On this page is a collection of poetry that addresses the issues of physical, sexual and emotional abuse and overall maltreatment of children. These poems have been published on this page at the request of the authors of whom many have had personal experiences of child abuse either themselves, within their immediate family or simply wish to voice their feelings on an issue close to their hearts. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who has contributed to this page by submitting their poetry. If you have any poems that you would like added please send them to us. You may view the poems by simply clicking your mouse cursor on the title's below.


Poems by Rebecca N. Caldwell
A Ray Of Hope
Can You Tell?
L.O.V.E. The Children
I Can't
In The Shadows of Light
Our Little Angels
Revealing Love
Take A Stand
Tears of Glass
The Heart of a Child
The Price Will be Paid
The Tricks of Survival: The Victims View
To My Daughter, With Love
When Hope Is Gone

Poems by Mellissa Hamilton
A Place In My Dreams
By My Side
Children Are Our Future
God Never Promised Us
Somewhere In This Cold World
On the Bright Side
Wish I Could Help
A Selfish World
Do You?

Poems by Sonia O'Neill
Naughty Girl
Wanna Play?

Poems by Pamela Hall
A Prayer For Our Missing Children
Our Littlest Angels
God's Gift Of Angels
Your Guardian Angel

Poems by Other Authors
Bridey`s Bedtime
by Anon
In God, Me & You
by Teri Tippey
by Jeni
A Child To Love
by Author Unknown
"Wouldn't It Be Great If....."
by Ashley Harris
Those Words
by Tiffany Leigh Morrison
The Old Rag Doll
by Charlene Agler
He Took Part Of My Life Away
by A Survivor
A Mother's Prayer
by Christine M. Newcomer
The Violated
by LLDeMerle
by Nancy Teitz
Billy The Kid
by Antti Loude
For The Children Who Were Broken
by unknown author
Why am I the one Mom?
by unknown author
Nothing but a dream
by N Maras

Please also Click Here to read our Guardian Angel Poetry section.

We welcome you to submit any appropriate poetry to CAWS_CORP@hotmail.com . We will gladly display it here in our "Heartfelt Poetry Section" and full credit will be given to the authors.

The contents of this page in it's entirety or any part of it may not be reproduced without the expressed written permission of it's author, Kimberly Johnson and/or CAWS CORP.

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This page was updated on: October 5, 1998

Heartfelt Poetry® is a trademark of CAWSCORP, Inc.
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URL: http://www.oocities.org/~guardianangels/

Children Are Worth Saving Community OutReach Program: Creating
abuse awareness,education, recognition, prevention & intervention
because children's health and well being are our # 1 priority!

Comments or questions: CAWS_CORP@hotmail.com

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