Children are our number one priority. One of our main goals is to create public awareness of the maltreatment of children. We believe education is the key to overcoming the problem of abuse that plagues this nation. With the help of dedicated people this site was developed for CAWS CORP, Children Are Worth Saving Community Out Reach Program. We have spent many long hours working on it. Although we are far from being finished, we would like to give you the opportunity to let us know what you think of our efforts so far. We value your honest opinion and encourage feedback. Please take a few moments to fill in the form below.

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This page was updated on: 19 July 1997

CAWS CORP Feedback® is a trademark of CAWSCORP, Inc.
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Children Are Worth Saving Community OutReach Program: Creating
abuse awareness,education, recognition, prevention & intervention
because children's health and well being are our # 1 priority!

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