Introducing The Beatles!

~~~The Night Time Stood Still~~~


~~~February 7th, 1964~~~

Classic Rock ClockShoppe © ock/clockshoppe.html

The Beatles stepped onto the stage of the Ed Sullivan Show for the first time on Feb. 7, 1964. It was the beginning of a whole new era of rock and roll as they opened to a croud of screaming teenagers calling the name of John, Paul, George, and Ringo. It was a chant that would be echoed many times over the years in many countries and many stages. Come with me now and relive those exciting years through pictures and music. Please remember that the pictures and music presented here are considered to be public domain unless I am notified otherwise and then they will be removed. All materials herein are for private use only and should be uploaded to your own server. They are not intended for profit or personal gain. Now if you are ready, here are The Beatles!

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