1 cabbage paper strip (prepared in experiment CABBAGE INDICATOR PAPER)
1 sheet notebook paper
1 sheet wax paper
2 eyedroppers
household ammonia
2 small baby food jars
Fill one of the small jars one-quarter full with vinegar and place an eyedropper in it.
Fill the second jar one-quarter full with ammonia and place an eyedropper in the jar.
Place the notebook paper on the table, and lay the cabbage testing paper in the middle of the paper.
Write vinegar on the notebook paper at one end of the test strip, and ammonia at the other end.
Pick up the test strip and place the wax paper over the notebook paper. Put the test strip on the wax paper, between the labels you made on the notebook paper.
On the end of the cabbage paper next to the vinegar label, place two drops of vinegar.
Add 2 drops of ammonia to the opposite end of the cabbage paper labelled ammonia.
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