What should you do if your child is missing?

- Call 911
It is important to remember to remain as calm as possible when talking to the operator. He/She can help you faster if you calming explain your child is missing, when they where last seen and by whom, what your child was wearing when they where last seen, and the area your child was last seen in.

- Put together a list of ALL your childs friends and acquintinces. This is important information that will speed up the police investigation.

- Contact each of the friends and acquaintinces and tell them the child is missing, ask them to help in the search.

- Call a friend or Neighbor and have them go to door with a recent picture of your child. Have them ask questions such as, have you seen this child today? when was the last time you saw this child? Did you see any suspicious vehicles in the neighborhood today? Did you see any suspicious people in the neighborhood today? Puting together a list of questions like these helps keep things organized and saves valuable time. Remember when doing this that you should do as many surrounding blocks as possible.

- Post pictures of child at gas stations and restraunts as soon as possible. Be stratigiac about it, post them in interstate, highway and freeway locations first, airports, train stations and bus depots should also be done first.

- Call the airport, bus depot and train stations provide them with a discription of your child. Tell them the last time your child was seen and where. The police can help with this as well as an organization called Fax Find. Fax Find keeps a discription of your child in their database, should your child go missing they can have your childs information in thousands of important locations in minutes.

- Notify the school and ask that students be asked when they saw your child last and where.

- Notify organizations such as child find, they will help post your childs information in important locations.

- Contact the border crossings, the polics can help with this. Provide the last known time your child was seen.

- Contact hospitals with a discription of your child.

- Contact local hotels.

- Organize a neighborhood search.

E-mail any suggestions you have to help find missing children to carsonta@yahoo.com. If you have information on a misssing person please call your local police station, crime stoppers or email me at carsonta@yahoo.com and I will pass the infomation on confidentialy.