As The LPFM Radio scene here in New Zealand is getting too much to
oversee with listings, it has been decided to retain the current listings
for the purpose of HISTORICAL interest only ( May 18th 2007 ).
This Page has been changed to make it easier for you to load.
IMPORTANT: As the LPFM scene in NZ is currently undergoing Radical
frequency changes, we are doing our best to keep information as accurate
as possible.
This can only happen as this information comes to use from various sources, so
therefore some information may not be correct. Please see note below:
PLEASE "Click" on one of the maps to get to Micro-broadcasting stations in the NORTH ISLAND or the SOUTH ISLAND
New Zealand Low Power FM Group
PLEASE NOTE: As of July 1st 2003 it will be ILLEGAL to operate any LPFM
transmitter on ANY frequency other than those laid out in the below
New Zealand Gazette, 26/6/2003,
Notice: go3983
Radiocommunications Regulations (General User
Radio Licence for Low Power FM Broadcasting
Short Range Devices) Notice 2003 No. 2
Pursuant to Regulation 9 of the Radiocommunications
Regulations 2001 ("the Regulations") made under section
116 (1) (b) of the Radiocommunications Act 1989, and
acting under delegated authority from the Chief Executive,
I give the following notice.
N o t i c e
1. Short title and commencement—(1) This notice is the
Radiocommunications Regulations (General User Radio
Licence for Low Power FM Broadcasting Short Range
Devices) Notice 2003 No. 2.
(2) This notice comes into force on 1 July 2003.
2. General user radio licence—A general user radio
licence is granted for the transmission on the frequencies
specified in the licence by means of radiocommunication
transmitters intended for local-area broadcasting and known
as "Low Power FM Broadcasting Short Range Devices", or
LPFM Broadcast, in accordance with the terms, conditions
and restrictions of this notice.
3. Terms, conditions, and restrictions
—(1) From
1 October 2003, within a 25km radius of any broadcast
transmitter there must be no more than one low power
FM transmitter broadcasting substantially the same
programme (including simulcast or re-transmission) as
that broadcast transmitter. Broadcast transmitter means a
low power FM transmitter or any broadcast transmitter
licensed pursuant to sections 48 or 116 of the
Radiocommunications Act 1989.
(2) Low Power FM transmitter operators, at least once every
three hours, must broadcast the contact details of the person
responsible for the transmissions.
(3) Only transmissions that are broadcasting, as defined in
the Broadcasting Act 1989, are permitted.
(4) Transmitters must conform to the Schedule to this notice
and the requirements prescribed in notices made under
Regulation 32 (1) (b) of the Regulations.
(5) Frequency use is on a shared basis and the chief
executive does not accept liability under any circumstances
for any loss or damage of any kind occasioned by the
unavailability of frequencies or degradation to reception
from other transmissions.
(6) Should interference occur to services licensed pursuant
to a radio licence or a spectrum licence, including wireless
public address systems, the chief executive reserves the right
to require and ensure that any transmission pursuant to this
general user radio licence change frequency, reduce power
or cease operation.
(1) The permitted transmitter carrier frequencies are:
(2) Transmissions on the frequencies 88.5 MHz, 88.6 MHz
and 88.7 MHz are not permitted within 120km of Auckland
(3) The permitted designations of emissions are:
256KF8EHF (stereo)
180KF3EGN (mono)
(4) The maximum peak radiated power must not exceed
– 3 dBW (500 mW) e.i.r.p.
(5) Notwithstanding the provisions of (4), the field strength
must not exceed 112dBuV/m based on a measurement
bandwidth of 100 kHz and a reference distance of 10 metres.
(6) Transmitter carrier stability (frequency tolerance) must
be maintained within +/– 5kHz.
(7) External controls for the adjustment of the transmitter
power are not permitted.
Dated at Wellington this Friday, the 20th day of June 2003.
SANJAI RAJ, Manager Business Services, Radio Spectrum
Management, Ministry of Economic Development.
Explanatory Note:
(This note is not part of the notice, but is intended to
indicate its general effect).
This notice prescribes that, pursuant to regulation-making
powers of the Radiocommunications Act 1989, a general
user radio licence is granted for the transmission on the
frequencies specified in the licence by means of
radiocommunication transmitters intended for local-area
broadcasting and known as "Low Power FM Broadcasting
Short Range Devices", or LPFM Broadcast, in accordance
with the terms, conditions and restrictions of this notice.
This notice comes into force on 1 July 2003.
For Definations and more information please go to:
Please Note: You MUST have The required Licences to Broadcast or
use any music on your station.
For COPYRIGHT Information about the songs you use, please contact:
Australasian Performing Right Association (APRA)
Address: 92 Parnell Road, Parnell, Auckland
Postal: P O Box 6315, Auckland 1
Phone: ( 09 ) 379 0638
Freephone: 0800 NZ APRA ( 69 2772 )
Fax: ( 09 ) 379 3205
Web site:
APRA is an association of composers, lyricists and their publishers that administers the public performance and broadcast rights of copyright music
Phonographic Performances New Zealand Ltd (PPNZ)
PO Box 37 442, Parnell, AUCKLAND
Tel: (09) 308 0510 Fax: (09) 306 4977
PPNZ represents the majority of major international and New Zealand based recording companies and their recording artists
More stations will added as they come to hand.
IF you find some that we can add please email me at :
As this page is updated regulary information is subject to change
as new information is received.Please note that as most of this information is supplied to us by other people,we can not be held accountable for any incorrect or outdated information. But we do our best to make sure that information received is correct. YOUR HELP IN THIS MATTER IS ALWAYS WELCOMED.