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men in black krycheck- boo,hiss dreamland kitsunegari skinner & scully lone gunmen in a cage liftoff scully out cold clyde bruckman humbug forest tunguska Dana Scully David Duchovny lab work field work mulder on the job samantha team team skinner fox mulder halt! john doggett, f.b.i. new team all business tense moment john doggett Rolling Stone pic of Mulder and Scully mulder's poster Cover Page- X-Files Doggett in the Dark Spotlight on John Doggett Doggett and Skinner Mulder with the Lone Gunmen Investigators
cancerman morley Mr. Spencer
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Well, fellow fans, the X-Files is officially "through",
though I suspect a few feature films may come along, and reruns will be on for years,
so I will keep this site up for nostalgic visitors.
..... Sundays seem so empty to me now.....lol...
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