Spivey's A.P. Government Page
(Updated 8/13/99)

        Well, its D-4 days and counting, folks.  The Consitution can be your friend and you enemy at this point.  If you've "lost" the summer assignment, link on over to it using the area below.   You MUST have your assignment on Monday, too.  To again quote James Brown, "Get on the good foot!" and get it done.
        I have added to the notes section now.  You can see the outlines of things we will do soon, but not the "guts".  Feel free to link on over.
        By the way, if anyone had seen the movie "The Untouchables", I think maybe this picture below is a real-life simulation of it.  For the uninitiated, President Pro Tempore of the Senate Strom Thurmond (R-SC), the 96 year old wunderkind, is playing the role of Al Capone.   I think he's about to teach Senators (left to right) Orin Hatch (R-UT) and Patrick Leahy (D-VT) a little lesson about "teamwork"....

Syllabus: Updated for Fall 1999.

Summer Assignment:  Here is your last chance to get it now....

Links: These are some of the better government links divided into categories.  These will be quite helpful.

Notes/ Assignments:  Freshly updated, this shows you in detail what we will be studying when.  Follow the links to the specific assignments and/or notes.