This ring is for those of us who are raised in the South. We're ready to offer you a tall glass of tea, or a piece of our mind, depending on which the situation requires.

The image of steel magnolias is befitting the women whose heritage includes running plantations, sewing clothing for everyone on the plantation (yes, even the slaves!), doctoring everyone and overseeing the cooking and provisions for a couple hundred people. Then, as the men went off to war, these determined women ran their homes alone, with or without servants, trying to hold onto the family's home for four long years.

Today, Southern women are protrayed to be ignorant and backward or mindless and stupid. We're here to show that we aren't any of those things. We are claiming our place on the net, showing the world that we are intelligent women, technology savy, with something to say.

If you would like to pull up a rocking chair and sit with us, we would be delighted to have you join us!

Your site must not contain any pornography or hate messages.

Your site is not required to have a site on the South, but we would like to see you define yourself as a Southern Belle somewhere on your pages. We want to show our pride in being Southern women.

Submit site to the Southern Belles
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:
Password: Please choose a password.(Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Edit site information that is already in the ring (members only)
Site ID No: Password:
Forgot your password? If you enter your Site ID below, your password will be E-mailed to you.
Site ID:
(Forgot your Site ID too? Try the Index.) (For members only)

Here is the HTML code for the ring.
Right click with your mouse to save the graphics to your web files. Please do not change the name of the graphics, otherwise the ring logos will not load properly.

Just copy and paste the code, be sure to change the following information to fit your site's information.

  • _YOUR_ID_HERE_ (there are 6 of these) (The ID number will be shown on the page after you submit your site to the queue.)
  • _YOUR_EMAIL_HERE_(enter your e-mail address)
  • _YOUR_NAME_HERE(enter the name of your website)

This Southern Belles site is owned by

Want to join the Southern Belles?
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Avia's Home Site

Many thanks to Karen, owner of the Newfoundland Ring, for her help in setting up this ring!


PLEASE NOTE: These pages are designed by and unless otherwise specifically noted, are the sole property of AVIA and are copywrite thereto.

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