The Muse Astronomy Hobby Page

Glad you stopped in!

Welcome to the Muse Astronomy Hobby Page. We have some links you might can use.

since 9/10/96


"Seek him who created the Seven Stars and the constellation Orion,
who turns darkness into morning, and day into night,
who calls forth the water from the ocean and pours
it out as rain upon the land. The Lord, Jehovah, is his name".
(Amos 5:8)

The words of Amos in a song to Israel. Tyndale version of the Bible.

"Can you hold back the stars?
Can you restrain Orion or Pleiades?
Can you ensure the proper sequence of the seasons,
or guide the constellation of the Bear with her satellites across the heavens?
Do you know the laws of the universe and how the heavens influence the earth?"
(Job 38:31,32)

Jehovah speaking about his sovereignty and awesome ability. Tyndale version of the Bible.

Astronomy Picture of the Day

The Best Pictures of the Hubble Telescope


Shuttle Links

International Space Station Links

Moon Phases and Eclipes

Area clubs, observatories and planetariums

Other good links

Free Downloads

Webring memberships


Shuttle News

The shuttle disaster voided my other links

Table of Contents


ISS Tracking

Table of Contents

Current Phase of the Moon.
Updated every four hours by the USNO (United States Naval Obsevatory)

Year 2009 Phases of the Moon

Expressed in universal time


       d  h  m          d  h  m         d  h  m          d  h  m
                 JAN.   4 11 56   JAN. 11  3 27   JAN.  18  2 46
JAN.  26  7 55   FEB.   2 23 13   FEB.  9 14 49   FEB.  16 21 37
FEB.  25  1 35   MAR.   4  7 46   MAR. 11  2 38   MAR.  18 17 47 
MAR.  26 16 06   APR.   2 14 34   APR.  9 14 56   APR.  17 13 36  
APR.  25  3 23   MAY    1 20 44   MAY   9  4 01   MAY   17  7 26
MAY   24 12 11   MAY   31  3 22   JUNE  7 18 12   JUNE  15 22 15
JUNE  22 19 35   JUNE  29 11 28   JULY  7  9 21   JULY  15  9 53  
JULY  22  2 35   JULY  28 22 00   AUG.  6  0 55   AUG.  13 18 55  
AUG.  20 10 02   AUG.  27 11 42   SEPT. 4 16 03   SEPT. 12  2 16
SEPT. 18 18 44   SEPT. 26  4 50   OCT.  4  6 10   OCT.  11  8 56  
OCT.  18  5 33   OCT.  26  0 42   NOV.  2 19 14   NOV.   9 15 56  
NOV.  16 19 14   NOV.  24 21 39   DEC.  2  7 30   DEC.   9  0 13  
DEC.  16 12 02   DEC.  24 17 36   DEC. 31 19 13

Table of Contents

Area clubs, observatories and planetariums

Roswell Astronomy Club

Albuquerque Astronomical Society

The New Mexico Tech Astronomy Club

Astronomical Society of Las Cruces

Mcdonald Observatory is our closest major observatory.
Home of the new 'Hobby-Eberly' 432" telescope

Sunspot is our closest solar observatory

The Big Bend Astronomical Society is a strong club for such a remote part of the country.

National Public Observatory's Stars-n-Parks

Table of Contents

Current View of the World


Los Angeles Sidewalk Astronomers This is where you can update on John Dobson

The best of the Hubble Telescope is found at this site. If you click this one, please don't forget to come back.

Keep looking up Horkheimer here

Mel Bartlels AstronomyPage is a good source of info for ATM's.

A Hyakutake info page

United Kingdom's Astronomy On-Line

The Universe Today Space news from around the internet. Updated daily. A good link!

Heavens Above

Table of Contents


HOME PLANET Version 3 is a great astronomy program and it is FREE.
This zip file is 7 megs large so allow about a half an hour to download.

Newt20 is a good CAD program for telescope designing. Shareware version.

Astromony Lab 2 is a good data and astromony calander. Shareware

Astromony Clock 2 displays local mean time, universal time,
local sidereal time, and Greenwich sidereal time for your location. Freeware.

Table of Contents

"Look up into the heavens! Who created all these stars?
As a shepherd leads his sheep, calling each by its pet name,
and counts them to see that none are lost or strayed,
so God does with stars and planets!
(Isaiah 40:26)

Isaiah giving credit for the heavens we see to God. Tyndale version of the Bible.


News and Weather

The Astronomy Magazine March'97 has a great article about learning to read the weather to predict good seeing conditions.

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see the the official site for Jehovah's Witnesses

Updated 1/8/2009