Harold W. Clark, The Battle Over Genesis, Review and Herald Pub Association, Washington DC, 1977
Duane Gish, Evolution? The Fossils Say No! Creation-Life Publishers, San Diego CA, 1972, re-printed 1978
Robert Kofahl and Kelly Segraves, The Creation Explanation, Shaw Pub., Wheaton IL, 1975
Walter Lammerts, Ed., Why Not Creation? Presbyterian and Reformed Pub Co., Nutley NJ, 1975
Life--How Did it Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation?, Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, New York NY, 1985.
Henry Morris, The Twilight of Evolution, Baker Book House, Grand Rapids MI, 1963
Henry Morris, Science, Scripture and Salvation: The Genesis Record, Baptist Publications, Denver CO, 1965
Henry Morris, Studies in the Bible and Science, Presbyterian and Reformed Pub Co., Philadelphia PA, 1966
Henry Morris, Evolution and the Modern Christian, Presbyterian and Reformed Pub Co, Philadelphia PA, 1967
Henry Morris, Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science, Craig Press, Nutley NJ 1970
Henry Morris, The Remarkable Birth of Planet Earth, Creation-Life Publishers, San Diego CA, 1972
Henry Morris, Scientific Creationism, Creation-Life Publishers, San Diego CA, 1974
Henry Morris, The Troubled Waters of Evolution, Creation-Life Pub., San Diego CA, 1974
Henry Morris, The Scientific Case for Creation, Creation-Life Publishers, San Diego CA, 1977
Henry Morris, A History of Modern Creationism, Master Books, San Diego CA, 1984
Carl Weiland, Stones and Bones: Powerful Evidence Against Evolution, Creation Science Foundation, Ltd., Acacia Ridge, Australia, 1994.
John C. Whitcomb and Henry Morris, The Genesis Flood, 38th Printing, Presbyterian and Reformed Pub Co, Philadelphia PA, 1961
Raymond A. Eve and Francis B. Harrold, The Creationist Movement in Modern America, Twayne Publishers, Boston MA, 1991
Ronald L. Numbers, The Creationists, Alfred Knopf, New York NY, 1992
Tim M. Berra, Evolution and the Myth of Creationism: A Basic Guide to the Facts in the Evolution Debate, Stanford U Press, Stanford CA, 1990
Niles Eldredge, The Monkey Business: A Scientist Looks at Creationism, Washington Square Press, New York NY, 1982
Langdon Gilkey, Creationism on Trial: Evolution and God at Little Rock, Winston Press, Minneapolis MN, 1985
Philip Kitcher, Abusing Science: The Case Against Creationism, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1982
Marcel C. LaFollette, Creationism, Science and the Law: The Arkansas Case, MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 1983
Chris McGowan, In the Beginning: A Scientist Shows Why the Creationists Are Wrong, Prometheus Books, Buffalo NY, 1984
Ashley Montagu, Ed., Science and Creationism, Oxford U Press, New York NY, 1984
Dorothy Nelkin, The Creation Controversy: Science or Scripture in the Schools, WW Norton Co., New York NY, 1982
James W. Skehan, Modern Science and the Book of Genesis, National Teachers Association, Washington DC, 1986
Arthur N. Strahler, Science and Earth History: The Evolution/Creation Controversy, Prometheus Books, Buffalo NY, 1987
Stan Weinberg, Ed., Review of Thirty-One Creationist Books, National Center for Science Education, Syosset NY, 1984
Edwin Colbert and Michael Morales, Evolution of the Vertebrates; A History of Backboned Animals Through Time, Wiley-Liss, New York NY, 1991
Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe Without Design, WW Norton, New York, NY, 1986
Michael Denton, Evolution: A Theory in Crisis, Adler and Adler, NY, 1986
Adrian J. Desmond, The Hot-Blooded Dinosaurs, A Revolution in Paleontology, Dial Press, New York NY, 1976
Niles Eldredge, Time Frames: The Rethinking of Darwinian Evolution and the Theory of Punctuated Equilibria, Simon and Schuster, NY, 1985
Stephen Jay Gould, The Panda's Thumb: More Reflections in Natural History, WW Norton, New York, 1980
Stephen Jay Gould, Hen's Teeth and Horse's Toes, WW Norton, New York, 1983
Donald Johanson and Lenora Johanson, Ancestors: In Search of Human Origins, Villard Books, New York NY, 1994
Colin Patterson, Evolution, Cornell University Press, Ithaca NY, 1978
Alfred S. Romer, The Vertebrate Story, University of Chicago Press, Chicago IL, 1967
Michael Ruse, Darwinism Defended: A Guide to the Evolution Controversies, Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., Reading, MA, 1982
Steven M. Stanley, The New Evolutionary Timetable: Fossils, Genes, and the Origin of Species, Basic Books Inc, NY, 1981
Isaac Asimov, Asimov's Guide to the Bible, Vol I; The Old Testament, Avon Pub., New York NY, 1968
Roland Mushat Frye, Is God a Creationist? The Religious Case Against Creation-Science, Scribner's Sons, New York NY, 1983
Tim LaHaye, Battle for the Mind, Fleming H. Revell Co., Old Tappan NJ, 1980
Martin E. Marty and R. Scott Appleby, Fundamentalisms Observed, University of Chicago Press, Chicago IL, 1991
Janelle Rohr, Ed., Science and Religion: Opposing Viewpoints, Greenhaven Press, St Paul MN, 1988
Richard Overman, Evolution and the Christian Doctrine of Creation, Westminster Press, Philadelphia PA, 1967
John Shelby Spong, Rescuing the Bible From Fundamentalism, Harper, San Francisco CA, 1991
Howard J. Van Till, The Fourth Day: What the Bible and the Heavens are Telling Us About the Creation, William B. Eerdmans Pub Co, Grand Rapids MI, 1986
Robert Boston, The Most Dangerous Man in America? Pat Robertson and the Rise of the Christian Coalition, Prometheus Books, Amherst NY, 1996.
Flo Conway and Jim Siegelman, Holy Terror: The Fundamentalist War on America's Freedoms in Religion, Politics, and Our Private Lives, Dell Pub Co, New York, 1984
Sam Diamond, Spiritual Warfare: The Politics of the Christian Right, South End Press, Boston MA, 1989
Jerry Falwell, Listen, America, Doubleday Co., Garden City, NY, 1980
Jerry Falwell, Ed., The Fundamentalist Phenomenon; The Resurgence of Conservative Christianity, Doubleday Co., Garden City NY, 1981
Samuel S. Hill and Dennis E. Owen, The New Religious/Political Right in America, Abington Co., Nashville TN, 1982
John L. Kater, Jr., Christians on the Right: The Moral Majority in Perspective, Seabury Press, NY, 1982
Pat Robertson, The Turning Tide: The Fall of Liberalism and the Rise of Common Sense, Word Publishing, Dallas TX, 1993
Herbert F. Vetter, ed., Speak Out Against the New Right, Beacon Press, Boston MA, 1982
Gary Wills, Under God: Religion and American Politics, Simon and Schuster, New York NY, 1990
Perry Dean Young, God's Bullies, Holt Rhinehart and Winston, New York NY, 1982