Article 1. The office of Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Hutt River Province
Principality is established.
Article 2. The functions of the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs shall be to :
- assist the Minister of Foreign Affairs and or represent him whenever deemed
necessary ;
- elaborate and propose to the Cabinet guidelines related to the Foreign
Policy of the Principality ;
- supervise, under the authority of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the
implementation of such guidelines if and when approved by the Cabinet ;
- prepare, in coordination with the Legislation Committee, drafts of
bilateral and / or multilateral Agreements, Conventions or Treaties.
- submit to the Cabinet an annual report on the situation of the
Principality within the international community.
Article 3. The Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs shall exercise his functions and powers independent of the direction or interference of any other person or authority other than the Sovereign Prince, the Cabinet and the
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Hutt River Province Principality.
Article 4. The Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs shall exercise his functions for a
renewable two years term.