

"How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and being glad tiding of good things....Roman 10:15"

Hello and welcome to my Woodstock page. The Woodstock campaign came at the end of an era that was filled with anti-war demonstrations, free love, college unrest, civil unrest, drugs, etc. It may have symbolized to a certain extent all that was just and good about the hippie movement , but it was very shortlived. Billed as Three Days Of Peace And Music, Woodstock drew more than 450,000 people to a little pasture in New York in Sullivan County. It was a once in a lifetime event that was sponsored by Artie Kornfeld, John Roberts, Joel Roseman, and Michael Long. The music began on Friday at about 5:07pm and continued until midmorning on Monday Aug.18. Although there have been reunion concerts since the original Woodstock, nothing will compare to the excitement that was felt at this original event.

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The Music


1999 sjjack@webtv.net

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