This page is dedicated especially to all the children around the world who have not only lost their innocence, but in many cases their lives due to some form of abuse or maltreatment.
Each and every year that passes, millions of children around the globe are victimized by severe abuse and neglect. Helpless victims of horrific crimes undergo maltreatment in a wide variety of ways. Some not so easily spotted to the untrained eye, others are as plain as the nose on our face. However,as individuals we have become self-blinded as to the abusive situations going on around us. As a society we have become equally as blind and extremely ineffective when it comes to taking preventative measures, recognizing and reporting such abuse.
The birth of a child is the most precious of experiences in one's life. The ultimate gift one can be blessed with, not all are so fortunate to receive such a blessing. Therefore, we must protect and cherish each and every one. In contrast the loss of a child is the most heart wrenching tragic experience one can suffer through. What's worse is when it comes as the result of severe neglect or abuse. This is certainly unforgivable. These are our babies, so delicate, pure, innocent and helplessly dependant upon us as parents. They are vulnerable and defenseless, which makes them such easy prey for the many evil minds roaming this great planet that we call home.
So as you read these words please take a moment and spare a prayer for all the little innocent souls who have tragically suffered at the hands of an abuser and have been lost as a result of this abuse. For they are gone but never will they be forgotten. They will live on in our hearts and souls forever. May God bless them all and keep them safe within his arms.

As for those who are alive and suffering still at the hands of an abuser, our prayers and thoughts are with you dear children. Please know that we may have lost the battle but the war is far from over and we will fight until the end to make this world a safer place and free each and every child from abuse. God bless you all. May he remove you from harm's way and place you in a safer environment where you will be well cared for, loved and cherished as the precious gifts you are.

We as a society must ban together in the fight against maltreatment. You may be sitting there saying to yourself, "But what can I do to help I am only one person?" Please don't sell yourself or the children of your community short, we are all unique individuals possessing a vast amount of talents, which can easily be shared with those in need. Throughout this site you will find a wide variety of suggestions and ways you can help in your own community. All of which require no more than a few hours of your time per month. We are all busy in our own lives, some with many problems of our own to deal with; however, in giving so freely of your time and sharing with those in true need of love, attention and support you will soon realize perhaps your own problems seem minor in comparison. Please take the time to carefully read the important content contained on this site. The children of the world are counting on you to help them to grow and become happy, healthy productive leaders of tomorrow. - Kimberly Johnson

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This page was updated on: 19 July 1997

God Bless The Children® is a trademark of CAWSCORP, Inc.
Copyright 1997. All rights reserved.


Children Are Worth Saving Community OutReach Program: Creating
abuse awareness,education, recognition, prevention & intervention
because children's health and well being are our # 1 priority!

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The contents of this web site with the exception of the links are under copyright 97 to Kimberly Johnson and may not be removed or reproduced without expressed written permission.

Disclaimer: The song "God Bless The Child" is under Copyright © 1995 Loon Echo Music (BMI); Out of Pocket Productions Ltd. All rights to the song controlled by Zomba Enterprises, Inc. and belong exclusively to Shania Twain and Mutt Lang. Neither of which are in any way associated with this web site or the cause for which it stands and; therefore, can not be held accountable for any opinions displayed any where on this site. This recording is being used solely for the personal enjoyment of visitors here and not for any profit making purposes.