Research indicates that 1 out of every 4 children will be the victim of sexual abuse before reaching age 18.

The clinical definition of sexual abuse has changed drastically over the past several years. As it increasingly expands our society has slowly begun to recognize the wide range of activities committed by sexual offenders. Sexual abuse can be physical, verbal or emotional. A one time episode of sexual abuse may seem unimportant to some, but never the less given the fact that it has occurred at all still constitutes sexual abuse and should be dealt with for the sake of the child. One time abused is one too many. Until we realize that the children of this world will continue to suffer at the hands of these abusers.

The sexual abuse of a minor child/children is not always committed by a stranger. Believe it or not, it is most often perpetrated by adults or children in which you have entrusted with care taking roles. It can be any adult, such as a family friend, the babysitter, a teacher, day care worker or even a priest, older children or peers who dominate and control through sexual activity.

This reportedly appears to be the most common form of child sexual abuse. Sexual abuse of a minor child/children by other members of their own families, including mother or father, step-parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. In many cases this can include multiple members. Example: father, brother and uncle all sexually abusing the same child/children.

Sexual molestation can happen to any one at any age and be committed by a perpetrator of any age or gender. It is sexual abuse involving sexual stimulation to the body and genital areas, including penetration.

Stranger rape can happen to anyone of any age or gender, it includes but it not limited to: anger, when "power and control" is expressed sexually in an attack on a victim, it may ir may not violence and or violent penetration of body openings (oral, anal, and vaginal).

This act of Sexual abuse, not necessarily being of a violent nature occurs when one is perpetrated by someone the victim knows and is often a peer in a trusted social relationship.

This term can cover a wide range of activities, which include a physical attack to the victims sexual body parts, often involving force or violence.

This act can be performed in many ways for instance, can include but is not limited to flashing, exposing the naked body, displaying ones sexual organs and or masturbation in an effort to shock, scare, intimidate, or sexually arouse a victim.

This act is an invasion of a victim's privacy when done either secretively or openly with the intent of gaining self sexual gratification. As well this can happen to victims of all ages and genders.

This act includes but is not limited to exposing a minor child/children to adult sexual activity, pornographic movies, magazines and or photographs. May also include having a minor child/ children pose, undress or perform in a sexual fashion on film, video or in person.

As parents we need to realize that the use of physical force is rarely necessary when trying to engage a child in sexual activity. This is due to the fact that children are very trusting and dependent upon us as adults. From the time they are very small we teach our children not to question authority; therefore, leave them believing that as adults we are always right and they must follow what we asked them to do. Every perpetrator that commits child sexual abuse knows this and takes advantage of these vulnerabilities in children in order to gain control over that child. This is a direct violation of that child's right to normal, healthy, happy and trusting relationships. That is why it is so important that we open our eyes to the severity of this problem that plagues our planet.

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This page was updated on: 19 July 1997

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