N | = | MiCi | ||
Ri |
is the symbol for sum-of-all).
Beans (2 colors that are the same shape and size)
1. Put 4-6 handfuls of white beans into a sack. Do not count them.
We will now use the repeated mark-recapture technique to get an estimate of the population.
2. Pick out a handful of beans and count them (do not return them to the sack). This is your first trapping sample (C1). Record the count in the DATA TABLE. Now mark individuals (replace them with red beans). Put the number of ( marked individuals in population) in the DATA TABLE for the next trapping time. In this case, it will be the same number as (C1). Return the marked individuals (red beans) to the sack.
3. Shake the sack well. Now take out a hand full for your second trapping time. Record in the DATA TABLE, the total captured (red and white) in (C2), and the number of recaptures (red) in (R2).
4. Repeat step 3 for the third and fourth trappings. Record the information as before. The number of individuals you mark (replace with red) in trapping 3, needs to be added to the (marked individuals in population) and recorded in (M4).
Trapping time |
Marked Individuals in Population (Mi) |
Captured (Ci) |
Recaptures (Ri) |
1 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5. Now use the formula given, to calculate the population estimate.
Because M1 = 0, and R1 = 0, the data for the first trapping period is not used in the calculation. The formula as you will use it, is as follows:
N | = | (M2C2) + (M3C3) + (M4C4) | ||
R2 + R3 + R4 |
Your population estimant (N) = _______
6. Now count all the individuals in the population (sack).
Counted Population Number = _______
Cox, George W.. 1980. Labratory Manual of General Ecology, fourth edition. William C. Brown Company. Dubuque, Iowa.
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