The Threat and Promise of Asteroids and Comets

Doomsday: 2025 AD ?

The future of the human species is tied in a very deep way to the coming and passing of Asteroids and Comets. While the impact of an Asteroid or Comet poses a major threat to our global civilization, these objects hold tremendous promise as sources of raw materials in the not to distant future as we pave the path to becoming a spacefaring civilization. These objects may also hold the key not only to the long term survival of the human species but, in also understanding the origin of the solar system and the Origin of Life on Earth and elsewhere in the universe.

Hot Links

Theories of Mass Extinction

Doomsday 65 Million Years Ago.

Current Research on the Treat of Impact

The SpaceGuard Survey

Spacewatch Project

Terrestrial Impact Craters

Orbit Diagrams
Of various Near-Earth objects and comets.

Potentially Dangerous NEOs
Tables of past and future close approaches to the Earth.

Terrestrial Impact Structures (list)
Nice atlas with maps and images.

Comet & Minor Planet - ephemerides, star chart and free software for observers.

Comet Observation

Comets and Meteor Showers

Comets and Meteors Workshop

CTH 3D Comet Impact Simulations - what would happen if a comet the size of the largest fragment of Comet Shoemaker-Levy that crashed into Jupiter in 1994 were to strike the earth? Find out here.

International Comet Quarter

Latest Pictures of Comets

Minor Planet Center - operates at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, under the auspices of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

Minor Planets and Comets

Monthly Information about Comets

Rock & Roll Minor Planets - actual minor planets names after actual classic rock stars.

Scientific American: Bang and Splat - A supercomputer anticipates the catastrophic impact of a giant comet.

SKY Online's Comet Page

Small Comets - A series of spectacular images produced by cameras on NASA's Polar spacecraft have confirmed that Earth is being pelted by thousands of small comets each day.

Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision With Jupiter.


Champollion/Deep Space 4 Mission - designed to perform the first landing of scientific instruments on the surface of a cometary nucleus.

Educational WebSites

A Teacher's Guide
Activities about cosmic collisons by Sally Stephens of PASP.

Comet's Tale, The - self guided module, classroom activity and interactive learning game. Includes instructions on how to make a comet in the classroom.

What is a Meteorite?

Meteorite Central - site offers meteorite information, educational articles, a mailing list, chat room, and meteorites for sale.

Meteorite Facts


Meteorite and Impacts Advisory Committee

Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET)

Antarctic Meteorites

Antarctic Meteorite News

International Meteor Organization

Meteor Showers

Dutch Meteor Society

Meteors - Norwegian Astronomical Society

Anomalous Meteor Phenomena

Mars Meteorites

Meteorite! magazine

Fireball Data Center, including an online fireball report form

Meteorite Specimen Acquisition

The Meteorite Market

The Meteorite Exchange

R.A. Langheinrich Meteorites
Meteorites, Inc.

Tunguska : June 30th, 1908

  • Impacts in Ancient History
  • Comets, Culture, & Currency - direct social and physical impact of comet debris during the holocene and long term impact of rationalizing such phenomena.



    Planetary Defense Against Asteroids and Comets

    Planetary Defense.

    ASTRONET- Asteroid Tracking, Reconnaissance and Observation Network. This is a Multimedia Site devoted To the Many Options of Planetary Defence against Asteroids. A Great , Great Site!!!

    Bill Bottke's Asteroid Research

    Asteroids and Comets in Humanity's Future - The Role of Asteroids and Comets in Building a Spacefaring Civilization

    NEAP Spacecraft appoaching an Asteroid.
    This is a mission Sponcered by The SpaceDev Corporation.

    The Space Development Corporation.

    Mike Combs' Space Settlement Page.


    University of Arizona - NASA Space Engineering Research Center - The home of In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) technology. Our research emphasis is on developing usefull technologies for the utilization of natural resources on the Moon, Mars and asteroids.

    NASA's Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) Mission.



    Some Day The Human Species Will Use The Raw Materials Contained In Asteroids And Comets To Forge A Spacefaring Civilization.


    A Solar Power Satellite Under Construction. In The Background A Space Colony Can Be Seen.

    Opens May 8th, 1998.

    Links To Some Of My Other Web Sites.

    Alex Michael Bonnici's Space Exploration Page.
    Alex Michael Bonnici's Mars Exploration Page.
    Alex Michael Bonnici's Astronomy Page.
    The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).
    In honor of Carl Sagan
    Towards 2001 and Beyond The next 200 Years in Space Exploration. This site is devoted to the novel and motion picture 2001: A Space Odyssey, and a vision of humanity's future in space.


    If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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    This Page Was updated on June 15th, 2002


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    is owned by Alex Michael Bonnici.

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