may break my bones ..
but why must your words ..
always harm me?
Millions of women are suffering in silence while the men they love hurt them.
The average woman who reports domestic violence to the police has already been beaten an average of 35 times before she makes the first call for help?
Almost four million American women were physically abused by their husbands, ex-husbands, boyfriends or lovers in the last year alone.
A woman is physically abused every 9 seconds in the United States.
42 Percent of murdered women are killed by their own husbands?
More than 1 in 3 Americans have witnessed an incident of domestic violence, according to a nationwide survey released by the Family Violence Fund last year. ~~~~~
92% of women who were physically abused by their partners did not discuss the incidents with their physicians; 57% did not discuss it with anyone!
Three - fourths of all rapes and sexual assaults are committed by offenders known to the female victims.
Women separated from their husbands are 25 times more likely to be victims of violence by an intimate (husband, ex-husband or boyfriend) than women who are still with their husbands.
Women who graduated from college suffer lower rates of domestic violence.
There are three times more animal shelters in America than there are shelters for battered women!
Abuse can be verbal and or emotional and just as real!
If the man (or woman) you love isolates you from your friends, is cruel, is a traditionalist (believing in male supremecy), becomes so angry that you fear him, or is jealous, you may be a victim of abuse.
If you are being abused, there is help available.
1-800-799-safe (7233)
1-800-787-3224 (TDD)
(The Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network)
Understanding Violence Against Women
40 Ways You Can Respond to Domestic Violence
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Department of Justice - Office of Violence Against Women
Sexual Assault Information Page
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