O.J. Trial Facts

Number of times O.J. Simpson said "I don't know" or "I don't recall"
in his testimony: 280

Number of times O.J. Simpson mentioned GOLF on the witness stand: 18

Number of O.J. Simpson videos that HAVE sold: 40,000
Number of the WEATHER CHANNEL"S video "The Enemy Wind"
that HAVE sold: 100,000

Amount of cash O.J. Simpson told a Britsh television interviewer
he was carrying during the Bronco chase: $3.63
The amount he actully had as disclosed during the civil trial: $8,700

Cost per minute for the "Ask A.C." phone line, where O.J. Simpson
friend Al Cowlings shared his thoughts on the case: $2.99
Total earnings in the first 30 days: $300.000

Fee earned by criminal defence attorny JOHNNIE COCHRAN: nearly 1 million
Fee earned by Goldman family attorny Daniel M. Petrocelli during
the civil trial:nothing

Cost of the Criminal trial: 12-15 million dollars
Cost of the Civil trial: 3 million plus dollars

Days of testimony for the prosecution in the criminal trial: 99
For the defense: 34
Days of testimony for the plaintiffs in the civil trial: 29
For the defense: 14

Number ofmurders committed int he U.S.A. in 1994: 23, 305
In Los Angeles in 1994: 845
Number of women murdered by their husbands in 1994: 823

Number of times O.J. Simpson has been an item on David Letteman's
Top 10 list since the murders: 57
Numberof books already published about the case: 61

Chance of being struck and killed by lightning this year: 1 in 3.4 million
Chance of a DNA match between two people:1 in 150 million

Days O.J. Simpson spent in jail before and during the Criminal trial: 474
Number of days the jury was sequestered: 266
Days MARK FUHRMAN was put on probation for perjury: 1,095

Total number of Bruno Magli Shoes sold in the United States
that match the footprints at Bundy: 299
Increase in sales for Magli shoes in 1996: 30%

Number of pages of transcript for the Criminal trial: 50,000 plus
For the Civil trial: 8,000 plus

Price of Simpson's ROOKIE TRADING CARD before the murders: $110.00
After the Bronco chase: $300.00
Now: $50.00

Amount earned by each of the 12 jurors and two alternates during the Criminal trial: $1,330
Amount NBC is payng to dismissed Civil trial juror Ann-Maire Jamison per week as a consultant: $1,400

Amount of time Crimianlist Dennis Fung spent on the stand during the Criminal trial: 9 days
During the Civil trial: 3 days

Number of sattelite trucks at the courthouse parking lot for the Criminal trial: 15
For the Civil trial: 5

Amount paid to Nicole's father, Louis Brown, for the book STOP DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: $11,666
Amount reportedly paid to O.J. Simpson for his book I WANT TO TELL YOU : $1 million
Amount paid to ex-girlfriend Paula Barbieri for her kiss-and-tell about life with O.J. Simpson: $3 million

SOURCE, People Magazine, Feb17,1997