Elisha was a chef in England before he came to the US.

Elisha and Rebecca's children were as follows, all were born in Graham Park, CO:

1. Edward James born 6-16-1891: died 2-12-1962 Leadville, CO. married 1-17-1911 in Leadville, CO to Alice Lenore Sweeney. (my direct line)

2. William Henry b abt 1874 ; died 11-24-1900 Leadville, CO. Never married. He was blinded in a mining accident

3. John Arthur "Jack" born abt 1885; died 11-13-1920 Leadville, CO; married to Emma Matson.

4. Samuel R born abt 1886; died 9-12-1955 Salida, CO; married 10-21-1920 to Ethel Graves.

5. Maybelle Genivieve born abt 1887; died 10-16-1969 Kennewick, WA; married to Mr. Goodwill and James Sweeney. (Edward's wifes brother)

6. Charles Thurman born 12-24-1893; died 5-1-1928 in a mining accident in Leadville, CO.

7. Hiram born 1-1902; died 8-25-1902 Leadville, CO.

8. Viola Blanche born 5-28-1896; died 12-24-1897 of scarlett fever in Leadville, CO.

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