Explorations in Arthurian History

Historical Links

An excellent historical starting point

The scholar's best friend



the renowned scholarly journal

The Celtic Twilight

A glimpse into Arthur's Celtic past

The Ruin and Conquest of Britain

as Told by the Primary Sources

A fantastic melding of various sources into one voice

The Historicity and Historicisation of Arthur

A long but not long-winded treatise

Medieval Historiography

An excellent, comprehensive treatment of the History

The High History of the Holy Grail

The whole Grail and nothing but the Grail

Arthur's History in Cornwall

Straightforward rendering

Arthurian Links with Herefordshire

Online book

Welsh history

Historical Ties to the Gododdin

and the Manann Kingdom

Examination of the strong Welsh connection

Early British Kingdoms

Excellent historical site

Arthur's 12 Battles

Historical examination

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