Alex Michael Bonnici's Space Exploration Page 

An Ecosphere Created in a Lunar Crater

This image was provided by The First Millennial Foundation.

  • This page is devoted to the exploration, development, and settlement of humanity's final frontier : OUTER SPACE. This page is also dedicated to those grand visionaries who have dedicated their lives to humankind's oldest dream of one day reaching the stars.

    Hot Links

    Send A Message 50,0000 Years Into The Future



    Space Exploration Societies

    The National Space Society.

    The British Interplanetary Society.

    Prospace: The Citizens Space Lobby.

    The Space Frontier Foundation.

    The Planetary Society.

    Students for the Exploration and Development of Space.

    The First Millennial Foundation.

    The Space Studies Institute

    League of the New Worlds.

    Association of Roman Catholics for the promotion of Space Exploration and Colonization (ARCSEC)

    Space Colonization and Space Industrialization

    Mike Combs' Space Settlement Page.

    NASA's Orbital Space Settlements Website

    Space Colonies: A CoEvolution Book published in 1977 by Stewart Brand
    A Must Read!!!!

    Space Settlements:  A Design Study


    Space Colony Art from the 1970's

    The Space DevelopmentCorporation.

    The Artemis Project.

    L-5 First City In Space : The 3-D IMAX Film


    The Solar Satellite Homepage.

    Future Launch Vehicles and Advanced Propulsion Systems

    Solar Sail Technology.

    The X-Prize Foundation.

    Antimatter Propulsion Homepage.

    Warp Drive Homepage.

    The Book of Books Concerning Humankind's Future:

    The World, the Flesh, and the Devil. By J.D. Bernal. The book written in 1929 that started all this speculation of an unlimited human future here on Earth and beyond.

    Space Education

    International Space University (ISU).

    The Lunar Institute of Technology.

    The Basics of Space Flight. An Online Course Concerning Space Science

    Amazing Space.

    Liftoff To Space Exploration.

    3-D STAR MAPS.

    Advanced Technologies and Nanotechnology

    The Extropy Institute.

    Transhumanist Resources.

    Sky Full of Stars. This Is Really A Fantastic Web Site Concerning Space Exploration. Future Technologies, and Transhumanism.

    The Engines of Creation by K. Eric Drexler. The definitive text concerning the coming era of Nanotechnology.

    Unbounding The Future, coauthored by K.Eric Drexler. This is another great book concerning nanotechnology.

    The Foresight Institute, this organization promotes the study of Nanotechnology.


    The Nanotechnology Subpage of the Transhumanist Resources Web Site.

    Fractual Shape Changing Robots.- This is another new technology taking us towards nanorobotics.

    Mankind's Future.

    Space Art


    Chesley Bonestell Space Art Gallery.

    Don Dixon Space Art.

    The Space Art of David A. Hardy.

    William K. Hartmann's Home Page.

    The Challenger Center's Pat Rawlings Space Art Gallery.

    Check Out This Great Interactive Site:

    Sea and Sky: A Site Concerning The Exploration Of The Seas and Oceans Of Our Planet and the Great Ocean of Space and Time.

    General Space News and Web Based Space Magazines


    The Cosmic Mirror.

    The Star Times Online.



    Space Future.

    Space Future Journal

    Moon Miners' Manifesto.

    Nasa's Very Own Hotlist.

    Nasa's Main Web Site.

    Johnson Space Center

    The Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

    Here Is A new Web Site Concerning The Space Program
    Of The People's Republic of China.

    Dragon In Space.

    Here Is Another Great Web Page Similar To My Own:

    Hobby Space

    Space Reference


    Live Webcast Related to Astronomy and Space Exploration.

    A Tour of the Cosmos

    The successful live Web cast of The 1998 American Film Institute
    (AFI)-Sloan Seminar celebrating the 30th anniversary of  2001: A SPACE

    Europa: Another Water World?

    The Following Website is one you MUST NOT miss!
    This is a web site that concerns the creation of a film documentary set in an alternate history where the Wernher von Braun and Chesley Bonestell vision of our future in space as outline in Colliers Magazine in 1952 becomes a reality. Down load the trailer of this documentary. It has the look and feel of the stock footage of a 1960s NASA documentary. The realism is fantastic.


    Here Are Some Links To My Other Web Sites.

    Alex Michael Bonnici's Mars Exploration Page.

    Alex Michael Bonnici's Astronomy Page

    The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI).

    In Honor of Carl Sagan.

    The Threat and Promise of Asteroids and Comets.

    Towards 2001 and Beyond The next 200 Years in Space Exploration. This site is devoted to the novel and motion picture 2001: A Space Odyssey, and a vision of humanity's future in space.

    The Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics (MCSM) Astronomy Page. This is a resource guide for my students taking my elective course in Astronomy at MCSM!

    The Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics (MCSM) Planet Earth Page. This is a  resource guide for my students taking the new Regents course entitled Planet Earth at MCSM!


    The International Space Station.

    Space Station from the Motion Picture 2001: A Space Odyssey.
    Space Colony Art Page 1.

    Space Colony Art Page 2.

     Space Colony Art Page 3.

     Space Colony Art Page 4.

        I hope you have found this page helpful.

    If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

    This page was updated on  January 12th, 2004.

    This page created with Netscape Navigator Gold.