For the past ten years I have been the Head Custodian at Old Scona Academic High School, with the Edmonton Public School Board in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Old Scona was originally built in 1907 and just underwent a major restoration. To see how the restoration was done click here .
I am an executive member of CUPE Local 474. The local represents the 600 custodial workers in Edmonton's Public Schools.
We have been actively fighting back against attempts to contract out our jobs for the past three years, as well as fighting back against the current trend of right wing education reforms.
We have also been active in trying to make violence in the workplace a health and safety issue.
I have done a wide variety of research, press releases, and briefs for our union. Some of these are included here. Currently the Local does not have its own website so I have created a page here.
Over the past three years the right wing government of Ralph Klein and his provincial Progressive (sic) Conservatives have attempted to privatize all aspects of education in Alberta in accordance with the so called educational 'reforms' being implemented in the United States, Britain and New Zealand.
Included here are briefs I have written for the AFL in response to these reforms. They have been adopted by the Federation as policy papers.
Education Roundtable
ALBERTA ELECTION 97 Leader Pam Barrett won Edmonton Highlands. Dr. Raj Pannu won Edmonton Strathcona. I worked on the central campaign
as co-chair of Strategy and Communications
For contact information click on the We Care gif.
Click here to go to CUPE homepage
I am a member of the AFL Education Committee. The committee deals with organizing trade union education across the province.
Advanced Education
Charter Schools
March 11, 1997
After being wiped out in the provincial election in 1993 on March 11, 1997 the Alberta New Democrats returned to the Alberta Legislature with two seats.
During the campaign I was Co-Director of Communications.
Original page design copyright © 1996 Eugene W. Plawiuk
Last Updated - 07/06/97 11:31:39 AM