(I copied this off of IDA's website).
(I just touched it up a bit)

International Dark-Sky Association
3545 N. Stewart Ave.,
Tucson AZ 85716 U.S.A.

E-mail: crawford

An Introduction to Light Pollution

Have you ever heard of Light Pollution? Maybe
not. But it is a growing threat to the nighttime
environment. Components of
light pollution include:

* Glare, blinding us and harming visibility.Glare
is never good.

* Light Trespasses, someone's outdoor lights,
"trespassing" on our land offending us.

* Clutter, trashing the nighttime environment,
causing confusion as well.

* Energy waste, costing us over One Billion
Dollars a year in the U.S.A alone.

* Urban sky glow, which is destroying mankind's
view of the universe.

There are solutions to all these problems. Qulity
lighting is the key. These solutions preserve the
dark skies for all of us. It improves the quality
of nighttime lighting (better visibility, better
safety and security, more attractive
surroundings), and saves money as well. For if
We would use light rather than waste it. We all
would win!

Awareness of the problem and of the solutions is
needed, of course, and is grossly lacking, even
among lighting professionals. Lack of awareness
is the problem, rather than resistance, in
implementing these solutions. Education is the
key to success. We are faced with the potential
that in only a few generations very few people
will be able to have a "live" view of the
universe. Urban sky glow will have blotted out
the dark sky, just as a lighted room blots out
the view of a slide show.

You can help! Here's how:

First, become aware. Insist on quality lighting.
Use it yourself. Quality lighting is well
shielded (so the light is used, not wasted), uses
the right amount of light (not overkill), and
includes the use of energy efficient lighting sources. Such quality lighting is directed
downward where it is needed, not up or sideways
where it is wasted and causes glare, light
trespasses, and brightens our dark skies.

Second, a tax-exempt, membership supported
non-profit organization, The International
Dark-Sky Association, has recently been formed,
with the goals of raising awareness of the
issues and of pushing for solutions to the
problem. IDA produces a regular newsletter as
well as information sheets which discuss details
of the issues, including effective and efficient
security lighting, energy saving, and many other
topics. IDA, indeed all who care about the
environment, can use your help. Please do become
aware of the issues.

I.D.A. welcomes your questions, your help, and
your membership.

Individual memberships start at $20. Other levels
exist as do organizational memberships. Donations
are also most welcome.

Write to:

The International Dark-Sky Association
3545 N. Stewart
Tucson, AZ 85716 U.S.A.

This material is copyrighted (©) by the IDA, or
others as noted. It may be reproduced for
non-commercial usage provided that credit is
given to IDA.

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