According to statistics millions of children in the United States alone suffer from some form of abuse and neglect each year and of these well over 500,000 children are removed from abusive homes. Research shows that every 4 seconds a child is abused, every 7 minutes a child's life is lost and 1 in every 4 children will be sexually abused before they reach the age of 14.

We as a society are often ignorant to the destructive scars that these such horrific crimes leave buried deep within the victims and the subsequent impact that this has on shaping the world we live in. By allowing this abuse to continue what message are we sending to our children? Bearing in mind that the victims of today are our leaders of tomorrow and that the abused victim often in turn becomes the abuser.

At this point in time you may be asking yourself, "What can I as an individual do to make a positive impact on the children in need in my own community?" It's clinically proven that even brief interaction with loving, nurturing adults can be helpful in restoring the lost hope, trust and sense of security, thus allowing them to realize that not all adults are evil minded but in fact the majority are kind hearted, loving and compassionate people. You could start by making the personal decision in what form of help that you can provide to the local organizations in your community. Listed below are some of the fun and easy ways that you can help out. Please keep in mind that this is but a few examples, the possibilities are only limited by your own imagination.

Volunteering your time at the local library teaching children to read. This gift will last throughout their lives. Becoming a teachers aid at the local public school or tutoring in a group of children in a subject you perhaps are good at. If you are an artist, offer to teach a free art class at a local community center in a low income area. If you have good computer skills teach a child or a small group of children in your area how to access a computer and make proper use of it. After all this is the way of the future.

If you can dance or act or sing, teach a group of children how. Perhaps you could seek out a local center or school gymnasium that would allow you access to practice for a certain number of weeks and then perform a show for the parents and the community. Or better yet perhaps you could perform a show at a local children's center or retirement home for the elderly.

Seek out the Big Brothers/ Big Sisters Program in your community and join. Becoming a Big Brother/ Big Sister can be very self rewarding at the same time you can give a child in need that extra bit of attention he is lacking in he home by simply spending one or two days a month with him/her.

Many communities in this great nation are taking part in the "Become a Mentor" program. Check with your local district to see if this is offered in your area. . By opening your home and becoming a foster to abused and abandoned children in dire need of love, affection and emotional support.

Taking a child or a small group of less fortunate children to a ball game, the movies, zoo or even the park for a picnic. Many times you can contact local businesses that will offer discounted ticket prices and in some cases even free access if you state the cause. Of course you will need more than one adult for a group.

If you can speak a foreign language, offer to teach a free class or contact your local public school and offer your services for students taking foreign language classes that may be having difficulties learning.

And the list goes on and on. If you find it too difficult to give the gift your time you can always make a difference by making monetary donations to local non-profit organizations and children's centers. As well these centers are in constant need of supplies and learning materials. A simple phone call to such organizations in your community can give you a more precise understanding of their particular needs.

A few words about the National PTA:

The National PTA is the oldest and largest volunteer association in the entire USA working exclusively to benefit children. In 1996 the National PTA celebrated 100 years of promoting education, health and safety of children and their families around the nation.

I am proud to say I am not only a member of the PTA, but as well on the PTA board at my children's elementary school here in Florida. PTA volunteers are sorely needed in every school and every state across the nation. It is a wonderful organization that benefits children far beyond what most realize. Just a few of your volunteer hours per year can make a big difference. Remember kids are the heart of PTA!

To find out more about the history of the National PTA please click the address below:

National PTA web site

Links to State and Local PTAs

Here a few links to other informative sites that offer a wide variety of suggestions on how to help out in your community. Please take the time to visit them.

Volunteer America: Turning good intentions into action

What you can do in your state or nation

What you can do in your city or town

What you can do in your neighborhood

What you can do in the schools.

What you can do in child-care setting

Amnesty for Kids!

LinkExchange Member Free Home Pages at GeoCities

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This page was updated on: 19 July 1997

How Can I Help?® is a trademark of CAWSCORP, Inc.
Copyright 1997. All rights reserved.


Children Are Worth Saving Community OutReach Program: Creating
abuse awareness,education, recognition, prevention & intervention
because children's health and well being are our # 1 priority!

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