©written by Virginia "Ginny" Ellis

I am a tiny angel
I'm smaller than your thumb:
I live in people pockets
That's where I have my fun.
I don't suppose you've seen me,
I'm too tiny to detect:
Though I'm with you all the time,
I doubt we've ever met.

Before I was an Angel...
I was a fairy in a flower:
God, Himself, hand-picked me,
And gave me Angel power.

Now God has many Angels
That He trains in Angel pools:
We become His eyes, and ears, and hands,
We become His special tools.

And because God is so busy,
With way too much to do;
He said that my assignment
Is to keep close watch on you.

When He tucked me in your Pocket
He blessed you with Angel care;
Then told me to never leave you,
And I vowed always to be there.

*animated angels*
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