I might be uploading more stuff like the following which you can read off your browser. This takes time, a commodity which is not always available. You may download and make use of these writings with the condition that you refer to the respective author.
MUST READ...MUST READ...MUST READ. This is an Essay published in Foreign Affairs, written by Arthur Schlesinger Jr. titled, Has Democracy a Future!!!
This is an essay entitled "Socialist Parties in today's Europe". It explains briefly the basic precepts of Socialism and how Socialist Parties had to evolve down the years.
It also attempts to show that they didn't really have a choice. This essay was written in January 1996.
A quick view of the very topical issue of "Europe" as a political issue in Britain since 1992 until the May 1997 Labour landslide. This was written as part (the last section) of my degree dissertation.
An examination of the concept of EU citizenship in an aptly titled essay "Deciphering EU Citizenship: Fact, Fiction and Equity". Reviewed in March 1999.
This essay is entitled "The end of the Soviet Union: Security Implications for Europe".
It tackles the demise of the Soviet Union and examines the issue of increased fragmentation, and how new players can create new security problems. It also concludes that a stable Russia will enhance international stability.
Written at the end of March 1996, reviewed in November 1998.
A brief examination of the debate about the need or otherwise of Parliaments as an important part of the democratic setup, titled "Parliaments Today: talking Shops or Guarantors of Democracy". Written in January 1997.
This describes the transition process of the three Southern European Countries, namely, Greece Portugal and Spain, from authoritarian rule to democracy. Written in January 1997.
A brief analysis of Basque Nationalism. It deals with such matters as nationhood identification and a short history of Basque militant nationalism in the form of the ETA movement. Partly written in January 1997, revised with additions in February 1999.
A discussion of Article 11 of the European Convention of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. This essay argues that Article 11 is one of the best safeguards for democracy in the countries which are signatories to the Convention. Written in June 1996.
Download these FOUR classical political texts --> THE PRINCE by Nicola Machiavelli, THE STATESMAN by Plato, THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO by Marx and Engels, and POLITICS by Aristotle. All are in text format for easy download.
Check out these Essays by Emma Goldman ---> ATHEISM and ANARCHISM .
If you would like to comment on any of the above, or have any suggestions, please email me...>>
Socialist Group in the Euro-Parliament