The Cornershag presents…Pepo’s writings

The following is a sample of articles written in the course of the past 6 years.  Criticism and dissent is always welcome.

Some articles are in .pdf format press here to download Adobe Acrobat Reader™.



How does an open society contribute to peace & reconciliation?

By fighting the roots of hatred


Not my first written work in English, but so far one of the best.  Inspired by my Article Una Tercera Lección, this piece was submitted to compete for the Karl Popper Essay Competition, Irish Peace Institute, University of Limerick, Ireland on 18 March 2003.

The End of Equality? Not for France




Written on 30 March 2000 as a contribution for Prospect Magazine in the United Kingdom this essay was the continuation of an idea proposed by James Cohen in 1996 explaining the social dimension of the French Fifth Republic and its resilience in the face of Welfare State retrenchment.



Socialdemocracia no-pipiola




A contribution to the fledgling debate on post-partisan politics in Puerto Rico.  In the long version of this article I argue that the Puerto Rican Independence Party (PIP) is responsible, along with majority parties, of hindering socio-economic progress in the island-nation.  It proposes the formation of a social democratic political organization outside the obsolete rigidity of the PIP to move forward center-left ideas in non-governmental forums.

A shorter version of this article is being considered for publication


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